Linkity laceration!

Congrats to Shanna, who won Code Blue by Stephani Hecht! Code Blue is being released by eXtasy Books today.

Congrats to Susmita, who won Gayish (G-A-Y, Book 12) by Kim Dare! Gayish will be released by Total-E-Bound on October 4.


  • A number of bloggers are honoring urban fantasy author Jennifer Rardin, who died unexpectedly this week, by giving away a book from her Jaz Parks series: Renee’s Book Addiction (closes 11:59 pm PDT, October 1), Lurv a la Mode (one US winner & one international winner; closes noon EDT, October 4), and Sidhe Vicious Reviews (closes 11:59 pm, October 5).


  • Has the Suck Fairy visited you when you reread a beloved book?


Learn, Make, Think, Do

  • Considering an Android smartphone, but have no clue where to start? Check out the Gizmodo guide.
  • Think the lottery’s your chance to improve your life? Play the lottery simulator to see how likely that is.


Linkity Peeps

  • Kristi’s got links to her fall-themed recipes. Wonder if I can make those pumpkin scones gluten-free?


  • Lego wedding ring! Why don’t they both have Lego rings? Then they could interlock. 🙂


  • Surely there’s a festive event to which you can bring a meat head?


  • I wouldn’t try this with one of your own SD cards…
  • Hmm. Do you think that tiger is hungry?! (Thanks, Jase!)

Teh Cute

Reading Update
72 Hours by Clare London. ebook. Very good m/m romantic suspense about an agent for a shadowy government organization (think 24 here) who’s been suspended and is hiding out, sulking, when the last man/agent he wants to see (his former lover) is deposited with him for safekeeping. You know how you read some books and get annoyed because the conflict could’ve been solved with some conversation? In 72 Hours, you might be tempted to think that at first, but you slowly come to understand that the critical conversations aren’t always easy. Kinda like in real life. 🙂
Handcuffs and Headlocks (Rawlings Men, Book 3) by Kim Dare. ebook. Very good kinky m/m romance about an undercover police officer who’s played so many different parts that he’s always playing a part, even when he meets an extremely centered martial arts instructor to whom he’d like to submit.
The Subtle Build of Perfection by L.M. Turner. ebook short. Good short m/m romance about a video store clerk and the video store customer who keeps coming in and renting movies to see him. This story definitely managed to capture the awkwardness of meeting someone, trying to figure out if that person is attracted to you, and so forth.
Devlin and Garrick (Seeking Redemption, Book 2) by Cameron Dane. ebook. Good m/m romance about Devlin, visiting San Francisco for a few days, who picks up a rough, tattooed guy for some quick fun that turns into a weekend in bed, followed by six months of emails and phone calls before the guy brutally dumps Devlin in email. Five years later, Devlin’s still struggling to deal with that when he bumps into a mysteriously familiar (but tattoo-free) guy new in town…
Hunter’s Light (Kindred Spirits, Book 2) by Jude Mason & Jenna Byrnes. Ok paranormal m/m romance about an overly enthusiastic guy who comes to the inn to see and write about its ghostly inhabitants. When he finds out there’s a ghost at the nearby lighthouse, he’s soon butting heads with the solitary lighthouse keeper.
Alex’s Appeal (Kindred Spirits, Book 3) by Jude Mason & Jenna Byrnes. ebook. Ok paranormal m/m romance about a lawyer who comes to the inn to think about whether he wants to accept a judgeship and move away from the home that he and his partner, who died eight months ago, shared. While at the inn, he becomes intrigued by the handsome young cook…
Juicy, Melty, Fun to Share (Book 1) by Augusta Li. ebook short. Good short holiday m/m story about a caterer who discovers that the event he’s catering is a holiday kink party, hosted by a gorgeous Dom. (Also, that cover has nothing whatsoever to do with the book.)
Twelfth Night (Juicy, Melty, Fun to Share, Book 2) by Augusta Li. ebook short. Ok short kinky m/m story in which the caterer runs into the gorgeous Dom for the first time since the holiday party.
Hearts Afire: September by Philippa Grey-Garou & Michael Barnette. ebook collection. Very mixed two-story m/m romance collection. Grey-Garou’s contemporary tale about a chef and a firefighter who meet as the chef’s restaurant goes up in flames was good. Barnette’s scifi story about a firefighter who saves a telepathic executive from a mine fire was so-so: a good plot marred by sappy language.
On Call: Afternoon and On Call: Dancing by P.D. Singer. ebook shorts. Enjoyable short m/m romances about a doctor and a veterinarian who meet on the job and then again on the job. I’m looking forward to reading the third installment, which is buried in the Torquere Press Charity Sips Blitz.
Borders by Kathryn Scannell. ebook short. Good short m/m story about a doctor with Doctors Without Borders stationed in Gaza City, where he has to hide his sexual orientation because it could mean his life, who’s on a weekend leave in Tel Aviv at a gay bar.
Another Border by K.I.L. Kenny. ebook short. Sweet m/m romance short about a guy tending his lover after he gets home from a long shift in the Alzheimer’s ward.
Breathe into Me by Jenna Jones. ebook short. Ok short m/m romance about a salesman whose doctor’s given him ten years to live if he doesn’t get his blood pressure and stress under control. At his sister’s urging, he takes a yoga class and runs into his first love from high school, who teaches the class.

