Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 29th (Staring Contest Guys)

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll meet the Staring Contest Guys.

were faced with a


about whether they should exact

against the

or whether they should deal with it

to man with “a bit of the old

“. (With apologies to A Clockwork Orange and those with delicate sensibilities for that last one…)

“…zzzzzzzzz…” -Mayhem

Alas, Mayhem could not be reached for a pithy quote about how naughty these boys were.

43 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 29th (Staring Contest Guys)”

  1. Just when you thought there couldn’t possibly be more stock photography covers, they set you straight. At least the reversed the negative from time to time to make it look like a different cover…

    Hee hee…
    A recent post from Brigitte..What A ShameMy Profile

  2. Clare: Those are actually different guys in your sig banner, for a different post. But they are the same guys in your avatar! 😉

  3. Quiet a story here… Wonder who won the staring contest, lol.

    Probably the staring bored poor May to sleepytime.

    Hope you had a great weekend honey!!!
    Hugs to you on this wonderful Monday morning… (that I keep praying is Friday!)
    A recent post from Cecile..New Author Alert -amp Contest-My Profile

  4. Oh, Chris, this is too funny! I got your email and was puzzling over what the connection could possibly be between me and one of these misadventures of stock photography posts — like did I review all of the books involved, or what? (An improbable thought, given my reading pace …) I’d forgotten about the banner they made me over at aRe! Too, too funny. You’re right that the Staring Contest Guys are really popular, and I love the promotional boost from having my banner in there! 🙂
    A recent post from Val Kovalin..Review Martin and the Wolf by Anne BrookeMy Profile

  5. So much water spitting… 😀

    Val: Actually, getting the newsletter and seeing your banner was the perfect touch that helped me decide I had enough examples of that stock photo!

    And thanks to everyone who’s enjoying this episode so much. Glad to hear it! 🙂

  6. Oh, this one is most definitely the best yet! man to man to man… The photoshopped Man in the Middle cover is pretty funny just on its own. I also like how these guys encounter one another in such a wide array of settings — a castle, space, what looks to be a monastery.
    A recent post from Jodi..shalomMy Profile

  7. Is it just me or do those guys look like the Sesame Street skit? You know the one where two people would face each other and one would say the first part of the word and the other one would finish it.

  8. *he-he* Stephani! I know exactly what you’re referring to.

    With the guys fully in shadow on the Man in the Middle cover, it makes it look like the guy on the left has some perky man-titties. The guys are cropped at about nip level or above on the other covers. I wonder if the MITM cover artist extended the image (and thus created the titty on the shorter guy) or if all the other artists cropped him above the nips.
    A recent post from Ava March..An Interesting Sundayaka Nekkid Princes -amp Video RentalsMy Profile

  9. The artist of the Man In The Middle cover have done a pretty good job photoshopping the source image. Or at least he tried hard 🙂

  10. Very good edition in the series this week!

    I think May is dreaming about how wonderful it is to be a cat, because a cat can never be naughty in any possible way no matter what it does. Just ask any cat, they’ll tell you this is true.
    A recent post from Brenda..April Socks in JuneMy Profile

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