Congrats to Amie, who won Enslaved by Blood (Drone Vampires, Book 10) by Stephani Hecht! Enslaved by Blood was released by eXtasy Books on August 15.
Congrats to Paula, who won A Game of Skills (The Farmingdale Gentleman’s Club, Book 2) by TC Blue! A Game of Skills will be released by Total-E-Bound today.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll meet I’m Too Sexy For My Shirt Guy (ITSFMSG). Many thanks to Stephani Hecht for coming up with his name and for helping me find some of these covers. Unlike the Staring Contest Guys, poor ITSFMSG must deal with all sorts of Photoshop modifications – head and body switching, ab smoothing, hair lengthening, and more.
And now, on to our story…
to live in a
at the
. However,
had other plans for ITSFMSG and lured him into
by telling him there was a
in there. Alas, that wasn’t true, and poor ITSFMSG required facial reconstruction surgery, a wig, and a mask after the wicked panther lady had her way with him and then said, “You will
.” The end.
That last cover gives me the giggles. Your doctor enters the exam room, wearing a mask over his eyes, and rips open his shirt… O.O
“I can’t help but notice that there is a very handsome black kitty up there who is surrounded by naughty boys! You must rescue the kitty, Mom!!” -Mayhem
I am very confused, is that Doctor Zorro? And poor guy, what a stupid wig
A recent post from blodeuedd..Review- Hell- Yeah – Carolyn Brown
Congrats Amy & Paula!
*bows to Chris* You’ve completely outdone yourself this time! And poor ITSFMSG! All those Photoshop modifications – I bet he looks in the mirror sometimes and doesn’t know who he is any more *grin*
Your doctor enters the exam room, wearing a mask over his eyes, and rips open his shirt… O.O
My doctor is a woman… However, if my doctor looked like ITSFMSG…and was male…I’m game
May – are you sure the kitty wants to be rescued. Where would the kitty sleep…and whose food would he eat?
A recent post from orannia..The Angst
Our son is just finishing up medical school here in the US so I can tell you what’s happening in that last photo. The doctor has to prostitute himself to the redhead and sell the shirt off his back to make the next payment on his student loans. He forgot to take off the mask from his extra job playing The Lone Ranger for kid’s birthday parties.
You’ve found a new calling Chris! Think there’s any money in it? You have a good eye for naughty boys.
A recent post from margene..Take Me Out to the Ballgame!
Poor ITSFMSG. It must be confusing to have your head chopped off and someone elses put on. Hmm…actually, maybe that would help me. Where do I sign up?
LOLOLOL re Nene’s comment, most days I feel like signing up too. Some photoshop work on those bad hair days would be most welcome.
Mayhem, I too think that kitty requires rescuing from those naughty boys!
I’m laughing on Monday morning – I LOVE Misadventures…
You have a good day and Congrats to Paula – enjoy your read!
LOL, that last cover cracked me up too! ‘Cause that’s what happens. *Every* time I go to the doctor’s office.
A recent post from Brigitte..Its Been a Year!!
I WISH that happened to me every time I got to the Dr. My Dr. is a 45 year old woman, not quite my thing.
I already have a black cat and one is my limit, so Mayhem is stuck there, naughty boys and all.
A recent post from Tam..Weekend Update
A black kitty of epic proportions, May.
A recent post from trek..Bzzz zot!
Mayhem- what’s with the airplane ears?
A recent post from Lorraine..Its here
That’s one terrifying hospital experience at the end. LOL!!! The panther lady truly must have done quite the number on him.
A recent post from Jodi..almost there
I could hardly read your last snippet, because the cover was just too darn funny-ridiculous!
A recent post from Seanna Lea..two more shows
Oh my gosh… I am dying at that last cover… I mean really… reallly…. Give us readers some credit here… At least make it look real!!
May is right… I say lets rescue the kitty!!!
Hope you had a great weekend honey!!!
A recent post from Cecile..Smutty Hussy has left the Lair
Oh my, I’d be getting sick every few days if my doctor looked like that.

A recent post from Lily..One paragraph reviews times ten!
Those are some major abs! Lots of work to maintain those!
A recent post from Julia Rachel Barrett..Okay- a few more head shots
what the hell is with the mask/doctor scrubs/woman’s hair combo??? I am sooo confused!
Aren’t all good doctors dressed like that?
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I like how Mr. No Shirt changes it up with the Zorro mask in the last pic.
The cover for Be My Werecat tonight has me in stitches. Get it? BUWAAHAHA
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I’m-too-sexy-for-my-shirt! *snort* This is too funny, and I too am deeply confused at that last cover.

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The last photo looks like some sort of drunken late night photoshopping session gone terribly, horribly wrong!
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I think all doctors should wear masks. How cool would that be? Let’s all write to the AMA and demand that they institute this requirement!
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Apparently, that doctor’s office is very…thorough.
I don’t think I would go to a doctor who wore a mask. He might carve a little z in me or something.
Or…maybe he’s a stripper that got amnesia and now he thinks he’s a doctor…
ITSFMSG’s abs on that 1st cover are…scary. They must have photoshopped some extra shading or something because each ripple in his abs looks to be at least an A cup, maybe even a B.
And the last cover…I’m still trying to figure out how the Zorro mask, stethoscope, bad hair and shirt ripping related to the werecat title. :0
A recent post from Ava March..Nearing the Finish Line
Yes May, you are right, the kitty should be rescued. I mean who wants to be surronded by naughty boys. Well what cat wants to be surronded by naughty boys.
A recent post from Rebekah..Someone Stole My Donkey
That last cover…run away! Run away!
I wouldn’t trust a black kitty that hangs out with naughty boys, May. He probably wouldn’t share the catnip.
A recent post from Brenda..Summer on the Needles
**hastily scribbling down books I want to nread***
That woman on the first cover – she is at an odd angle, I dont think my hips have that extra twist….
giggles at thelast cover…
awwww, May you scared me girl, what are you up to….
This is awesome. Your last sentence slayed me. And “Be My Werecat Tonight” goes down in history as one of the best titles ever.
*sigh* All he wants in life is to find a shirt that actually fits him. Then he wouldn’t have to go around, showing his ripped abs anymore.
LOL at ITSFMSG! Great name.
I don’t care what the cover artists think, that shirt does not work in flat black.
I’m, sure the patients feel more comfortable around a doctor who wears a mask and rips off his shirt.

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jah, with a totally dorky expression….
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Okay, time for honesty, for whatever reason I can’t (or won’t) put my finger on, this guy creeps me out. I’m with May on this one – get far, far away, Mayhem!!!
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Chris, you really out did yourself this time. The whole “Alas, that wasn’t true, and poor ITSFMSG required facial reconstruction surgery, a wig, and a mask after the wicked panther lady had her way with him and then said, “You will..” That was inspired. You are amazing. Everyone has a mutant power, this is yours.
I love your little vignettes, and live in fear that one of my covers is going to feature in the tale.
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