
Every time I post pictures of murals in my neighborhood, people comment that Minneapolis sure seems to have a lot of murals. Interestingly, I’m not sure I’ve posted pictures of many murals from outside my walking neighborhood… and not even all of those! Plus, they keep changing. Remember that Mountain Dew mural? This is what it looks like now:

Sure glad I got pictures of it before they changed it!

Intermedia Arts is always doing something interesting with its facade.

Penn Cycle has a mural in a narrow alley, which is hard capture due to the angle.

This is the Dunn Brothers Coffee offering:

It’s hard to tell if this is a mural or graffiti in the Planet Soccer parking lot, isn’t it?

“Hey, Mom, you wouldn’t mind if the big kitty and I painted a mural on that boring white wall in the living room, right?!” -Mayhem

31 thoughts on “Murality”

  1. Nice mural montage! Reminds me of my Mpls days — miss the walks.

    Have Chaos and Mayhem read Cats who Paint, or whatever that book was from a few years back? Being the nurturing cat parent you are, I’m sure you are all about buying them paint and letting them express themselves on that blank wall!

  2. Those are cool, I have to say, I like the planet soccer one the best, even if it is just graffiti.

    Hmmm, I’m thinking little kitty paw prints all over the walls, that would be cool. Go for it guys! Surprise mom while she’s away at work some day.

  3. Your town is so much more interesting than my town. Baltimore has a couple of murals – they seemed to be big in the late 70s-early 80s, but that trend seems to have died out.

    I think you should let May and Chaos have a go at a mural. It’s not like it would be taller than kitty height, and if they made a real mess, you could always hide it with a piece of furniture. Maybe another bookcase 😉

  4. I love murals, there are some great ones in Philly. I’m thinking about doing a run down around Kelley Drive, I’ll try to take some shots (and pictures too).

  5. Those are so cool! Hoop and I saw some wannabe graffiti art when we visited his college town on the way home yesterday. It wasn’t really appropriate to film though. 😉

  6. Neat murals/graffiti! There’s a lot of murals or graffiti (with some it’s hard to tell) in downtown OLympia. I should take some pictures of them next time I head down there. The glass shop has the best paint job in the city, I think.

    Kitty painting in the living room? Neat! Chaos and Mayhem could paint multi-colored pawprints all over. Paw-painting.

  7. The Twin Cities are pretty big on murals. Maybe it’s due to the long, rather colorless winters.

    My parents’ kitty ran through a paint tray once, and he really didn’t like the feel of the paint on his paws. Nor was he very happy when I had to wash it off in the sink. Just something for your kitties to consider before embarking on a mural. I think Chaos would paint a giant tuna across the wall. Very aesthetic. 😉

  8. Ohhhh a kitty mural would be awesome, you could dip their paws and tail in paint and then have them climb the wall. Wouldn’t that be fun!

  9. As someone who spends most of her time in the presence of adolescents, I gotta tell you the first and last look like the work of taggers, not murals. That doesn’t mean they aren’t art, it just means they probably weren’t necessarily planned by the individuals who own the buildings.

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