Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 23rd (The Return of the Return of Candy Cane Guy)

Thanks to Eyre for pointing out that today is the International Day Against Homophobia, described on its website as “a rallying event offering an opportunity for people to get together and reach out to one another.” So be especially kind today, ok?

I’m sure you’ve all been worried about Candy Cane Guy, since I haven’t posted about him since the beginning of April! 😉 It will not surprise you to discover he’s been a busy, busy boy.

, they immediately formed a

and set about

and just generally

. They were living in

until Candy Cane Guy suddenly decided that it was time for some

and hastened to

on a

. His former team member, now left alone, wailed, “Baby, you are

! Please, won’t you


Oh, teh dramaz! 😉 Whatever do you think will happen next??

“I just want you to know that I do not approve of naughty boys, Mom! Not at all. Just in case I haven’t been making myself clear.” -Mayhem

31 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 23rd (The Return of the Return of Candy Cane Guy)”

  1. Not even big black kitty boys Mayhem.. I am sure one of those “boy’s” would make you smile!

    Hope you had a great weekend Chris!
    And here is to a wonderful Monday!

  2. Mayhem, I think you should write a letter to those silly book companies. I’m sure those books would sell many more copies if they had black panther princesses on them instead of all of those naughty boys.
    .-= Cheryl S.´s last blog ..All Aboard! =-.

  3. I love this theme you’ve got going on for Mondays, Chris. It’s really working well for me. 🙂

    I was getting quite worried about CCG – nice to see he and his chiseled abs have made another appearance.

  4. CCG’s got some serious moobage on the Different Strokes cover. And you know, I’ve never noticed before, but he has an outie belly button. Don’t know how I missed it, considering his abs are everywhere. 😉
    .-= Ava March´s last blog ..Inspiration =-.

  5. Mayhem:

    Take it from one of Chaos’s demon Apostles, you are being stalked by that Candy Cane guy baby!!

    Better watch out.. o_O



    I agree Kris is engaging in a blackmail scheme.. lol

    I hope you weekend was good Chris..

  6. the links had my eyes swimming mroe than just a tad… BUT… suddenly things came into focus, and what do I see?????? A NEW Blackdagger brotherhood novel??? whoa.. cool…. can’t wait to read it.

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