

  • Leave a comment for LesleyW with some urban fantasy related ideas to muse about for your chance to win a copy of Atlantis Rising by Alyssa Day. Winner announced on May 29.
  • S7anna’s having her very first contest. She’s giving away three different packs of romances and swag (bookmarks, etc). Leave a comment by May 30 for your chance to win.


  • I don’t ever usually watch book trailers, but I’m glad I watched this one by Tessa Dare. Best. Book. Trailer. Ever. (Thanks, Donna F!)


Learn, Make, Do, Think




  • Comparison pictures of how different kittens look when they’re young vs. when they’re a bit older.

Reading Update
The Blue Moon Cafe by Rick R. Reed. ebook. Very good paranormal m/m chiller about a guy who becomes involved with a mysterious restaurant owner who never seems to be available at certain times of the month. At the same time, Seattle’s gay community is reeling from a series of brutal murders…
Witness by L.A. Gilbert. ebook. Sweet m/m romance about a cop who meets a bike messenger while on a routine call, then runs into him again when he backs over the guy’s bike. This book would’ve benefited from a bit more conflict (or perhaps conflict not effortlessly resolved) and fewer point-of-view shifts, particularly near the beginning of the book.
Idaho Pride by Sarah Black. ebook. Very good m/m romance about a sports writer who ends up in an altercation between some hockey players and staff members of the Idaho Pride newspaper – an altercation that changes the lives of many of the guys involved.
Betweentimes by Jordan Castillo Price. ebook short. Cute short m/m romance about a businessman who is surprised (but pleased) when his cute bohemian neighbor invites him out for dinner at the tacky local Mexican place.
Special Delivery by Heidi Cullinan. ebook. Very good m/m romance about Sam, a nursing student who hits the road with trucker Mitch and learns a helluva lot about himself in the process. Those of you who know I’m not a fan of books with menagey bits are probably surprised to see that I read and liked this one, huh? This book worked for me because it didn’t neglect the emotional to focus strictly on the physical. While I had to stop reading several times because I was a bit overwrought about Sam’s emotional safety, I kept returning to the book and am very glad that I read it.
An Uncommon Whore by Belinda McBride. ebook. Very good m/m scifi romance about Pasha, a whore whose master, unable to cover a bet, loses him for 24 hours to a rough and fascinating man. Pasha can’t remember the man, who seems to know more about him than he knows about himself. I’m glad Jase warned me that this stopped abruptly, so I was prepared. *commences impatiently waiting for sequel*
Winner Takes All by Jenny Urban & Elizabeth Silver. ebook. Very good m/m romance about two competitive friends and business rivals (one gay, one straight) who fool around when they’re drunk… and then a business crisis escalates things a bit.
Black: Black Leather by Vic Winter. ebook short. Steamy short m/m romance about a band that’s touring for the first time since the previous lead singer overdosed. The lead guitar player isn’t looking forward to being in charge of keeping the new lead singer in line.
8 Seconds on the Mountain (Mountain #4) by P.D. Singer. ebook short. Oh oh – is Kurt trying to get himself and Jake beaten up at the rodeo?!
And Is Never Shaken by Alexi Silversmith. ebook. Good May-December m/m romance about a professor who keeps running into a book restorer. Will the secrets from the professor’s past be insurmountable?
Only His Heart (Only #3) by Shawn Lane. ebook. Very good m/m romance about a nurse, new to the hospital, who can’t resist the handsome doctor that the rest of the staff calls the Ice Queen.
Forces of Nature by Lily Grace. ebook short. Cute short m/m romance about a physicist who’s had a huge crush on his actor best friend since college, but has always been afraid to do anything about it until they get caught in a thunderstorm together.
Time Zone Impaired by Andy Slayde & Ali Wilde. ebook short. Good short m/m romance about a guy who stops at a restaurant after a flight from Australia, not realizing it’s Valentine’s Day until his cute waiter tells him. This had that unfortunate open-ended feel that makes me suspect it is the first in a series of shorts about this couple. I hate that – I’d much rather buy a longer completed story than read a serial.
Where the Moon Touches by Kiernan Kelly. ebook short. Good short m/m paranormal romance about a werewolf who’s being forced to marry a female and plans to go on sex binge with as many guys as he can during his last 30 days of freedom. His plan gets short-circuited almost immediately. (This also had that “part of a serial” feel.)
Left of Center by Zathyn Priest. ebook. Somewhat bizarre m/m romance about a non-Goth veterinarian who shamelessly lies on an online site for Goths so he can pick up guys – and then the player gets played.
Skipping Stones by D.J. Manly. ebook. I started out liking this book about a young artist who retreats from Paris after the end of an affair and seeks shelter with his best friend, who’s part owner of a gay friendly resort in Florida. Alas, by the end of the book, I wanted to slap the three main characters.
Picture Me Perfect (Sammy Dane, Book 2) by Stormy Glenn. ebook. So-so m/m romance about a photographer who moves in with a cop to hide from his abusive drug dealer ex-boyfriend. Typical Stormy Glenn. What else can I say, other than please get a better editor? (Or maybe any editor…)
Screwed by Amanda Young. ebook short. So-so short m/m romance about a teacher who was fired after racy pictures of he and another guy showed up online.

