
I braved Lucky Elevator #13 for this post…

For the past several months, I’ve been pondering a new addition to the elevators of the nine-story (including basement) building in which I work… tv. Yup. Little flatscreen tvs in the elevators, complete with informative blurbettes, commercials, the weather, stocks…

Fortunately, there’s no sound… yet. The “Captivate Network” is obviously playing on the “captive” audience of elevator riders. But really, maybe this would be more effective in a taller building?!

Sorry, no Chaos picture… I’m at work and it’s just too crazy being back after being out for the past few days. He sends his regards.

16 thoughts on “Captivated”

  1. Elevator #13.. I’m surprised they actually named it that since most buildings don’t even ‘have’ a 13th floor. Glad you’re feeling better.

  2. When there is muzack begging to be played? The horror!

    Glad to hear you’re better, I liked your poem and I think I can handle a post w/o a Chaos picture.

    One, mind you, lol.

  3. It’s a great marketing idea, but wouldn’t it be better for worker’s morale if they showed cartoons or something?
    At least it gives you something else to focus on so you don’t have to uncomfortably try not to make eye contact with the other passengers, or is that just me?

  4. I’m glad you’re feeling better.

    I suppose to TV is there to take your mind off the fact that you can’t smoke and are enclosed in a metal, one might say coffin like box. Not that I’m morbid or anything.

  5. Oh, good. Let’s remind the claustrophobe (that’d be me) that she’s CAPTIVE in a little box of death.

    Really, elevators don’t bother me much, unless they’re too crowded. But, really…Captive? That’s horrible.

  6. Well, I suppose it is useful if you are stuck in a lift. I don’t use the lift at work because it often breaks and people get stuck in it.

    Cuddles to Chaos. Glad you are feeling better. We’ve all missed you here.

  7. I’ve never seen one in a bathroom stall… but I think it’s a good idea in an elevator. It doesn’t need sound (actually sound would be nasty), it just needs to provide a legitimate thing to look at while you are in there.

    Yes, TB, just about *everybody* does eye acrobatics in order to avoid staring at other people in the elevator – it’s one of the favorite experiments that Psych 101 classes do, turn around and *look* at people in the elevator. 😀


  8. Oh Chaos is at home alone! With a cat like that, I’d like to know what goes through your mind as you open the door ;o)

    TVs in elevators… odd. But the weather forecast thing might be nice! Especially if the particular office does not allow private radios or etc. (I spent a year in data-entry once… just before college)

    I’m trapped in work-zone too, again. Have a good (and hopefully not-too-stressful) night!

  9. Hi,
    glad your feeling better. I also wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog. I’m a regular reader of yours! and chaos… what a cutie!

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