Warning: Radioactive pandas

Wendy’s giving away a copy of The Splendid Table’s How To Eat Supper. To be included in the random drawing, leave her a comment (before May 15, 5 pm EDT) with an easy and healthy recipe.

Jane’s having a contest – she’s about to become a Mac owner for the first time ever. By May 15, leave her a comment giving her your favorite Mac tips if you have any, or tell her why you think she’s making a good/bad choice.

Sarah’s giving away a copy of Shear Spirit: Ten Fiber Farms, Twenty Patterns, and Miles of Yarn. To be included in the random drawing on May 17, leave her a comment with a link to your favorite sock pattern if you’re a knitter or include your favorite recipe if you’re not a knitter.

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Who knew Chaos was moonlighting at lolcats?! 😉 And how cute (and accurate) is this one?!

Knitting Update
The Radioactive Panda (Cotton) Socks are done!

“Ow! My eyes! My eyes!” -Chaos

Hmm, you can’t really see the second sock in that picture, can you? Is this better?

See that little bit of fluff on the floor between the socks? That’s all the yarn I had left over – less than a foot. I had to rip out my bindoff on one sock and start binding off 1/2 round sooner so I wouldn’t run out of yarn. In addition to my other complaints about Panda Cotton, please add “pathetic yardage.” Here’s a closeup of the “extra” yarn:

37 thoughts on “Warning: Radioactive pandas”

  1. Wow, that really is pathetic yardage; it’s not like the cuffs on those socks are long! Guess I won’t be picking up that yarn anytime soon.

  2. Phew, that is cutting it short. I do like them though – the brighter the better!

    LOL – when I first saw that first lolcat, I couldn’t help but think that Gandalf would be all for it!

  3. When I read the title of this post in Bloglines, it looked like “radioactive panties,” and I thought, “hmm, that’s a little personal, Chris!”

  4. The colorway is great, but I did wonder about the yardage; it is rather pathetic, but I figured I’d probably be using it for summer socks with a short cuff. (I’m one of those people that has chronically cold feet and has to wear socks all year round, but somehow I haven’t made any summer socks yet.)

  5. OK, despite the patheticiness (is that a real word) of the yarn, the socks looks awesome. Chaos, rest assured mom would never go so far as pink tutus. Only bibs.

  6. Wow. Short cuffs…. I was about to express surprise at Chris knitting short socks… and now I see why. Dude that’s BAD.

    The socks themselves are cute…. in the scary way.

  7. Possibly I should make a list of yarns to avoid. I’m glad I was able to resist the corn sock yarn from panda at SH; imagine how well I’d do making socks with questionable yardage. 😮

  8. well, we won’t have any trouble finding those in the dark, will we!
    what an incredibly small amount of yarn for socks…
    good job finishing them up despite all the splitty issues. (btw, the panda wool was wonderful)

  9. I’m sorry I led you astray. I can say in terms of splittiness the panda wool is much better than the cotton. But the yardage is comparable I believe and I managed to felt my Coyote Ridge to the point of not being wearable on my feet. 🙁

  10. The lolcatz were too funny! Nom, nom…As for the radioactive socks…I still like the colour combo. Not buying the cheap yarn, though. Maybe dye my own?

  11. I almost sent you the “I will kill u” lolcats, but somehow I knew that you had already seen it and recognized Chaos’ magnificent form in the photo.

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