Friday the Thirteenth Lucky Linkity

Congrats to Amie, who won Enslaved by Blood (Drone Vampires, Book 10) by Stephani Hecht! Enslaved by Blood will be released by eXtasy Books on August 15.

Congrats to Paula, who won A Game of Skills (The Farmingdale Gentleman’s Club, Book 2) by TC Blue! A Game of Skills will be released by Total-E-Bound on August 16. (And go read this interview with TC Blue!)

If you read m/m romance, you should definitely join the M/M Romance Group on GoodReads. It’s a great source for reading recommendations, discussions, eye candy, author news, giveaways, and more.



  • Tracey D left such a great comment here yesterday I had to share it with all of you: “Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first person she meets and then teams up with three strangers to kill again. — Review for The Wizard of Oz”


Learn, Make, Do, Think

Linkity Peeps



  • Erm. I certainly know what I think this pen looks like! (NSFW, depending on how you perceive the pen.)
  • Not sure that these skull spoons could actually be used as spoons, with those eye holes…


Teh Cute

Reading Update
This week’s short reading list is due to my small part in the M/M Romance Group’s celebration, plus I’m in the midst of reading a very long book. I’m sure I’ll finish it by next Friday. 🙂
Duck! by Kim Dare. ebook. Very good kinky paranormal m/m romance/fairy tale about an avian shifter who was raised in the human foster system and only recently discovered that he wasn’t human. Since it’s believed he’ll be a low-status duck shifter, he’s being treated very, very poorly until a high-ranking hawk shifter decides to take him home as a servant/submissive. Um, I might’ve gotten sniffly while reading this one…
Strawberries for Dessert by Marie Sexton. ebook. Very good m/m romance about an accountant who works all the time, always chasing his next promotion, and a guy who doesn’t need to work but travels incessantly, unable to stay too long in one place. I got sniffly while reading this one, too!
A Game of Skills (The Farmingdale Gentleman’s Club, Book 2) by T.C. Blue. ebook. Very good m/m romantic suspense about a guy who’s been on the run for a long time, protecting his dead best friend’s child, who has special abilities. Along the way, they rescue a member of the Farmingdale Gentleman’s Club… but will coming to the Club’s attention help them, or further endanger them?
Boys of Pleasure by Heidi Cullinan. illustrated short ebook. Very good short m/m romance about a librarian who’s out at a bar to clear his head after a fight with his boyfriend and becomes fascinated by the guitarist onstage.
Valley of Shadows by Phoenix Emrys. ebook. Good paranormal m/m romance about a famous historical romance author who has a big secret: he can see and speak with ghosts. Ghosts who want him to pass on messages to their loved ones so that they can rest in peace. He does so anonymously… until one fateful day. This story took a somewhat odd and unexpected turn about 2/3 through… and I still haven’t decided what I think about it.
Changing Perspective (Lusting Wild) by Marilu Mann. free ebook short. So-so free short paranormal m/m romance about a bar owner who is unexpectedly attracted to the guy applying to be a bouncer. (The cover’s a bit amusing for an m/m romance, isn’t it?)
Heart Song by Jambrea Jo Jones. ebook short. Sweet short m/m romance about a guy whose older, emotionally distant lover has just died. (And talk about a cover bonanza! Candy Cane Guy and Torso Guy!)

“Tough luck, Mom. I’m staying right here, so you can just forget about mailing all this stuff out to those M/M Romance Group people.” -Mayhem

34 thoughts on “Friday the Thirteenth Lucky Linkity”

  1. Oh, I don’t know where to start with all the lovely links! Thank you!

    And as soon as Duck appears on Fictionwise or AllRomance it is mine!!! *grin*

    May – you put your foot…um…your body down!
    A recent post from orannia..VacillationMy Profile

  2. Okay, I think need one of those pens! And that batman – a video on how to order from Subway?!?

    Love your linkity Fridays – have a great day!

  3. Thanks for the links to the Dear Author site about Samhain and to Wendy’s post about Dorchester – both were really informative Chris!

    Love the tee-shirt with the pet imprint.. I would love one of those.. *g*

    Have a great weekend. 🙂

  4. I love radiolab. That little visual poetry is oddly moving. But moving across the office in those skates? I can hardly walk on the carpeting in our office if I am wearing rubbery/crepe soled shoes. Thanks for my weekly dose of linkity.
    A recent post from marylou..No- no- I have a better idea!My Profile

  5. OMG, I want that inflatable black cat! Now!

    Here is an adorable video on my friends blog. I found these two have a channel on YouTube with all kinds of videos and bloggy type stuff.

    That kitty couch is kind of creepy.

    From CursingMamma, I believe I read these two at least twice a week in m/m ;-):
    5. Get your tongue out of his ass.
    9. Sniffing my crotch is not an acceptable way to say good morning.

    I really must start reading Hyberbole and a Half regualarly because it kills me everytime I do.

    Cat on a pole! BWAHAHAHAHA

    Okay, I haven’t read any of those. Wow. I do have the strawberries one and I’ve been eyeing the Kim Dare although I’m supposed to be on a break. Good sniffly or my heart hurts for him sniffly? I sometimes hate “heart hurts” sniffly if I’m not in the mood. I better stock up on tissues.
    A recent post from Tam..My Musical Find for a WednesdayMy Profile

  6. One can spend way to much time reading links from your Friday posts. Chaos, why is it kitties will stay in an uncomfortable place just so they can piss off mommies, eh? TGIF Chris!

  7. I don’t need to worry about melting my neighbor’s house. It’s already been done. And more melting would only be an improvement.

    I don’t think that kitty couch wouldn’t even fit in my living room.

    Love the mini Batman.

  8. Ah, hyperbole and a half, how I love you.

    Also, I have to admit that I am bothered by the cthulu for sale on the etsy store. I own the book that the pattern is from, so it makes my brain explode in copyright fury (I’ve started a cthulu and finished one or two other items).
    A recent post from Seanna Lea..two more showsMy Profile

  9. I want that Dr. Who doll – adorable!

    And I’m going to be forced to learn to crochet for I must make that can of Guinness for my sister for Christmas.

    The Ted Olsen interview was phenomenal!!!

    Awesome linkity goodness, today, Chris!!!

  10. Congrats to the winners!!

    Wow, another great collection of links. I had a fun time clicking away this morning.

    The only one of those that I’ve read is Duck! which I really enjoyed. Strawberries is on my TBR since lucky me I won it!! Looking forward to reading it. 🙂
    A recent post from Lily..Natures Own by Nica BerryMy Profile

  11. Excellent set of articles this week – I have subscribed to a few of those …

    Quite a few budget range ones are being released over here – but you can see the writing on the wall already….

    Love the tablet thingy’s….

    I am hoping Sony does something larger than a 6inch with this new announcement… I think I can hold off for the next few weeks until they give us the the official speel…

    @Mayhem… Good for you girl, stick it to the Mom….


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