All posts by Chris

Belated Happy Equinox from Linkity

Mayhem sleeping on her face, as one does.

Harry and Polly napping on my legs.

Linkity for almost the Ides of March (a tumblr holiday)

Some recently gifted socks – they’re short because two skeins of Kroy Sock apparently isn’t enough to make tall socks with a stitch count of 68 (but was fine for 64).
More recently gifted socks. I THINK this is some variety of Meilenweit, but I’m not sure what I did with the label.

Focused Polly, with snoozing Harry in the background.

Harry grooming the shaved spot on May’s tail where her blood pressure was taken.

No linkity, only cat pictures

I have a family event Saturday that I’m a bit frazzled about, so today you just get cat pictures! Hopefully normal operations (including catching up on replies to your comments!) will resume next week. Have a great week!

My poor rumpled old lady Mayhem.

Big “Talk to the Paw” energy from Harry here!

Polly’s ready for her closeup!

Linkity is shocked tomorrow is March

Polly making biscuits.

Sleepy, goopy-eyed Harry.

Mayhem looking out the window.

Linkity from the frozen north

The Lady Miss Princess Mayhem!

Pretty Polly.

Handsome Harry.

Linkity wishes you a happy Friday, whatever you might be celebrating (or not)

Polly using the scratcher.

Harry, looking dapper in his bow tie.

Polly and Harry making it very hard to get up and exercise.

Mayhem, deeply asleep.

Linkity would like to live in less interesting times

Mayhem did not agree to be photographed.

Is Harry sleepy or crabby? Hmm.

Intense Polly is intense!

Linkity appreciates a week with only one set of deadly stairs!

The Lady Miss Princess Mayhem has advanced kidney disease, but is doing well so far!

Polly sees a bird!

Harry – yawning or yelling?!

Linkity is aghast

The Lady Miss Princess Mayhem deliberately not making eye contact.

Intense Polly!

Harry blep.

Linkity is trying not to succumb to despair

Mayhem and Harry on my lap.

Harry, whose newest hobby is stealing the screw covers off the trim in the bathroom. My newest hobby is gluing down screw covers.

Polly, feeling a bit sassy and annoyed. It’s tough being her!