- New releases: Smart Bitches (romance), Book Riot (best out this week, YA)
- “Taking the ‘shoulds’ out of reading“.
- Chocolate is about to get more expensive.
- Look out of random windows around the world.
- Knit a chain mail helmet and cowl (coif).
- I hope he’s right.
- Converted ice house.
- Mostly just included due to its unusual shape.
- This one’s shaped like a large boat/ark.
- Must really like orange.
- How odd.
- You could own a partially collapsed castle in need of renovation!
- Do not trust.
- No.
- Definitely form over function.
Category Archives: Randonymity
No linkity next week because I’ll be at a graduation instead
- New releases: Smart Bitches (romance), Book Riot (best out this week, BIPOC, LGTBQ+)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- Ficlet.
- “The Matrix: Hope , fear, and radical liberation“.
- Oof.
- The joy! I smiled the whole way through.
- Brownie cookies.
- Fun MCM.
- Cool MCM, but it has a few issues.
- I kind of love the kitchen cabinets in this MCM.
- I like the interior. It also comes with a shared cemetery…
- Fascinating look at a realtor trick to make a bright, colorful home not look either.
- If you like to keep your cars close to you…
- And here’s where I learned that wooden tubs exist.
- A glass house. No stone throwing allowed, probably.
- I would absolutely come to disaster with the closets by the living room. And wtf is up with building an addition to enclose another house?
I was trying to take pictures of a bag. Of course I had “helpers”.
Linkity is in like a lamb
- New releases: Smart Bitches (romance), Book Riot (best out this week, SFF)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- Mini books and mini book kits you can order.
- Minnesota has a bill to ban book bans in the works.
- Apparently William Gibson’s Neuromancer is going to be a TV series.
- “The difference between WordPress and WordPress.com” – good to know if you have concerns about Automattic’s plan to sell users’ data to AI companies. Tumblr’s also included and I have already opted out.
- “this is your gentle reminder to stop fighting against your adhd and instead structure your life around it“.
- Cat language.
- Nice condo in a former MCM desert motel.
- Sweet little cottage.
- Nice condo in a converted school.
- Cute train depot conversion.
- Also cute, but has some weirdness.
- I kinda like the pink and orange in the kitchen.
- Quaint cottage.
- I like the very last picture of it squatting ominously in the neighborhood.
- Lots of murals.
- Hmm. It’s weird and looks like a small earthquake away from no longer being on the hillside.
- Partially converted church with too many beds in the main living space.
- Must like water features.
- Not a fan of the kitchen in particular.
- You could own a dilapidated frontier town attraction.
- Too much stuff!!
- A villain’s lair.
- Absolute kitchen fail.
- Ouch. My shins would be bleeding all the time.
- I guess you grip that pipe for the black stairs.
- I don’t like stairs right by dishes like that.
- Slippery when wet.
- Flimsy.
- The molding doesn’t make it less terrible.
- Eeeep!
This goofball has conjunctivitis in one of his eyes and is getting eye ointment twice a day, so he’s kind of a mess right now.
Polly, slightly annoyed that I am taking her picture instead of petting her.
Linkity in the time of April showers
- New releases: Smart Bitches (romance), Book Riot (best books out this week, the best books out last week, nonfiction)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- Some alternatives to the Book Depository, which is going away in a week.
- What if an NYC apartment block got transported into a fantasy realm?
- Sad ficlet.
- Charming microstory.
- Behind the scenes of The Fifth Element.
- Well, now that you mention it…
- Square-wheeled bicycle.
- Just a shift in perspective.
- What “the exception that proves the rule” actually means.
- Alpacas vs llamas.
- The story of Murphy, a bald eagle who was incubating a rock.
- Junkyard dragon.
- A joke.
- Carrot cheesecake bars.
- Strawberry lemon blondies.
- Spam and tater tot casserole/hotdish.
- April Fool’s Barbie house.
- A stately manor house.
- Very castle-esque.
- Castle on the outside, not so much on the inside.
- This looks like a movie set.
- Lovely historical condo.
- Another lovely one.
- Nice houseboat.
- I love the wallpaper in the second bathroom.
- Over-the-top, but not in a bad way.
- The kitchen exhaust system is wild.
- Skull house.
- Plain on the outside, not so much on the inside.
- I bet you’ll figure out why it hasn’t sold…
- Mysterious basement.
- Has its own strip club.
- So many little oddities.
- That’s a lot of money for a hot mess.
- Umm…
- But where are those “stairs” actually going?
- Huh.
- Yikes.
- Yikes again.
- Those shelves aren’t very wide toward the top.
- Relic stairs.
- I don’t think anyone will survive long enough to use the permanent stairs.
- Oh dear.
No linkity, but a sort of holiday card
No linkity, but a memorable Chaos picture instead!
Art Journaling Monday!
Welcome back to Art Journaling Monday! I’ve included some of my recent favorites below. You can catch up on everything on my Tumblr, if you’d like.
- Rainbow scribble doodle.
- “…through the eyes of no one else.“
- Too late.
- Fancy letters. Green.
- Ruling pen rainbow scribble doodle.
- “Words unravel…“
- Walking in London.
- Beauty.
- Fanciful. Pool lounge chair.
- More thinking.
“I really don’t wanna get up.” -Mayhem
In which there is no linkity because I went to my work holiday party instead
Such a belated holiday party this year! But in December, when we usually have it, we were buried in disaster recovery and not feeling very festive at all. Much more fun having it now. 🙂
“Dinner was unacceptably late, Mom. You need to stop this gallivanting around and focus on being home on time to feed me.” -Chaos
No art journaling, no cat picture
Remember Friday, when I was crabby? Yeah, I got called in to work on the fallout from that whole mess. I am not sure when I’ll even be able to go home, much less put together a post. Just keep your fingers crossed for me, ok?! Thanks…