Whew, it’s been hot here in Minneapolis – 97F yesterday! When you consider we had highs of 45F only 10 or 12 days ago, I’m sure you’ll understand why we’re a bit stunned.
Anyway, here are an assortment of images from my neighborhood, taken over the past week. Most are Project Spectrum greens, but there are a few that just intrigued me.
A verdent mansion along East Lake of the Isles Parkway
Thomas Lowry Park, which is very small indeed.
Feet on a light post in the park
Mannequins – it freaked me out a little to get home from taking this picture and discover that Jeanne had just posted a picture of a mannequin from her neighborhood…
A control box for stoplights (pretend it’s April, since I missed taking this picture last month!).
Green, green Gulf
Van parked outside the local hip hop shop
And the possible scandal – pictures of a black cat… but not Chaos. Meet Richard, who was out for a walk when I was:
He was really too busy to stop for pictures or witty commentary.
I’m off to enjoy a lovely (albeit warm) day off from work. Chaos is enjoying the air conditioning, which I finally turned on late yesterday, having had enough of his dead kitty on the tile floor impersonation. Have a wonderful Memorial Day for those in the US (and I think it’s a bank holiday in the UK?)!