“Dear internetz: Please send help. This woman continues to hold me prisoner under the most miserable conditions imaginable.” -Mayhem

38 thoughts on “Ackity!”

  1. No, I’m not canceling the Misadventures – they will be on Tuesday next week.

    Phew! *relaxes*

    Oh, and I like the sound of Special Delivery and An Uncommon Whore!

    And May…I don’t believe you. I’ve seen you sunning yourself in previous photos!
    .-= orannia´s last blog ..Loyalty =-.

  2. Yeah, nice try Mayhem.

    Those ads? SCARY. Douching with Lysol??? I realize it’s not what we think of as Lysol now – but. Still?! The stereotypes! No wonder women have had such a difficult time breaking out of the mould, when their “place” in life and society had been drilled into them at every turn.
    .-= Brigitte´s last blog ..WIPs Gone Wild! =-.

  3. I think I need that cougar training manual because I don’t seem to be having much luck. No one is just showing up and
    ringing my doorbell. 🙂

    I have quite a few of those books waiting for me. I too get a bit frustrated with sips and shorts that turn into a series. Just write 40 pages of story and be done with it.

    Will have to check out all the links later. Gotta run.
    .-= Tam´s last blog ..Happy Birthday Kiddo! =-.

  4. Observation on book dating… I read a book a while back (murder mystery) in which a character commented that tracking the murderer would be hard because he could have paid cash for a ticket and hopped on a plane anonymously.

    I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

    (Book was © 1985.)
    .-= trek´s last blog ..On FiOS and fabric =-.

  5. once again, with the right font (and some man nipple), any book title looks sexy… “Skipping Stones”, “Winner Takes All”, “Screwed”… ok maybe that last one didn’t need the nipples and font

  6. Third fittest, dude!

    That was an interesting article on whether authors should rate their own work. I don’t do it, though my husband wrote me an Amazon review, and there would’ve been BIG trouble in the Crane household if he’d given that sucker low stars. LOL. Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t be confessing that. Though, he loves the book and read several versions, so it’s not like it’s fake.
    .-= Carolyn Crane´s last blog ..The shocking truth about Katiebabs cruise! =-.

  7. Thanks for the great links. Those sexist ads were pretty unbelievable! Thanks for the mention as well.

    As usual I’m in awe of your mad reading skillZ! 😀

    I agree with you on the four I’ve read and have a few others on my TBB.

    Happy Friday!
    .-= Lily´s last blog ..New Books Available – Week 21 =-.

  8. The suncreen bit was just scary!

    I had to laugh at the grapefruit to clean your bathtub, I prefer to eat my grapefruit. And the line about the costs of cleanes, etc. Well my goodness the price of grapefruits around here anyway, I could buy a whole gallon of a cleaner for one grapefruit. Okay well maybe that’s exagerating a little, a very little 🙂
    .-= Rebekah´s last blog ..Border Stories =-.

  9. Ummm. I’m not sure if I’m amused or horrified by those ads. Ack!

    And the ying yang kitty is adorable.

    I shared the links of the nasty foods with some friend. The kid was telling me about the sugar one the other night. I didn’t realize what exactly she was talking about but she was throwing some of the comparisons out there. I drink diet soda and coffee black no sugar. LOL Sure I’ll get cancer from the diet soda but you won’t need to bury me in a piano case. Always a silver lining.
    .-= Tam´s last blog ..Happy Birthday Kiddo! =-.

  10. That piece about sunscreen really freaks me out! I’m very pale and always slather myself in sunblock before spending much time outside, and of course I’ve been using the kind that has vitamin A in it. Yikes! At least there were lots of cute kitteh links to cheer me up, and I’m dying to try the grapefruit/salt tub cleaner.
    .-= Jodi´s last blog ..exile in boxville =-.

  11. Hi, Chris! I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to write a little review of my story, Forces of Nature. It’s much appreciated!!
    Take care,

  12. That sneaky spiral of hate is hilarious.

    I’d check the sexist ads but my guess is that a)I’ll recognize them b) I won’t have noticed it back then and c) it will send me into a sneaky spiral of hate. 🙂

    OTOH, 3 day weekend starts now! Let the Love Begin!
    .-= Carrie K´s last blog ..Change is Evil. Well, mostly. =-.

  13. silly Mayhem.. you cannot fool us. We see that huge fluffy comforter you are lounging on…. you’re just begging for more treats!

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