A Knitblogger’s Field Trip

Today is the Knitblogger’s Field Trip, organized by Becky of Knitting Interrupted. The premise is simple – show the blogging world your backyard. So, with no further ado, I present my backyard, er, alley. Ta-da!

It’s not going to be a very bright day today.
In fact, that white stuff? Not there yesterday. Not snow. Sleet. Blech.
Hey Sandy, check out that sky! 😉

Inside, SRM was rousted out from under a cabinet this morning, using the trusty yardstick. Check out this rare midair footage:

“SRM, oh sweet SRM, how I love thee. Let me count the ways…”

“Hey, give us some privacy! You paparazzi, you are all the same.”

34 thoughts on “A Knitblogger’s Field Trip”

  1. Lovely! I love all the trees! I even love the white! 🙂
    Thanks for the sky view! YOU don’t have to mow. And that is a good thing. I can send you some weeds if you miss yanking some!

  2. love dat kitty!
    and I agree – sometimes no weed-pulling is a good thing. cute how you did the “sky” pic for Sandy !! ho ho ho

  3. I love your urban-ness! So familiar, yet different…..
    Chaos looks like a panther in that picture………
    Go get back to your knitting…..

  4. It does look cold there. I hate sleet. Much rather rain or snow. I just love seeing what you see everyday. Somehow it draws the borders of blogland in just a bit and makes it feel more “homey”.

    Thanks for participating in my project. I’ll be hosting one each month if you want to do this again.

  5. Too bad about the icky weather, but it’s great seeing your view. Looks like a good day to be inside knitting. I’m glad to see Chaos has found his friend again, too.

  6. it’s the midwest. nice and grey. for very long periods of time. glad chaos has his beloved back. i hope he got to do some lovin in private.

  7. I love this field trip – I love seeing a little bit of other people’s everyday lives – especially the buildings. (I also love trawling round supermarkets whenever I’m abroad…)

  8. Scout wants me to play along too…which isn’t going to happen, considering the sorry state of my backyard. But I might post pics of my computer corner later.

    Now your alley — that’s an alley to be jealous of. 😉

  9. What is sleet exactly? It’s overcast here too.

    Don’t Chaos and SRM look lovely together? The pic doesn’t even look like a telescopic shot (you know how those celebrities are about their privacy). Cool mid air pic! The one bad thing about digital cameras (or I haven’t figured out how to get around it) is that stupid long pause between shots.

  10. I love seeing all these views! I hope the weather clears up for you! And it’s nice to see Chaos reunited with his buddy.

  11. Such nice views, and GREAT midair shot ;o) Right now, without the snow, my backyard’s winter landscape looks pretty ugly :o(

    Chaos is very spoiled too with someone to retrieve his SRM from under cabinets!

  12. Oh my goodness, it looks so cold where you are!! I can’t even imagine what sleet is like… isn’t it March already, LOL? I love seeing the different looks of the same season all over the country today. Stay warm and take care, Chris! 🙂

  13. Heh heh, that top photo looks like he’s moving that mouse only with his mind. That is a bad, bad power for a cat to have, if you ask me!

  14. I’d send you a picture of my backyard but I really don’t want you to hate me. It’s like 80something degrees out today. I seriously think you should move to Florida. ;)Come on. You know you want to. Chaos would love it.

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