4 thoughts on “Team Midwest group blog”

  1. Can I be on Team Midwest even if I am doing the Homer Simpson Olympics? I plan to not finish anything so that there isn’t anymore pressure on me than I already have. I’m good at putting pressure on myself!

  2. moo! may i be an honorary member as i was born and raised in Michigan? of course, some people consider Colorado as part of the midwest too (not me).

  3. So, if I take one of those speech quizzes and it says I talk like a midwesterner: does that mean I am a midwesterner and therefore qualify or simply that I was raised by midwesterners?

    I did and it did but I was too.(ooh I am so ready for the weekend ;)***CV

  4. Hey — those are some fun FO’s that you’ve got lately … and the Jaywalkers are so cute. (I really need to get around to those!) About that whole stash thing … um, yeah, I need to have a little self-talk. 🙂

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