Earworm alert!

I’ve had Cloud Cult’s “Everybody Here Is a Cloud” stuck in my head for weeks now. Ack! Actually, several Cloud Cult songs seem to be vying for ascendency – “Pretty Voice“, “When Water Comes to Life“, “Hurricane and Fire Survival Guide”… 

Moving right along – I have fallen behind in my reading updates, haven’t I?!

Reading Update
To Tame a Highland Warrior by Karen Marie Moning. The second of the Highlander series, but the last one I read – my, but it’s humbling having one’s dirty little reading secrets out here for the world to see…
Into the Dreaming by Karen Marie Moning. Bit of a send up of the time traveling Highlander romance genre.
Staying Dead (Retrievers, Book 1) Laura Anne Gilman. I much enjoyed this urban fantasy and am already looking forward to reading the next few books – but I sure hope they were printed in a serif font. I hate reading books sans serif…
Born in Fire (Born In Trilogy, Book 1) by Nora Roberts. Maggie’s an independent glass artist who tangles with Rogan, a Dublin gallery owner. Rogan might’ve been a predecessor to the ever yummy Roarke.
Northern Lights by Nora Roberts. Normal decent Nora Roberts fare, set in Alaska.
Night Shift, Night Shadow, Nightshade, Night Smoke, Night Shield, and Night Moves (Night Tales) by Nora Roberts. The first five books are all related in some way, which makes Night Moves rather puzzling. I could definitely tell that one of the characters was a step leading to Lieutenant Eve Dallas.
Blackout by Annie Solomon. Nicely done suspenseful romantic fiction about a woman whose memory is missing… is she a murderer? Or not?
Tempting Danger and Mortal Danger (The Lupi, Books 1 & 2) by Eileen Wilks. An intense and enjoyable paranormal romance series set in San Diego, featuring Detective Lily Yu.
Black Magic Woman (Quincy Morris Supernatural Investigation, Book 1) by Justin Gustainis. If you’re a fan of the Harry Dresden series, you might want to give this new series a try – it’s very compelling and well-written (and Jim Butcher helped the author get started).
The Touch of Twilight (The Third Sign of the Zodiac) by Vicki Pettersson. Abandoned before Chapter 5 – I can’t remember enough about the first two books for this to make any sense! Obviously I need to wait until all 12 signs are out and then read the series…
Night Shift (Jill Kissmet, Book 1) by Lilith Saintcrow. This is the first book in a brand-new paranormal series by Saintcrow, whose Dante Valentine series was impossible to put down. If the next book is as intense and well-written as Night Shift, I’ll be very happy indeed!

You might’ve notice that enjoy reading a series more so than standalone books. I think it’s because I enjoy getting to know a set of characters and following their lives.

Am I the only one who discovers cat toys in her bag when she gets to work? Are they sending me presents, or sending forth their toys to gather interesting new smells?

“I don’t care what Mom keeps singing. I’m not a cloud and I’m not going to evaporate. And you better bring my toys home with you, Mom!” -Mayhem

21 thoughts on “Earworm alert!”

  1. I’m forever finding cat toys in my work tote and also in my shoes. The ones in the shoes usually are removed before getting to work 😉

  2. I find them everywhere since there is no distinction between “human items” (ie sponge, plastic bag, pony tail holder, pen) and cat toys! I have been gone a while – that’s a LOT of reading!!

  3. Chris- Kitten-Chow will take things like Beanie Babies and hide them in a pile behind the tv. If they are giving you their things it must be a sign of love.


  4. Aw! Little presents! They LOVE you!

    Also … I also have a hard time admitting to reading highland romance/fantasy novels. Why is there shame attached to that genre? WHY?

  5. Well *now* I have “Everybody Here is a Cloud” in my head… good choice!

    Silly cats – our kitten leaves her favorite little sparkle balls in my grocery bags, so when I open them up at the store I get a surprise.

  6. I found out this weekend that #2 son’s girlfriend’s uncle is the lead singer of Cloud Cult. Am I special or what?

    Blackout is on top of the pile of books I picked up at the library on Saturday. I think we both got the reccy at the same blog.

  7. I found a pouch of cat food in my lunch bag last week. Luckily, I found the cute tabby at work today so was able to give it to him 🙂

  8. I find cat toys in the most interesting places – the shower, under my pillow on the bed and yes, in my briefcase for work. Silly kitties. I think that they want me to miss them when I’m not here.

    Thanks for all the great sounding books – am off to update my library list.

  9. Oooh, I loved the first couple of The Retrievers books! Now I just need to trot off to the library/bookstore to get #3. Oh, wait. I’m having my guy come visit for the week. Guess I won’t be getting any reading done. 😉

  10. At least it’s only toys, and not formerly live cat gifts.

    And that looks like one perturbed cat in that photo.

    Oh, and can you just STOP with the book recommendations already? Thanks to you, my reading to-do list is almost as long as my knitting to-do list.

  11. I find sippy cups, matchbox cars and other toys in my purse all the time. The other day I went to grab my wallet out of my purse and grabbed one of Oliver’s Lightning McQueen croc’s instead. Don’t ask me how it got in there.

  12. I’d wait on the Twilight series too. The one book I’d read barely made sense, much less a series.

    Gotta check out Black Magic Woman!

    How sweet. Chaos and Mayhem are making sure you’re entertained while away from them.

  13. I don’t find toys in my bag but I find coins in my shoes. Katie likes to play the gravity game with coins and they often fall in my shoes.

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