How quickly my thoughts turn to spring!

Congratulations to Jenn, who was lucky random number 50 in my caption contest!

Friday it was bitterly cold (-11F when I was trying to go to work); yesterday it was sunny and +50F. I had my windows open and I could hear the sound of melting everywhere. (If you’re not from a northern clime, melting sounds like water dripping and running outside… because it is, for the first time in months.) (Oh, my car? By the time they got to it yesterday afternoon, it started just fine – must’ve been a frozen fuel line. *sigh*)

I went for a walk yesterday afternoon so I could enjoy the lovely weather. Not surprisingly, I took a few pictures as I wandered around. Here’s a mural on the side of Caffetto Cafe.

Even the liquor store has a mural, probably in homage to Grain Belt Beer and the now defunct Minnesota Brewing Company.

This mural on the side of a laundromat must refer to the more traditional mountain dew

Would you get your hair cut here?! I sure wouldn’t. Embiggen to read the sign…

The cats were briefly interested in the open windows, but they quickly became bored due to lack of birds.

“Hmph. No birds. Plus you keep flashing that thing in my face. My life sucks.” -Mayhem

40 thoughts on “How quickly my thoughts turn to spring!”

  1. “My life sucks.” Oh yeah, May has definitely entered her teen years. You are ruining her life ya know. 😉

    Hmmm, depends on if Johnny Depp was the stylist, even then I might consider wearing a chain mail scarf that day.

  2. That hair place cracked me up when I stumbled on it a few months ago. Isn’t it not too far from the correct street? (hmm. apparently not. I could swear it was, but well, I was lost and obviously not thinking straight)

  3. Hah, right, those cats don’t know from suck.

    But at least the Car Fixy Place is not now in possession of your entire checkbook balance.

  4. But it’s back, it’s back–you can drive yourself anywhere your heart desires. They didn’t need you at the office anyway.

    Just think–6-8 weeks and you can sriously consider riding your bike to work. That’ll teach the car.

  5. No squirrels, either, I take it?

    No way in hell would I go there for a haircut, even if I weren’t so cheap/lazy that I cut my own hair.

  6. very cool murals! The cold chill is heading back your way..we’ve got it now. (they are saying another new foot or two of snow on the mtns for this weekend) would be great for skiing, almost bummed we’ll be in vegas.
    Congrats to the winner!

  7. I hate it when cars do that, but at least you don’t have to worry about a huge repair bill. It’s going to be 70 here today. Katie has been at the windows on bird watch.

  8. How does anyone think that is a good name for a hair salon?!

    Glad you are finally getting some melting. I hope your spring arrives soon.

    My, May, you are feeling grumpy! The life of a spoiled house kitty sure is tough.

  9. Talk about leaping into spring! BTW, the old image of Mountain Dew was really something. I think the slogan was something along the lines of “kicking it country cool.”

  10. Hopefully things don’t melt too fast and you end up with a flood. We don’t have snow, but the temps are so cold and bitter that I know the birds are hovering around Virginia or something, saying “uh no, we’re not going up there; we don’t care what the calendar says!”

  11. Chris- There is a Sweeny Todd’s on Yonge Street in Toronto, it used to be beside a butcher’s and a funeral home.

    I know what melting sounds like.

  12. Benny was miffed by the lack of real birds too; although the mallard ducks flying overhead (we live in a flight pattern – I kid you not) did provide some entertainment.

    It may be just about time to fill the bird baiters – I mean feeders…

  13. Wait! I don’t feed the birds so the cats can go eat them. The cats stay inside & they watch the birds and THINK about eating them and then complain about the lack of substance and imagination in the dinner they have been served.

  14. Love the old mountain dew sign, my aunt used to call Mountain Dew, panther pee. Because if you were in the mountains and saw yellow dew, it’d most likely be panther pee. 🙂

  15. I love the coming of spring and opening the windows for an hour or so (only to have the heathens sit by it for a whole minute before ignoring it!)

  16. You showed more buildings where you are with murals than are in all of the capitol city of Maine… well, not really, but almost! We had one mural, a sci-fi cartoon fantasy thing with a woman and a dragon, but that got painted over last year… so sad.

  17. That graffiti mural is awesome! There’s a graphics place on my way to work that changes the mural on the side of their building every month. I should start taking pictures. It’s really cool.

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