All posts by Chris

Linkity as Mayhem gently snores nearby

*blank* -Mayhem

Meanwhile, Polly has a lot to say!

And Harry looks annoyed.

Linkity for the last day of June

Serious Mayhem is serious!

Harry, skillfully hiding his shaved spots.

Polly, sleeping in a most unattractive and alarm position.

Linkity whilst on staycation

Harry and Polly hanging out in the living room.

Polly rolling around on the window ledge.

Mayhem, slightly annoyed that I continue to take her picture.

In which my mind goes blank trying to think of yet another linkity title

It’s a terrible photo, but it’s of Polly and Harry reconciling! WHEW.

Polly snoozing on my lap, with snoozing Harry in the background.

Mayhem and Polly on some warm laundry.

Linkity with the windows open and a cool breeze blowing in

These two! I kept Harry isolated until the pain killer wore off, which was sometime on Tuesday. Started trying to reintegrate him yesterday. Mayhem took it in stride and was pretty much, “Whatever, he’s still a jerk.” Polly kept hissing and growling at him – in the photo above (in which Harry is expertly hiding his shaved spots), Polly’s growling at him because he twitched or something equally offensive. :EYE ROLL:

Mayhem in contemplation.

Chatty Polly, with her brother nowhere in sight.

Linkity wishes Mayhem a happy 17th birthday on the 27th

(She will get brushed! And she will get Churu!)

Another photo of Mayhem being brushed! She turns 17 on the 27th. 😮

Polly snuggled under a fuzzy blanket.

Polly and Harry watching birds.

Linkity with the windows open

Harry wondering what the heck I keep taking his picture for.

Polly “helping”.

Mayhem getting brushed, which is one of her very favorite things.

Linkity thinks the hints of green are teasing us

Shelf Life: Fantastic Stories Celebrating Bookstores, edited by Greg Ketter. Pretty good collection of short stories about bookstores. Seemed a little heavy on the horror (do not like), but I enjoyed the stories anyway.
Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto. Vera Wong grows on you until you’re suddenly, unexpectedly fully invested. Recommended.

Mayhem would like me to STOP pestering her.

Harry napping on the kitty hammock.

Polly sees BIRDS!