Yup. That pretty much covers it. (Thanks to MC Mary Lou for summing it all up so nicely.) I woke up this morning feeling slightly hungover from all the yarn and knitting and knitters and general excitement of yesterday – good thing I took today off, eh?
But to begin at the beginning… I wandered down to the Yarnery around 3 pm Wednesday to pick up my copy of …Casts Off... I bought some yarn, to show my support for the event, of course. 🙂 Then Amy (Knit Think) picked me up and we went over to Pad Thai Grand Cafe, where we met up with some other knitters. (Please note that in cases in which I am not sure if a particular blogger wants her name “out there,” I have just used the blog name.)

From the left, CursingMama, flat Vicki Knitorious (the photo), Beadslut, Jess of Mikknit, Stephania of Moraie Knitting, Connie (oh, great, you can see my butt in the extreme left of the first picture on Connie’s blog – but you can also see Limedragon, sitting down and wearing a lime sweater), Cynthia, and Amy.
After dinner, we headed over to the William Mitchell Law School Auditorium and were amazed at the crowd of around 400 knitters. I’m going to miss people and I apologize! I saw Christy of Purling Away, Limedragon, a group of bloggers from Woodbury, Renee of A Good Yarn, Louise of Louise Knits, Jeanne (of course!) of k3tog, Kelle of Knits and Giggles, Shelly the Heathen Housewife, Deb of Cashmere Dreams, Knot All That, Susan of TheRaineySisters (she got a great picture of Stephanie’s hysterically funny t-shirt, available here), and KnittyMama (*gasp* I actually got a picture!).

Here’s the traditional picture of the Yarn Harlot taking a picture of knitbloggers taking pictures of her taking a picture…

Stephanie was brilliantly funny – I hurt after laughing that hard for nearly an hour. And then we queued up for the signing. When I reached the front of the line, she started to sign my book and I put down one of my blog cards. She looked at it and said, “Stumbling Over Chaos?! I’m discombobulated! It’s like meeting Batman or something.” Of course, I mostly lost the ability to speak coherently at that point. And let’s just say that I am not photogenic. Not one tiny little bit – why yes, my eyes are closed. And that’s the good picture!

I actually like this blurry picture of me much better:

Many, many thanks to the Yarnery, for organizing this event so well. They had many, many doorprizes (I won one! pictures eventually) and gave each of us a nice canvas tote.

*sniff sniff sniff* “Wow, smells like a lot of fun, Mom!” -M