Some finished objects to report

I didn’t spend the weekend sitting around watching the cat yawn (can you believe he was already closing his mouth when I snapped that picture?!) – I actually got a lot of things done. In knitting news, I knit a bowtie scarf (shamelessly copying Pink Rocket and Irene; pattern here) for a friend’s birthday:

“I hate to break it to you, Mom, but I don’t think your friend here is… normal. I can’t quite put my paw on the problem…”

I used a stray ball of Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran Tweed (black) from my stash for the scarf. My, what a lot of vegetable matter was in that yarn – I felt like I was knitting with Noro! The Silkroad was kind of scratchy while I was knitting with it (unexpected for a yarn that contains silk and cashmere), but softened up considerably after a good soak and blocking. (Why am I not in the picture? Well, I was celebrating International Pajama Day and was not looking particularly photo worthy.)

I finally finished the NSR Anne Jaywalkers:

But wait… something’s missing from that shot… Oh yeah, there’s no blob! Said blob was otherwise occupied with erstwhile blobby behavior:

(presumed not dead)

29 thoughts on “Some finished objects to report”

  1. Man, those socks are fabulous. My mom would have loved them; she was a sucker for that colour of red. They remind me of her. 🙂

    And the scarf is great! I’m so impressed, Chris…man, not only is your blog (and Eileen’sm and Pink’s…) making me want to knit, I can’t ignore the growing feeling of I WANT A CAT. Maybe I’ll just have another baby instead. 😉

  2. Thanks, all!!

    Christine – He does sleep, but he always keeps one eye open to see if I’ll do something that needs his assistance.

    Mama_Tulip – Hee hee. My work here is done! 😉 Actually, since you don’t need to gestate or breast feed a cat, I’d skip the baby and just get a kitten…

  3. I love the idea of International Pyjama Day! I tend to hang out in my PJs on a Saturday when I know I haven’t got to go anywhere.

    Great socks! They look really lovely. I hope mine turn out as nice. I like the idea of the scarf and I’m now thinking of who I could give it to as a gift… Was Chaos sulking because they were shiny not quite red socks and not SRMs?

  4. And to think I spent all of yesterday in my pj’s without even knowing what day it was!

    Beautiful socks. Good-looking blob, too, only mine’s even better at the blobbiness – she fills whatever space she’s in, like rising dough.

  5. The socks rock! What do you think about the fit? Is there anything you would do differently? Do you think doing them toe-up changed them at all?


  6. How did you like knitting the Anne? I keep seeing it online but haven’t seen it in person yet. The socks look great, too. Any fit problems, like I’ve heard can happen with that pattern?

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