“Hold me closer, tiny [Cat] Dancer…”

String Bean’s taken some fabulous pictures of graffiti murals in Olympia, Washington.

Knitnzu has just the post for those of you who love the surreality of vintage knitting pattern booklets. I laughed, I shrieked…

Marsha not only has a great post of links to items of knitterly interest, she’s also having another contest! She’s giving away several of those ginormous IKEA blue bags for those of you who don’t have an IKEA near you (and thus have no idea how darn useful those ginormous bags can be). She’ll select a random winner on April 16.

As promised, some pictures of May meeting the Cat Dancer. No need to caption these, as May obviously has only one thing on her mind: “Must. Get. Cat. Dancer.”

36 thoughts on ““Hold me closer, tiny [Cat] Dancer…””

  1. comment #1! wow.
    cat dancer and flying feather (on a fishing rod) are my babies favorite toys. Both were more fun when they were younger (much more acrobatic) but we still play.

  2. Chews goes BATSHIT CRAZY for things like that. He gets to the point where he’s panting and has to go lie down for a while before coming back for more.

  3. Too cute! My girls are strangely indifferent to the Cat Dancer. BTW, thanks for the link to knitnzu’s old knitting booklet. Hilarious! What an awesome way to start the day.

  4. I just rewatched The Office’s “Office Olympics” episode, and Angela said that one of the “games” she played was using a cat dancer with her cats! (In some other words, though)

  5. Knitnzu’s post was fabulous! I was in hysterics over the guy in the blue poncho (in her Flickr set, not in the post). And the one with the two men and the girl on lounge chairs all holding hands – looks like a definite 3-way in the making. (Also in the Flickr set)

  6. Those are definitely the best kitty toys ever. Mom still won’t get off the couch and play with ours. She keeps talking about something called “work.” Do you have room for another kitty in MN?

  7. Don’t ya just love the Cat Dancer. I got my first one about 20 years ago and always make sure we have one around the house. Every cat I’ve met absolutely loves it!

  8. I swear Katie can hear me pick up the feathers on a fishing pole, no matter where she is in the house.

    The Spinnerin books are usually the best!

  9. Mayhem looks like she’s having fun. My cats don’t really play… can we trade kitties?

    Thanks for linking. I have many more graffiti pictures to post. Maybe May will be mural month. One mural every post?

  10. Hey! Thanks for the link! Dave D thought I should’ve given a spew warning on that post… maybe, eh? I am just so constantly amused by so much, that it’s just one more amusing thing… Though I did do a lot of OMG’ing when I first looked through it. Maybe Mayhem’s second name should be Obsession. Or Obsessed. Or Posessed??

  11. Amazingly…she looks just like my Bailey with the cat dancer (truly identical. Little black kitty with white bits). She is in love with them and as you can imagine, she has several scattered around the house. I’m glad that May likes them too!

  12. it looks like she is having alot of fun. I just hope she doesn’t get obbessed like Siren does.

    The cat dancer had to be banished because it would be brought to me when i came home everyday.

    So, do you have a good hiding place for it?

  13. May knows the importance of a good fitness routine that will keep her healthy in her later years. That, and it looks like a heck of a lot of fun for her!

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