Category Archives: Randonymity

Another Misadventuring fail! Happy (US) Thanksgiving in advance! :)

Congrats to Melandra, who won Out of Time by Clare London!

Congrats to Ardent Ereader, who won Making It Pay by JL Merrow!

I’m feeling better than I did last week – thanks to everyone for their well wishes on Friday. 🙂 Unfortunately, I definitely wasn’t feeling sufficiently creative for a Misadventure yesterday. How about an interesting cat picture instead? *looks hopeful*

It probably needs a little explanation. Apparently Chaos had some residual anxiety about me being in pain Wednesday night, then gone, then coming back smelling like the vet hospital. On Thursday, when I was taking a shower, Chaos dragged his favorite fleecy blanket into the bathroom from the kitty room – apparently he needed to be both near me and comfortable/comforted. (The pillow and IKEA big blue bag just got caught in transit through the kitty room – there’s a misplaced kitty scratcher just out of frame, too.)

“Look at how innocent I am! I am so innocent!” -Mayhem

“I regret nothing.” -Chaos

Just another Misadventureless Monday

Congrats to Carolyn, who won Trick or Treat by JL Merrow!

I just needed a little Misadventures break this week – tune in next week when we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming! 🙂

Meanwhile, check out the view from my chaise lounge when I look up from working on my laptop (click to embiggen for the full effect):

Here’s a lovely maple in front of the Linden Hills Library last weekend:

“See how nice and quiet it is without any naughty boys, Mom?!” -Mayhem

Monday AGAIN?!

This is one of those Misadventureless Mondays I warned you about. 🙂

Busy busy weekend! Apparently, somewhere in my brain, it feels like spring to me, because I was a flurry of home improvement activity over the weekend. And I’m even mostly over the misinterpreted detour on Saturday that dumped me into the Mall of America parking ramp instead of at IKEA… Whoops. Sunday was rain, high winds, thunder and lightning, and multiple fire alarms in my building because of a leak in the roof that shorted out one of the alarms. Poor stressed kitties. Doesn’t Chaos look like a nervous wreck?

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Chaos