“I am not amused, Mom. Not. Amused. At. All.” -Chaos

30 thoughts on “Linkity laceration!”

  1. OMFG, it ate my post because I wasn’t logged in. F@#$ F@#$ F@#$

    Sigh. I don’t remember. I remember I said I passed on lots of links to people with specific interests. I wanted to eat the jello city and I wanted deep fried bacon cheese mashed potatoes … on a stick. Double sigh.

    You read lots of series books this week. The only ones I’ve read are the Hearts Afrie, On Call and the Kenny sip. Have a great weekend.
    A recent post from Tam..Friday Moving DayMy Profile

  2. I’ve always handed my kids the cup of warm water and salt when they complain of a sore throat. It’ll be one of those things that remind them of mom someday.

    Also? The Suck Fairy is why I try not to re-read a lot of that stuff I loved as a kid!

  3. The Suck Fairy visited when I read “A Wrinkle In Time” with my son (he was ten, maybe). I’d loved that book as a kid. Second time: Suck.

    I really liked “72 Hours” and I wish August Li’s books were longer!

  4. My mother ALWAYS had a gargle with salt water. It really does a good job of soothing the throat. Oh and, Real Salt is made in Utah. Cool, eh?
    I an enthralled with the beet burger and, given we have a dozen or more beets in the garden, you may see my try my hand at a batch.
    Moxie goes on a tear once in awhile and leaves behind a mess. He’s never been caught with the evidence, however. Chaos, dude! Lighten up!
    A recent post from margene..SeriouslyMy Profile

  5. I’m intrigued by the deep-fried bacon mashed potatoes and the fried beer. Everything else seemed pretty ugh.

    Chaos, if you see your mom getting out double-sided tape run away!
    A recent post from Rebekah..St BrigidMy Profile

  6. I’m fascinated by the fact that the Minnesota State Fair is like the place to be for nation-wide state fairs! It doesn’t surprise me a bit that you all have three of the most popular foods. While I was on my canoe trip from hell up there in your backwoods, your fair was happening!

  7. Yes, the lottery is a very long shot, but people do win. Could be me 🙂

    As for that fair food, wow, I thought I was bad every year at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival for lunching on ribbon chips (chips cooked right there and loaded with sour cream, cheese sauce and bacon bits…) and kettle corn.
    A recent post from Alison..Two Scarves and Some TowelsMy Profile

  8. I have been wearing an “I Read Banned Books” button for years; got a new, bigger one this year. I’ve read 30 of the 100 most-challenged books of the aughts, 29 of the 100 most-challenged books of the 1990s (some duplicates of the first list), 53 of the most-challenged classics, and 10 of the 43 most-challenged books of 2009-2010. Overall, that means I have read about one-third of the most-challenged books.

    I think the list of most-challenged classics makes a pretty darned good reading list.
    A recent post from kmkat..Ten on Tuesday- the refrigerator editionMy Profile

  9. Thanks so much for the mention Chris! Much appreciated as always..

    OMG that robotic birth video was positively… I feel sorry for expectant mothers who watch that. And that alarm clock that flings balls at folks? Um yikes?


    I’m still going through many of the links but as always thanks for sharing!

    Have a great weekend.
    A recent post from Lea..Winner of Katie Reus Giveaway!My Profile

  10. Seriously? My mom was right about gargling with salt water? Huh…

    Oh, the Suck Fairy. I’m painfully familiar with the spreading of suckage. So many awesome stories ruined. 🙁

    Okay…the robotic vagina was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen. And the sound effects were ghastly!

  11. Wow!! What a plethora of great stuff. I had a blast clicking on all the links and enjoying them all. Thanks for sharing and aren’t we glad the Fall weather is finally here. I bet its lots cooler in Minneapolis that it was last week in LA — 113 downtown??!!

  12. Love all the links this week..

    Also good to see you still embarassing the big guy…

    I really need to finish up that Hearts Afire series … I really liked the few I read..

  13. I used to be given cucumber and salt whenever I had a cold when I was little and honey and lemon in hot water for sore throats.

    I think I really need to bake some ninjabread men!! 🙂 Neat crafty links – love the carved leaves.

    Kevin Bacon makes me think of some of those sculptures I saw with you, Jeanne and Michael at the MN State Fair 🙂 I’m not sure about the chocolate curly fries but could be convinced by the mashed potato, cheese and bacon on a stick.

    I’d be really scared if the Cheese Panda ever offered pao any cheese – he’d be in soooo much trouble!!!!
    A recent post from mrspao..Gardening recapMy Profile

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