Category Archives: Randonymity

Linkity is shocked tomorrow is March

Polly making biscuits.

Sleepy, goopy-eyed Harry.

Mayhem looking out the window.

No linkity next week because I’ll be at a graduation instead

Mayhem turned 18 this week!

I was trying to take pictures of a bag. Of course I had “helpers”.

Linkity is in like a lamb

This goofball has conjunctivitis in one of his eyes and is getting eye ointment twice a day, so he’s kind of a mess right now.

Polly, slightly annoyed that I am taking her picture instead of petting her.

Very Serious Kitties Are Very Serious.

Linkity in the time of April showers

Polly sitting like a people on my lap.

Silly Harry!

Guess who thinks their dinner is late?!

Art Journaling Monday!

Welcome back to Art Journaling Monday! I’ve included some of my recent favorites below. You can catch up on everything on my Tumblr, if you’d like.

“I really don’t wanna get up.” -Mayhem