Congrats to Susan C, who won The Duty of a Beta (Pack Discipline #3) by Kim Dare! The Duty of a Beta is being released by Total-E-Bound today.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Slave Boy. And keep your eye out for Looking Away Guy (LAG) (once), Shy Guy (once), You Can Do Your Laundry on My Washboard Abs Guy (YCDYLOMWAG) (twice), and Slouching Open Black Jacket Guy (SOBJG) (three times!). Whew. Onward!
finally came out – he was
and thus
so that he could embrace the
, hoping to avoid the
of the
that haunted him. However,
would only get him so far; he needed to be a
and chanting, “
!” if he was going to have any chance of avoiding the
generated by
. *tsk tsk tsk*
, won’t they?
“I. Can’t. Believe. My. Eyes. Are there an infinite number of naughty boys?!” -Mayhem
You’re a genius! I’m curious though, why Slave Boy?
Are there an infinite number of naughty boys?!
Yes! *beams*
A recent post from orannia..Avatar
lol He’s on my new cover too.
A recent post from Jambrea..Snowmagedden 2011
It’s sure seems so, May, luckily for us.
Slave boy seems to get around. Every time I see “You Can Do Your Laundry on My Washboard Abs Guy”, it makes me giggle. (Not the guy, the name.)
A recent post from Sydney..And then it was spring
He really is a cutie when he looks up. Someone on Good Reads just was asking who he was and I posted the link to your other post about him saying he’ was EVERYWHERE. I’ll have to update the thread. LOL
The cat picture made me laugh.
A recent post from Tam..Sunday Summary
orannia: Aw, thanks! The first cover I ever saw him on was a book called Slave Boy, so…
Hmmm…why is Slave Boy called Slave Boy?
A recent post from Brigitte..Things Are Starting to Look Normal Again
nobody truly understands Slave Boy
I still can’t get over his mullet and wings on the one cover. *scratches head* I never thought I’d write those two words in once sentence.
Hey May…. Hope you are giving kitty mummy loads of trouble..
I wish they would put some clothe on that guy… Sweet face..
What is that kid? Sixteen?
A recent post from trek..Trapped!
You know, I don’t think I would have recognized him right away when he looks up if you hadn’t pointed it out. I’m so used to seeing him at an angle. He really is cute– they should pose him so we can see his face more often!
He’s the quintessential twink, I think!
“He really is a cutie when he looks up.”
Tam, he’s looked up at you? Whoa. If you’re starting to see cover models move, we need to stage an intervention.
Wren, I think Arm Over Head Boy (the one on my last cover) is the quintessential twink. Or at least the prettiest!
A recent post from K. Z. Snow..Abercrombie Zombie and other juicy tidbits
Chris- Did anyone notice on Mistletoe Seductions, that the Christmas balls are placed strategically?
I never miss a trick.
A recent post from Lorraine..We Had Joy- We Had Fun
He’s Slave Boy because that was his first or at least most famous cover.
Oh Mayhem, I have a feeling it’s about to get much worse!!
A recent post from margene..Spring
Just think, Mayhem, if you had your own slave boy, he could entertain you with sparkly pink toys all day long.
Oh the guy that looks like he is 10, bleh
A recent post from blodeuedd..Review- The Cold Kiss of Death – Suzanne McLeod
He´s also at the cover of She´s Got Balls by Mia Watts
Yup. You can see him on the cover for She’s Got Balls and Slave Boy (and more!) in his previous Misadventure.
I still find it disturbing on SO many levels when rippling musculature is combined with the face of a twelve-year-old.
I really need to check all the past misadventures. They are great
I have to say that I really am getting a bit fed up of seeing this guy on covers. I think it’s because his pose is just so distinctive. I’m even getting to the stage that I’m slightly put off buying the book if I see him on a cover, which is ridiculous I know but still true.
A recent post from Jenre..Review- One Real Thing by Anah Crow and Dianne Fox
LOL! Another great Misadventures post! Although I’m shocked by the hair in the final one!
I may have lost the thread somewhere along the way, but if I chant “Faeries Forever” will that save me from the sweater on the mistletoe cover?
Also…who purposely puts a mullet on a cover?
A recent post from Bronwyn Green..The Wedding of the Year
I love these posts. Thanks for a good laugh!
Groan! For a moment there I thought I was reading that it would be the last and thought May would be pleased but then I saw it was the last day for the competition!!
Where would we be without naughty boys?
A recent post from mrspao..Book 19- The Pearl-fishers by Robin Jenkins
Gods yes, there are an infinite number of naughty boys. Hilarious and scary, isn’t it?
A recent post from Seanna Lea..Fun times super tired edition
He is the champion of romance covers, fo rizzle!
He’s such a cutie!

A recent post from Lily..The Mistletoe Experiment by Serena Yates
LOL!! At first I didn’t know what you meant but then I saw the common boy
he’s cute but we really do need some more diversity!
Oh good, one of my books is on there! (I’m in that Boys will be Boys anthology.)
Not that I normally aspire to use the same model as everyone else.
A recent post from Jordan Castillo Price..Picking a pro
Slave Boy is cute! It’s like a reunion of all your misadventure guys.
Ps: I’m trying my new email addy (hopefully with avatar)
A recent post from Janna..Review- Pushing Her Boundaries by Julia Rachel Barrett
Yes, May, there apparently are. And “Pricks & Pragmatism” has to be the funniest book title ever.
A recent post from Lorette..Big Pink!
I don’t think he is old enough to shave.
May certainly looks displeased.
A recent post from Brenda..A FO for keeping warm- Garnets
Very funny post! I especially like how you worked in Merrow’s title.

A recent post from Val Kovalin..Wildfire Newsletter Gay Romance Recommendations
I really need to be certain to stop over here on Mondays, no matter how busy I may be or how behind on blog reading I am! Thanks for the chuckle!
A recent post from Kristi aka FiberFool..Wordless Wednesday- Chai Edition
It’s a good thing you’ve stopped collecting paper books. May would probably eat them all just to get back at you.
You never cease to amaze me LOL.