Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 26th (Pouty Guy)

L. B. Gregg’s kicking off a contest today to welcome new m/m romance author Harper Fox – stop by LB’s blog, Nose in a Book, to read Josh Lanyon’s interview with Harper and say hi!

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Allow me to introduce you to Pouty Guy. Pouty Guy is

who is on a

with danger, due to his somewhat

behavior. (Hi, Slouching Open Black Jacket Guy! Just between us, that photoshopped mask and harness are so not a good look for you… And Pouty Guy? Whose legs are those? I know you’re wearing jeans in the original photo…)

Then Pouty Guy said, “You don’t have to


. It’s

and I feel

by a host of wicked desires to see this through to the


Bye, Pouty Guy! Hope your tummy feels better soon. You don’t look very comfortable…

“Hmph. I’m the only one who gets to pout on this blog! Those naughty boys are going too far now!!” -Mayhem

40 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 26th (Pouty Guy)”

  1. Okay– something about Pouty Guy shouts “help I need a chiropractor”– or is it just me? (Mayhem… *pets* No need to pouts, precious… you’re still the most beautiful…)

  2. Poor guy, does he have a tummy ache? And why does he keep showing us his armpits, yes they are very lovely, down with your arms now 😉

  3. Naughty boys, indeed, Princess – taking over the blog and taking over your job! You should protest. Or go on strike. Or something.
    A recent post from trek..Hot townMy Profile

  4. Amy: Many of these cover models look as if they need a chiropractor!

    Brigitte: LOL! Oh yes. They aren’t used as often, so it’s taking me a while to collect enough photos. 🙂

    Tam: Did you realize that Joey had gotten around so much? 😉

  5. Funny! Okay, is the original with his hands up, and then the crossed arms are photoshopped, or is it two pouty poses? Pooor pouty guy. They made him wear an 80’s shirt!!!
    A recent post from Carolyn Crane..I am hidious!My Profile

  6. I thought the same thing Tam, I was like ” HEEEYY!” and then it went on. XD
    And yeaaah anyone who READ CC knows that Joey gets around. That’s his whole deal!

  7. That is right Mayhem, you let them naughty boys that no one pouts on this blog but you!!!!

    Chris, you know you make me laugh!!!!!
    Thanks for sharing this story on a monday!
    Hope you had a great weekend!

  8. Poor baby seems to have a recurring stomach issue. I think Pouty guy could use an Alka Seltzer and needs to keep a waste basket close by in case his stomachache becomes something more volatile. When he is feeling better I would suggest he see a good colorist who could bring his hair color more in line with his eyebrow and armpit hair color. And I know I am older than you sweet things, but I think he looks a bit too young for these stressful situations. Maybe that is the underlying cause of the sour stomach.

  9. Why, oh WHY do I keep reading these Headlines as “Misadventures in SOCK photography”? Maybe it would be a misadventure if there was a sock?

  10. LOL It would seem “Pouty Guy” does indeed have a stomach and jean issue, he also makes frequent visits to the hairdresser for hair dye… And Pouty Guy? Whose legs are those? I know you’re wearing jeans in the original photo…)

    You are too funny Chris!! Hey Mayhem – if there is need to pout – you pout girl!

    Have a great Monday Chris!
    A recent post from Lea..Fiona Jayde Picks Her Desert Island KeepersMy Profile

  11. My daughters watch a show all the time called Big Time Rush and pouty guy looks like one of the boys in the band! Tell me it ain’t true! lol Of course the guy on tv is just a teen.
    A recent post from Tracy..What I Read Last WeekMy Profile

  12. Perhaps Pouty Guy has IBS? Krohn’s? Diverticulitis? Ulcerative Colitis? Or maybe he’s mad at his parents? He looks a little young. And really proud of hit pits.

    May…Pretty Panther Princesses don’t need to Pout over Pitiful Pouty boys with Plentiful Pit hair…
    A recent post from Melanie..HomesickMy Profile

  13. You are my hero, Chris! Thanks for the giggles.

    I think Pouty Guy is pouting due to a bad case of IBS and a Justin Bieber-esque do. I’d pout, too.

    May, you’re the bestest pouter ever.

  14. LOL! Pouty guy does look like he’s about be sick. Especially on the “Possessed” cover. 😉

  15. LOL – I’m starting to think that the lower body transplant on the Reckless cover wasn’t entirely successful…

  16. I thought he was underarm guy until he couldn’t hold up his arms anymore & then turned into pouty guy. Or maybe someone told him he needed deodorant.

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