Congrats to Nikyta, who won Wild Thing by Mia Watts! Wild Thing will be released today by Total-E-Bound.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll meet My Underwear Matches My Cowboy Hat Guy (MUMMCHG).
, our brave
MUMMCHG was traveling
(please to ignore the massive geographic disconnect there), his mind completely
, with a
and a list of
, ready to face
for the
when he discovered that
is a non-stop diet of
in the form of
, even though they are
and must always
in a
Whew! I hope no one tried to read that run-on sentence aloud. If you did, you probably ran out of air and passed out a few photos back…
“Fine. If your readers want abs, Mom, I’ll give them abs. See???” -Mayhem
Those are some serious abs mayhem
Kind of speechless this time..hats, yeah, I got nothing
A recent post from blodeuedd..Review- The news where you are – Catherine Oflynn
Gotta say that I think Mayhem’s abs are more… sexier than this guys.
A recent post from Kris..random funny
My Underwear Matches My Cowboy Hat Guy (MUMMCHG)
How do you think of these names? You are inspired…or possessed
And May – you have purrfect abs!
A recent post from orannia..The Ordinary Heroine
I have to admit that I initially thought that MUMMCH had been horribly photoshopped on the cover of Two Point Proposition and then realized that was a woman and he was one of the guys in the background. I must be tired, because it took me a while to realize he had a tiny bit of black underwear peeking out from his belt line.
A recent post from Seanna Lea..things Ive forgotten
LOL, Chris. I haven’t even noticed this guy before – and especially that his underwear was the same colour as his hat! I bet I’ll notice him all the time now :).
Black underwear on a guy? It brings to mind the television commercial that asks the question, “How can you tell when a black towel is clean?” And really, don’t we all know that the real purpose of underwear is to impress the doctors and nurses in the Emergency Room in case of an accident?
Tasty Treats in the form of Chicken Fried Beefcake
Hee hee! That one totally cracked me up! His mind completely blank…no, really? I wouldn’t have been able to tell. ROFL
A recent post from Brigitte..Its Been a Year!!
*Chicken Fried Beefcake*?? Hahahahaha:).
Does May have white spotted-abs? Shelli has a line down hers…brown on one side and black on the other….she looks like a chimera.
Yeah, Chicken Fried Beefcake is … ummmm … yeah.
Great abs May. You must do lots of crunches. In between eating and sleeping.
A recent post from Tam..Sunday Shorts
Oh my.. you’re on a roll today! Mayhem’s abs are awesome – what’s her secret?
You have THE best abs EVAH…
LOL re the “Tasty Treats”.. I love the acronym MUMMCHG. You’ve perked up my Monday… Again Chris.
I’m with Kris, although to use the word sexy for a cat freaks me out a bit…
Btw these are really good finds, considering all the different positions MUMMCHG is in
Janna: Aw, thanks! I actually started with the ones where you can’t see his face. Then I came up with the name. Then, as I was looking in my “Assorted Cowboys” folder to make sure I hadn’t missed any MUMMCHG covers, I realized that I didn’t have all sorts of black-hatted cowboys – I had one black-hatted cowboy in different poses.
You are a master of putting together classic silliness. I stopped at a comma for breath, but when I came to the end of the sentence, there was no laugh from Smith.

Mayhem has the best abs I’ve ever seen!
A recent post from margene..In the Garden
Yay Nikyta!! Check you inbox.
Also I now have, “Mumchug” burned into my brain and OMG is that ever funny! Chris I have a cover for you once the book releases. O_o!!!
And and and, Mayhem…. LOLOL!
yes, and hers are so cute!
A recent post from lisa..dyeing peeing pigs and more
LOL, MUMMCHG has an interesting look to it.
Great abs, Mayhem. Are we going to see you on a book cover soon?
A recent post from Lily..Mondays Music and Man Candy
And dont forget the softest tummy evea!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the post honey!!! Keep up the great work!!
Hope you had a great weekend!! And hope Monday is shaping up nice for ya!
Mayhem puts the sssssss… back in sexy. I must have that cat on my next cover!
waxed man chesty to the max.
A recent post from katiebabs..Guest Post- Author Lila DiPasqua Talks Fairy Tales and Purple Prose
ha ha ha… I about spewed my coffee and the Chicken fried Beefcake cover.
this guy looks about 15. Isn’t that close to illegal?
Kitty abs!!! My favorite.
Whew! I hope no one tried to read that run-on sentence aloud. If you did, you probably ran out of air and passed out a few photos back.
No kidding. I read it silently, and my brain started stumbling over itself.
…although to use the word sexy for a cat freaks me out a bit.
Janna, you obviously don’t read shifter stories.

A recent post from K. Z. Snow..News no rants Amended Version
Is it just me, or do other people try to pronounce the acronyms you come up with? I kept trying to say “MUMMCHG” and coming up with “munch”…

A recent post from Nicole..Monday Morning Blahs
I really like that neener-neener pic of Mayhem & Chaos.
Can you send a few of those ab boys over to help me finish moving? They’re probably too into each other to help me. Pfft.

A recent post from Carrie K..May All Your Dream Come Trough
Abs, May? I think that’s you tummy, not you abs, but awfully cute anyway!
A recent post from janna..Sad News
Is it just the shadowing, or does MUMMCHG have some pointy nips on the cover of Texas Tangle? Or maybe it’s just chilly in Texas.
A recent post from Ava March..Another One Done
@ Nicole – it’s not just you – I always try to make the acronym into a pronounce-able word, too! It never ends well.
@ Chris – you’ve totally outdone yourself. This was brilliant, although, it took the narrative to point out to me that ‘oh yeah…Texas isn’t next to Montana, is it?’ Geography skilz…I haz none.
@ May – your abs are by far the bestest abs.
Bosu Ball? Abdominizer? Old fashioned crunches? Natural state?
Do tell us your secret May!
Wow, this guy’s physique is rather normal compared to most of your cover models.
A recent post from trek..WWW – Really random edition
Hey, he started out in Texas and ended up in Texas. Unless the Texas Tangle is something special he imported to Montana?
Congrats Nikyta!
OMG thanks for the laugh and making the EDJ a bit more tolerable.
May those abs are looking good
At least he is wearing underwear…
May, you rock those Abs! And the naughty boys don’t have super soft belly fur. They probably get waxed. It’s good to be a cat.
A recent post from Brenda..Summer on the Needles
May, you have fabulous abs!
Chicken Fried Beefcake made snort diet coke.
MUMMCHG, which I assume is pronounced “Mum Chug,” sure does get around.
A recent post from Eyre..Whats Your Craving Stealing from Leo & NFSW Cookies
Mayhem, who’s a pretty kitty… who’s a pretty baby… hmmm… mantitty? Wait… there was mantitty? Back in a sec, May… a girl’s gotta have her priorities!
Hahahahaha! Nice story
Nice abs Mayhem!
A recent post from Patti..Review- Dangerous Desires by Dee Davis
Beautiful abs, May! Although it kind of looks like you read that sentence out loud and passed out.

A recent post from Sydney..While I was out
Yeah, I like May’s abs.

A recent post from naomi..eye candy tuesday
OMG, chicken-fried beefcake? Really? LOL!
A recent post from Kristi aka FiberFool..10 on Tuesday- Things to Tell a College Freshman
lol! Funny where your photos end up when doing stock, I was 20 in these photos, not 15 lol!!