19 thoughts on “The yawn that ate Minneapolis…”

  1. Cute kitty…Many can that cat YAWN!

    I wish I had the time to knit 🙁

    I thought the photo of the kitty in the sweater was PRICELESS! My cat used to do the same thing when I quilted.

  2. I heard a theory once that cats yawn so widely in order to casually display the glistening array of pointy armaments they carry around in their mouths….

  3. My cat looks like she has one of those “flip top heads” from the Reach toothbrush commercials when she yawns.. its so wild. Chaos is cute no matter what he’s doing.. I’m convinced.

  4. LOL at dida!

    Chaos — What pointy teeth you have! So, is St.Paul next? Will it be breakfast or lunch? And btw, when you finally locate your SRM, send me back my puzzle piece and a couple dozen left socks ;o)

  5. I’m going to take a look down our cats throats later. Or, maybe I’ll just google for the answer.

    Glad you like the yarn. I hope Chaos didn’t eat it when he swallowed the rest of Mpls.

  6. Chirs,

    Thanks for the comment regarging my socks. I just finished the falling leaves socks, I loved them, but I don’t think I am going to knit them again right now. But I really apprecater you help, i will figure this out:)

  7. Yes, cats do have tonsils. 🙂

    Forget tonsils, I can see what he had for breakfast. Jack does the same thing. I’ve got a closeup of him yawning like that as my computer wallpaper. He looks like he’s trying to eat all the icons.

    Chaos is certainly a ham. I’m glad, as I love looking at him. Go ahead and tell him, I doubt his head will get any bigger.

  8. Hello all: I am newbie to the knitting world and find I am obessed. In the past 4 days, I have been to the yarn shop 2x. Very scary kids! I found the Yarn Harlot website and looking to join an exsisting team in MN for the Knitting Olypmics. Where/when are we meeting? Remember, friends do not let friends knit drunk.

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