In which I reveal a small winning streak

Amy Artisan’s giving away five copies of Kate Jacobs’ newest book Comfort Food. (Comfort Food is not a sequel to The Friday Night Knitting Club; it’s about a celebrity chef.) Leave her a comment about your favorite comfort food by May 21 to be included in the drawing.

Connie’s son is working on a project for his college graduation in June and would really appreciate it if you stopped by to answer a few questions for him before May 10.

Sign ups for Summer of Socks close on May 15! Nope, I’m not going to sign up – knowing me, I’d never knit another sock again. 😉

Thanks to June for an interesting post that sort of broke my brain. No, not the part about gas mileage – the optical illusion below that.

So, a few weeks ago I had a bit of a contest winning streak. First I won a copy of Vicki’s Bloomin’ Hat pattern – thanks, Vicki!

Next I won some Dream in Color Smooshy and a WendyKnits sock pattern for donating to Nikki’s Relay for Life contest. I was particularly excited about this, since I didn’t have any Smooshy yet. The Smooshy is much more purple than it looks in picture, which is a good thing. 🙂 Thank you, Nikki!

“Smooshy sounds nice and cushy, like something that should be a kitty pillow, and it’s just my size!” -Mayhem

Um, no way, May! Finally, I won a gorgeous limited edition skein of Lavender Sheep sock yarn for donating to Debby’s Get Your Guts in Gear fundraiser (still time to donate before the last prize drawing!). Thank you so much, Debby! I am honored to have a skein of Charlie’s yarn.

You’ve already seen how much Chaos enjoys the ASPCA bracelet that Debby included…

“Must. Steal.” -Chaos

37 thoughts on “In which I reveal a small winning streak”

  1. So I had to go look at that picture and could only see her going clockwise, I figured after a few minutes and she was still going one direction I just wasn’t getting it. So I went through the links, and when I first went to the newspaper (after reading the explanation), she was going the other way, but I blinked and she went back to clockwise and I couldn’t get her to be off her left leg. Oh well.

  2. The smooshy is a little thin to me, but it’s nice stuff! Just not for socks, for me. I’m not the one who knits with 000000000000s though. That’s you 😉

    The spinning girl broke my brain too.

    But seriously! You! Never knit a sock again…. yeah right.

  3. Now how do I get back the time I spent looking at the spinning/dancing girl?

    You don’t want that May! Unless you want nightmares of big, purple dinosaurs 😉

  4. Ooo, I just love the colour of Charlie’s yarn! Lucky you. 🙂 I have fondled the Smooshey, but resisted the temptation. Because you know. I just had to buy the coarse Noro sock yarn instead.


  5. I refuse to go look at that link now that I know its the ‘spinning/dancing girl’ thing. It broke my brain when someone else linked to it. I felt like that poor guy in “MallRats” who couldn’t see the sailboat in the hidden picture…lol

  6. If you watch the shadow of the foot of the dancer, she appears to be spinning in a clockwise direction.

    I disagreed with the link I followed which tried to argue that the dancer could be interpreted as moving counterclockwise – based on the orientation of the foot’s shadow.

  7. I won a prize basket over the weekend valued at over $200, I think, and I am PUMPED! Not just because it’s full of good shit, but because I NEVER win stuff like that. Ever. That’s Dave’s department – the guy enters random raffles all the time and wins half of them. Seriously. I was so tickled about winning that basket…I rode that high for a while, until Julia started puking again. 😉

  8. I’ve seen that dancer illusion before, but I’ve never been able to see it any way other than clockwise. But the link in the post with the modified graphics finally let me see it counter-clockwise (but even then, it kept switching back to clockwise!) I guess my brain is just stuck.

  9. I’m using the Dream in Color Classy for my new shrug and I really like it so far, so I think you’ll like the Smooshy!

    So glad you like the Charlie’s Yarn. And Chaos likes the bracelet. It’s a good color for him. 🙂

  10. Oh lots of nice prizes! How nice of you to let May use the Smooshy as a pillow.;)

    The spinning dancer only turned clockwise for me.

    I have to pick and choose my alongs carefully since it’s almost guaranteed to make me not do the thing I joined to do.

  11. Oh how nice that you won some of Charlie’s yarn! She was completely sold out by the time I got there.

    Smooshy just sounds so comfy. And purple! Perfect.

  12. That Charlie colourway sure is gorgeous. Reminds me of chocolate. Mmm, chocolate…mixed with white chocolate…mmmmmmm..nom nom nom

  13. Isn’t it odd how joining a (xyz)-along absolutely kills the desire to knit that item? LOL
    Yes, the dancer is interesting – I see her as going anticlockwise then she switches to clockwise and stays there.

  14. For some reason, Charlie’s Yarn made me think of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup. Hmmm…. Maybe I shouldn’t read blogs when I’m hungry….

  15. Reading back, I see I’m not the only one to think that about the yarn. Whew! I’m not quite as much a hungry freak as I thought.

  16. I signed up for the Summer of Socks and not sure why I did. I guess to say I knit one or two pairs of socks? I never manage to enter any of the contests.

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