“Mmmm… beer…”

“Are you going to finish that, Mom?” -Mayhem (staring fixedly at my glass)

“No, really, I wasn’t going to sneak a sip when you weren’t looking… What makes you think that?!” -Mayhem

*snork* -Chaos

“See? I’m really not interested in your silly beer at all. So there.” -Mayhem

Have a great weekend, everyone! Even if it doesn’t include black cats or beer. 😉 Maybe I’ll even get caught up on all those unread blog posts…

39 thoughts on ““Mmmm… beer…””

  1. You know she’d totally stick her little paw in there and then lick it off, decide she’d like it and stick her paw in there again, except the second time? She’d knock that baby right over!

  2. Hee hee. I think May’s a little young for beer. You can really see the difference in the photos with the new camera.. they’re crystal clear! Hooray for the shiny purple camera!

  3. May? You wouldn’t have liked that stuff anyway. Mom drinks that gluten-free beer. *You* aren’t gluten-challenged.

    Ask Mom to buy you a six of Bass Ale.

  4. You do corporal cuddling too?? The boys in this house routinely get “punished” by being snuggled, after which they must go groom for *hours* to get all the human cooties off themselves.

  5. Is that first picture of May taken w/ the new camera? If so, I have to say it is remarkably well at capturing her cute kittiness. Remarkable, ok, I have to look away now, my teeth hurt. So sweet.

  6. Doesn’t that make you feel bad? 🙂 You’re supposed to feel really bad about it. But when you find a good beer, who wants to share anyway?

  7. I can totally see the ‘paw taste test’ happening here. BTW, May look so sweet and innocent, now that we can see her almost round eyes (thanks to the new camera!).

  8. My weekend shall involve petting brand new gift yarn. (Photos next week.) So it shall be a very good weekend, indeed. 😉

  9. hahaha – she got caught, so she’s pretending to not care. (what a clever girl).
    My kitties often stick their noses down in whatever glass is sitting around – I suspect someday I will be taking a photo of a cat with a glass stuck on it’s snout!

  10. Hee! Zorro doesn’t care what’s in my glass, but Allie always wants to take a drink of whatever I’m having.

    Sigh – now I want to go home and snuggle her. 🙂

    Have a great weekend, Chris!

  11. I got up and got myself a glass of water in the middle of the night (rare for me; I usually drink out of sports bottles), and before I got back to sleep I could hear Wilbur slurping away at it…

  12. I love the expression on her face in the first pic. She’s like, “Pretty please?”

    Dude – I am so far behind on blog reading it’s not even funny. *cue panic attack*

  13. Our boy cat likes beer. Not all beer. Certain beers. Mostly American wheat beers (which, clearly, Mayhem would turn her nose up at on your behalf).

  14. May, didn’t we have this conversation before? About how you have to be 21? How many times do we have to tell you? Hmm….?

  15. Mayhem really does have the widest eyes! And really wants a tiny sip of your beer. Meanie.

    Argh. I forgot to look for the new CE Murphy series at the library today.

    You have a purse type! And a cat type! I’m finding that vastly amusing.

  16. lol mayhem, youd get along great with my pooch! although she is quite the beer snob and only will drink microbrew’s! (she swears it makes her old joints ache less, although we do have to take her collar off as it also makes her shake her head and her ears feel fuzzy!)

  17. I think May should try some ‘Smuttynose’ (love the name…). The snow pile is still huge, I’ll put up pics in a week or two.

  18. Wow, I’ve missed seeing the black cats! I am still here! Very cute pictures.

    Thanks for sharing the link to the foot article. I love being a SAHM and being able to go shoeless a good portion of the day!

  19. Darling Kitties- I feel exactly the same- beer holds no interest for me at all.

    In Britain they have something called “babysham”- it’s pretty good.

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