Marsha’s having her final of three birthday contests. Leave her a comment about your favorite knitted object and you could win yarn, a giant blue IKEA bag, and a tasty treat. Leave your comment by May 7.
Cathy’s celebrating her blogiversary with a contest/raffle. Every $5 you donate to Doctors Without Borders, Knitters For Knockers, or The House That Yarn Built between now and midnight CDT, May 11, gets you a chance to win some great prizes, including Socks That Rock, Wollmeise, Twisted Fiber Arts yarn, and more.
Trek’s collecting box tops as part of a fundraiser for the Neatnik’s school and is having a contest to encourage people to send her more box tops. You have until August 1 to collect the box tops. One random box top collector will be selected to win a $25 Amazon gift certificate.
Knitting Update
Brace yourselves – I’m not knitting a sock or a bib, nor am I knitting with purple or black. (Can someone help Marina up off the floor and make sure she’s ok? Thanks!)
I’m knitting a dodecahedron (Celestine). It isn’t much to look at yet, as I’ve only completed eight of the 12 points, plus I will need to stuff it. The yarn is Regia Crazy Color 6-Ply and I think its random nature is perfect for this project.
I did attempt to get some modeled shots… The first is of Celestine mid-fall.
“Why the heck would I want to model an unfinished dodecahedron, anyway?! It’s a toy, not a hat.” -Chaos
“Did someone say toy?!” -Mayhem
Lucky you, I’m still waiting for the coffee to be made
Thanks for telling what it is because at first glance, it looked like something with multiple boobs!
Not a cat toy – right?
Oh good! Marina made it up off the floor!
Those are some jolly colours – so is it for the guys, or someone else?
Is it a cat toy? Because only for the kitties would you knit a non purple and black, non sock or bib object.
Thanks for the plug!
Interesting cat toy.
Chris- One can only hope that you aren’t considering using a cat as stuffing.
Cats are not dodecahedron shaped.
I wish I’d had that pattern when the Teen had his Geometry project – we could’ve gotten that guy some extra credit. That yarn is great colors for a baby toy…
Whew! I read the first couple of paragraphs and had just finished the sentence about Cathy’s contest… you know, the one asking for donations to Knitters for Knockers when glanced down at the photos and nearly fell off of my seat. Thank heavens it’s a toy and not an item for that charity. It looks wonderful and hope the kitties enjoy biting, chewing, thumping and beating on it. Only if it’s intended for them though.
Just to clarify – I’m not making the dodecahedron for the kitties!
It’s a gift for a small child of my acquaintance.
Well, May seems to be enjoying Celestine more than she does the bibs.
Shocking indeed! But cool…I have tons of sock yarn that will never become socks. Perhaps I should make some toys too?
Wow, you’re right. Absolutely perfect!
Ps: way better than that pattern model yarn too. Love it.
Are you going to stuff it with catnip?
Oh so neat! What a perfect baby toy and knitted too.
what a cool project – and it looks like quite the challenge.
Are you sure it’s not a cat toy?
I like it as a stripey dodecahedron!
At first glance I said to myself, “Multiple barnacle. Yup, that’s what it is.” Now, why you would be knitting barnacles is a question for another day. Toy is better.
You could make those and sell them as cat toys … our cats would’ve had a FIELD day with them!
I’ve been thinking that might be a fun project between projects but haven’t found the time yet. I can’t wait to see it stuffed!
Is it just me, or does that dodecahedron make anyone else think of Madonna’s bras in the early 1990s? This shape looks far better on cats than it did on her, that’s for sure.
Not just Marsha saw Madonna’s old bras in that dodacahedron. Dode. Sorry, I flashed Carol Doda there for a minute.
Cool new camera! Quicker picture taking time? I hate the l-o-n-g exposure time on mine. I might as well use the original cameras.
It looks pink though.
Put some catnip in it!
Chaos told me to tell you that.
I’ve had one of those in my Rav queue for a long time — it does lokk great in sock yarn. Hmmm…
Very cool! I love the yarn you used.
ah but it makes a very charming hat. ;o)
Those are so cool looking, I might have to make one someday. I say that about everything don’t I?
Now THAT’S a cat toy! Are ya gonna put catnip in it? Or is it a people toy?
Hahaha. I love it! Wish I thought of it first!
HAHAHAHAHA! That’s too funny! It looks, um, rather limp at the moment. I’m sure the hellions will enjoy it with stuffing. Are you going to bury any catnip in there? I guess they’d just destroy it even sooner. Perhaps not.
You have fallen for the Celestine! Yours looks great! I love how the striping it turning out.
That looks pretty neat so far
Mayhem will enjoy playing with that even more when it’s done.
Love the colors on the toy. (You didn’t expect me to spell dodecahedron, did you?) Will it be for the kitties or for a baby? Either way it is very cool.
oh yes you picked a perfect yarn! It’s going to be fab!
That is AWESOME. I love it!
YES, May a toy! hmm..thanks Chris, I know a couple of little boys (three to be exact) who might like their own…Now to get knitting…
What a cute project and I do think the “children” would like one of their own.
*Gasp* You’re knitting something that is NOT a sock? I… I feel like I’ve entered the Twilight Zone!
Oh I really want to make one of those! I’m going to have a classroom full of weird knitted science and mathematical things someday!
Ok, the dodecahedron looks bizarre. Why are you knitting this again? As you can probably tell, I’m catching up on blog reading.