Kitty… yarn?

Recently, I won a contest over at knit’n lit and Jenn sent me a fun purple prize pack: a type of Opal I haven’t tried before and some KnitPicks alpaca that has “scarf” written all over it. Thanks, Jenn! How ever did you guess that I like purple? 😉

“May! May! You’re missing the yarn!” -Chaos

To celebrate his 2000th post, FuriousBall sent a cd of his very own music to each interested commentor. Thanks, FB – it was very soothing to listen to while I did my taxes the other night…

“May! May! You’re missing the cd!” -Chaos

And Elspeth sent me some goodies just because. Aw, thanks, E!! Hidden by Chaos’s head is a mix cd. Clockwise from there is a cute “meow” card, a scissors with a sheep on it, a very cool sheepy tote bag, a gorgeous skein of yarn (more on that in a minute), two black cat notebooks (the one on the right says “Black cat with cool face, but actually goofy” and the one on the left says “Stella’s story: Her name is Stella. She is very popular with the boys, though very stylish and selfish”), two sheepy chip clips, some flavored coffee, a tiny ram notebook, and some cards with which Chaos is trying abscond.

“May! May! You’re missing the lots of stuff! Hmm. I don’t know where that Mayhem’s gotten herself off to, but at least I don’t have to share this nifty ribbon.” -Chaos

“Mmm… ribbon, let me lick you…” -Chaos

“What did I miss?! What did I miss?! Ewwww, big kitty, get a room!” -Mayhem

A more detailed shot of the yarn label – can you see the misspelling? E noted that cat hair isn’t intentionally spun into this yarn, but apparently is just natively in the spinning environment. Hee hee – maybe I should get “guaranteed cat hair” labels for everything I knit!

Have a great weekend, everyone! (And rest assured that I took the ribbon away from Chaos before things got too out of hand…)

29 thoughts on “Kitty… yarn?”

  1. What fun packages!! I think everything I do has some element of cat fur!

    Mom’s cat (very old and sick) was having trouble settling down after they’d come back from vacation and finally nestled down on my lap and the sweater I’m knitting. Mom asked me if it was OK and I said of course. I knit the sweater over Bartholamew while he’s in my lap so a little extra cat fur isn’t gonna matter at all…

  2. Oh, that black cat notebook is so cute!! Wow, you’ve got some great stuff there – I seriously covet (yes, covet) that purple yarn in the first picture.

    Kitty paw!

  3. Guaranteed! I sees the misspelling!

    Picasso informs you the alpaca is for catchenal use.
    And also that the Chaosal unit is being proper in the licking of the ribbon. Ribbon! He has it. Picasso wants.

  4. Cat hair natively in the spinning environment. I love it! The group of people of been working with this month, we all wear light fleece jackets during the day (drafty high bay lab) I noticed yesterday I was the only one with cat hair. Oops.

  5. Alright then, you charmer, I still think it’s amazing that people just randomly send you things.

    Chaos and the ribbon, well, now we know what to get him for Christmas.

    P.S. I should have kept my mouth shut yesterday about Chaos and May picking on each other. Last night JinBao and Evanrude were up to their usual hit and run tackle-each-other-and-horse play craziness. Half an hour later Evanrude jumped up on the bed all happy and purring…with a whisker broken off, a patch of fur about the size of a dime missing by said whisker and another patch missing of the same size between his shoulder blades! These kids play too rough! I hit Evanrude with the Biocane and scolded them both! Twerps! I told Evanrude he wasn’t supposed to be happy about having his face look like hamburger and then I told JinBao I would let Evanrude’s nails grow out and see if he wanted to play so rough still.

  6. Such nice things! The colors of the opal yarns are really pretty and perfect for you.

    I would think ribbon licking rather nasty, but who knows what goes on in the “mind” of a cat.

    Have a great weekend! I hope you get warm, sunny weather.

  7. Lorraine, not all yarn has black and white hairs in it. Sometimes there’s orange. 🙂

    Gives yarn that extra warmth and texture, don’t you think?!

    Chris, lovely purple yarn!!

  8. I warn everyone that gets my handknit goods that they may contain more than just the fiber noted on the fiber band. Knits may contain varying lenghts of dishwater blond hair and/or grey, white, or black cat hair from two cats. And not on purpose!

  9. Hehe… yes our Mouse tries to pass her hair along here too but I think I do a good job of keeping it off of stuff. So nice if I could call it a benefit, as we may have an influx of cats here soon.

  10. What fun packages and all of that nice purple yarn! The addition of cat hair makes the yarn extra special. I like that black cat notebook on the right!

  11. Thank God for the Japanese dollar store – I love their sheep and cat stuff! I got my own guaranteed cat hair yarn too – so my mom won’t worry about her cat getting into her gift!

  12. What is it with cats and ribbon? Sounds like last weekend at Knittybaby’s birthday party when I kept running around yelling “get that ribbon before the cats do, or you’re paying for the next surgery!” (Or at least the $99 to make him puke:-)

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