Monday, Monday

Jane’s celebrating her blogiversary with a contest – leave a comment before 3/25 to participate.

Cosmo is home!

Reading Update
Glass Houses: The Morganville Vampires, Book One by Rachel Caine. For some reason, I kept thinking about the bit in the movie The Lost Boys when Grandpa says, “One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach, all the damn vampires.” Yup. That’s the situation in Morganville.
New Moon and Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. More vampire novels! 🙂 Although I really wish Bella wasn’t so passive, the second and third books of the Twilight Saga totally sucked me in. I spent the last 45 minutes of Eclipse trying to read while crying. *sniff* I’m glad to see that the next book (Breaking Dawn) will be out at the beginning of August.
Dream Chaser (A Dream-Hunter Novel) by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Not exactly a Dark-Hunter novel, but since Acheron is in it…

Snow Update
It snowed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Good thing it snowed lightly, or we’d be totally buried! This picture from Friday morning could’ve been taken either Saturday or Sunday, too.

Check out the cute snow bunny that Limedragon saw!

But hey, at least the first day of spring (last Thursday) was pretty sunny, right?! (Help me out here, folks…)

“Mmmm… sunbeams…” -Mayhem

31 thoughts on “Monday, Monday”

  1. Mmmm, kitties and sunbeams… Soon, we can only hope. We had sunny weather all weekend, and now it’s cloudy and a bit snowy *sigh*…

    Yay for Cosmo!

  2. Oy. Please do not send snow our way. I am so ready to rip the saran wrap off my windows and open them for some fresh air! Thanks for all the good wishes for my Cosmo!

  3. Twilight zone. There have been flyers up all over our area of ‘Lost Cat: Name Cosmo’ and I was wondering just how far those flyers had travelled until I saw it was a different Cosmo 😉

    Cute Mayhem!

  4. Oh, bummer on the snow. As you can see from Margene’s blog today, we had a spectacular day yesterday. It was near 60F, and we were able to spend hours sitting outside in the yard.

  5. Esau Marie(my kitty) looks for the sun all the time. Our Easter looked alot like yours, except we had no accumulation. And, I’m halfway down the Mississippi River. What is going on, already?

  6. Spring is coming soon! I promise. If you need a fix, check out Cookie’s (shut up and knit) site for some BEAUTIFUL honeysuckle blooming in her yard.

  7. Any time you can get a little Acheron fix it’s a good thing 🙂

    I loved Twilight. She wrote Edward very well in that one. I’m actually rereading the series right now.

    May has the right idea–snow or no snow a good sunspot is worth its weight in cat food(at least that’s the impression I get from my kitties).

  8. So sorry about the snow! At least the accumulation wasn’t too high. A warm day and it will all melt. Meantime, Mayhem has the right idea!

  9. It was a lovely sunny Easter! Without a vampire in sight. I did manage to read Babel-17 yesterday too.

    Snow? Snow? That is just so wrong. Although, March.

    Pretty Mayhem!

  10. Ugh. I can’t believe how much snow you’ve had this winter!

    My dd will be glad to hear about the new Stephanie Meyer book coming out this summer. I haven’t gotten sucked into them myself, yet.

  11. Snow! We just returned from Kansas, where it was thankfully above 30 degrees at all times. The weather was quite nice. Then we flew into San Francisco and it was as hot as summer. Then we drove to our town 5 hours north and it was raining. That a lot of weather in one day!

    Hope springtime blesses you soon.

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