New ASPCA spokescat?

It’s just one of those days – I have things I could blog about, but I’m feeling singularly uninspired to do so. Mayhap I can distract you…

“Nom nom nom.” -Chaos

32 thoughts on “New ASPCA spokescat?”

  1. Hmmm.. I’m not sure if that was the use they had in mind for that item. lol. Silly Chaos.. you’re supposed to WEAR it!

  2. Totally in touch with a similar blog feeling. Can’t tell you how many rubber bracelets we’ve gone through at our house, all victims of cat teeth.

  3. great photo.
    You never cease to amaze me with all the fabulous photos of your kitties. And black cats are hard to shoot photos of 🙂

  4. We used the Chaos Lentil Soup recipe you sent me last year at our Packwood Fiber Retreat. YUM!!!! As soon as Verizon fixes the phone lines and DSL in over half our neighborhood, I’ll post the soup picture.

  5. There seems to be a blog inspiration problem going around. They must be handing out tuna flavored bracelets at the ASPCA. 🙂 The ferrets usually try and steal anything like that.

  6. Love that shot! The Dynamic Chaos/Mayhem Duo would make purrrfect spokescats – but…”noming” the bracelets makes it hard for them to “speak” about much, right?

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