Of a contest won and… more snow

Amy’s having a blogiversary contest that involves revealing your “heart list.” There will be yarn, food, and a “dog prize” (although it’s unclear to me whether you actually receive a dog for that last). Winner will be selected April 4.

The Yarn Harlot returns to the Twin Cities on April 10! Alas, I’m not able to attend this time around, but if you’re going and you’re interested in meeting up with some local knitters for dinner beforehand, check out this Ravelry thread.

Reading Update
Steward of Song by Adam Stemple. The sequel to Singer of Souls is another well-written urban fantasy from Stemple, but it sadly lacks the intensity of the first book.
The Dead Girls’ Dance: The Morganville Vampires, Book Two and Midnight Alley: The Morganville Vampires, Book Three by Rachel Caine. This teen-oriented paranormal series has quietly sucked me in…
T is for Trespass: A Kinsey Milhone Mystery by Sue Grafton. What can I say about Grafton’s Kinsey Milhone series? Always a good read, although I do wish Grafton had a lighter hand with the foreshadowing.
Over Hexed by Vicki Lewis Thompson. Pleasantly distracting trashy paranormal romance – no vampires or werewolves. πŸ™‚
Gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson. I’d heard mixed things about this novel, but I enjoyed it and didn’t untangle the heart of the story on my own.
Dingo by Charles de Lint. De Lint’s latest is a solid young adult novel set near Newford.

Non-Reading Update
Recently, I won a contest over at Brigitte’s and the prize package arrived in record breaking time (we suspect that someone usually just walks the mail to Minneapolis from Toronto).

“Oh, what’d Gandalf send me?! That little hottie…” -Mayhem

“Simmer down there, Mayhem. Hmm, I wonder what Mae’s included for me, since I know she thinks I’m the cat’s meow.” -Chaos

A new kitty toy, a black cat Pez dispenser, a thrummed mitten kit (yay!! For thrums, I’ll knit thumbs), tea, a Toronto travel mug, some Green & Black’s cocoa, yummy chocolate, and my all-time favorite gluten-free crackers – thank you so much, Brigitte!

“Mom, is chocolate really bad for cats, or do you just want to keep it all for yourself?” -Chaos

Darn it – busted! πŸ˜‰

Oh yeah, and it snowed yesterday. By the time you read this, we may have had seven or eight inches of snow! Nope, this is not an April Fools joke, alas.

“If I tip my head just so, the flakes sort of look like birds…” -Chaos

30 thoughts on “Of a contest won and… more snow”

  1. What a great package!!

    My mom just bought some of those Nut Thins and they’re most yummy…

    sorry to hear about the snow. This “springs” weather is just plain weird.

  2. The guy at the Post Office told me that there is NO air mail service from Toronto to Minneapolis! WTF?!!

    I’m so glad you like everything! Mmmm, those are my favourite crackers too.

  3. I’ve wanted to read Gods in Alabama for a while now. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.

    And WOAH on the SNOW. It’s raining here today, ten degrees. I’m not holding my breath, though.

  4. Oh what lovely snow! I know it is a pain for you all but it looks amazing to me… That is a wonderful package you’ve got there – I love the way those kitty heads are peering in.

  5. It’s April…and you’re still getting snow…and you do actually live BELOW the Arctic Circle. Huh. πŸ™‚

    Yeah, I can totally see why you’re happy about the thrummed mitten kit!

  6. It’s a darned good thing this snow is pretty, but I. am. done. My kids won’t even go out to play in it anymore, which doesn’t bode well for getting the sidewalk shoveled.

  7. Not more snow! I’d try to send you warm weather, but we have actually been having a “cold” spring for California, and we aren’t getting enough rain. The climate is so messed up.

    Great stuff from Brigitte! She is definitely a blog-friend par excellence. And cats are absolute carnivores, so chocolate for Chris and tuna for Chaos.

  8. The Yarn Harlot is going to be in Nashville the previous night, the 9th. I’ll be going to see her there.

    Great package from Brigitte! I love that black cat Pez dispenser. Looks like the mitten kit came just in time. πŸ™‚

  9. Speaking of birds, I was watching the movie (The Birds) tonight on TV and Momma made me turn it off cause she said it gets too scary for us little girls.

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