Post about the Red Scarf Project, in which knitters knit red scarves for orphans, and you could win a special skein of Scout’s sock yarn, plus a $25 gift certificate to her shop. Post fast, because this contest closes at August 18 (aka today), 6 pm, MDT.
Nicole’s giving away a copy of Lynn Viehl’s paranormal romance Evermore: A Novel of the Darkyn. Leave Nicole a comment by August 22 for your chance to win.
Guess how many pictures Eva’s going to take during her trip to Amsterdam and you could win some of Meilenweit’s new merino sock yarn. Contest closes August 22, midnight PDT.
This sheep chair boggles the mind, doesn’t it?
Pao thought of me when he saw this picture… aw, thanks?!
The two full days I had at the cabin were wonderful. I didn’t knit a stitch, but I did pick wild blueberries (yum!), help build a deck (mostly by holding things so my brother could attach them), lounge about talking, drink a few beers, and read a little. Ahhhhh…
“It’s nice that you’re back, Mom, but the big kitty said I have to be mad at you and pretend to ignore you.” -Mayhem
So rude! But oh, so cute too! Not a good way to welcome your Mother home.
It’s nice to see you back in Blogland. A break is a very nice thing, eh? Hope the kids don’t make you suffer much longer!
Welcome back! I’m glad you had a great time! Heh, thought of you when I saw that picture. I figured it might be Gandalf, but then again – he’s still at the “kind of” fascinated by the vaccuum.
We misseded u while ur gone frm heer.
We preetendin ur still gone until u gives us catnip.
-The Cats
Ewe. I think that chair was a bahhhhhh’d idea!
The cabin pictures are soothing and peaceful, the sheep chair picture… not so much. That is just plain creepy.
That looks like a wonderful place to spend a weekend.
I hope that bike is really lightweight…
Glad to have you back and likewise glad that you were rested. Your welcome home ceremony – well, sorry about that!!
Chris- I adore cabins and wild blueberries, sounds terrific.
I have a sheep footstool, and that chair would look great in my sitting room.
Welcome home!
Benny ignores us too….but Jack can not help himself & goes crazy begging for attention.
Glad you had a good trip!
OMG! I’m so glad she still does that!
We had to be gone for a week for my father-in-law’s funeral in Arkansas. The cats didn’t know we could ALL leave at once. You have no idea the trouble we were in once we got home.
sheep chair… that reminds me, i need to put the lotion on it’s skin
Sounds and looks perfect!
Great photos! Northern Minnesota can be just so beautiful.
Thanks for the Red Scarf reminder — I just broke my no-posting-at-work rule, and posted about it!
Lovely pictures! I’m glad you had a great time and could relax. I hope the kitties forgive you soon.
Sounds like a delightful weekend. Welcome back.
Oh, my. “Talk to the butt!” Well, they’ll get over it. We’re glad to have you back!
Thanks for the linky chica! Glad you had a good time north.
The bike picture is too funny,hope you had a great time
That chair is horrifying… ew.ew.ew. Glad you’re back and I’m sure the kitties will be happy to have you back when they get through with their manditory ignoring time.
I’m going to have nightmares about that chair.
It looks like something Teddy Roosevelt might have had at Sagamore Hill. Ecch.
I… do not think I like that chair. But the kitteh picture, that’s cute! I thought of your two when I saw it.
And thanks for the link!
Welcome back – sounds like a pretty good weekend.
Can’t take that sheep chair, the vegetarian in me rears it’s ugly head…and I guess the cheezeburger shot must be Chaos – since we already have the back of Mayhem to view…
(what a hoot those two photos would be side-by-side!)
Welcome back!
Poor mom
May’s copying Chaos. Haha your cats are hilarious.
Your weekend away sounds and looks heavenly. It’s always great to be back with the four-leggeds, but would be better if we could take them with us in the first place. Mine have been sticking pretty close since we got back.
The trip to the cabin looks heavenly! Well worth cat buttitude.
I’m with Tink and Mamatulip. Those aren’t REAL sheep, are they? Ewwww.
That sheep chair is SOSO creepy. But a little entertaining. Did I ever tell you about the kitty quilt? Don’t get all nervous on me here, it’s just an idea. Came to me when I was learning some taxidermy. What’s the softest creature I know? Kitties. Picture this, an old old crazy cat lady, sitting with a crazy quilt on her lap, made of her tanned kitty hides for the cats she’s had in her lifetime. “Oh, now there’s Missy, and fluffy, and zorro…”. This idea makes my friends with cats nervous…not sure why! Because I’ve done nothing towards making the idea a reality in some 20 years….
The pictures from the cabin are beautiful. It sounds like a nice, relaxing weekend.
I love that sheep chair! I thought of Chaos and Mayhem when I saw that picture too.
Glad yer back, it sounds like a really relaxing time was had.
That sheep chair is creepy, I don’t think I could sit in it.
Byk rydin Yer doin it wrong!
Ack! Evil vacuum cleaner!
Sounds like you had a good time. I’m sure May wont pout for too long.
*bleat* Oh that is BAAAAAAAA-D. Ick.
Oh. I’m jealous- a weekend at a cabin!
Welcome back! That sheepy chair is beyond words.
umm, yeah, weird sheep chair
and I did not think of you when I saw the picture from Pao
That chair is pretty creepy!
Perfect weekend for the cabin, no? Don’t feel bad May, now mom is re-fueled for the kitties!