Thanks to everyone who’s already captioned in the “Caption Me, Baby†Contest! You can caption along until 6 pm CDT, March 11 – aka today.
Alas, no updates on my car yet – the shop is crazy busy because of all the cold weather we’ve had.
Love this lolcats, of course.
I recently received a lovely package from MrsPao. From center bottom, two discs/coins (prosperity and longevity) for Chinese New Year, some items from the British Museum related to Egyptian cats (more on that momentarily), a cute card, an amusing vintage pattern book (you’ll see more of that in the not-too-distant future, I’m sure), my beloved dark chocolate covered rice cakes, gluten-free Jaffa cakes, and a fabulous Shaun the Sheep knitting kit. Thank you, MrsPao!!
I’ve mentioned my fondness for Shaun before. Apparently Mayhem’s fond of him, too…
“Nom nom nom nom.” -Mayhem
Chaos was curious about prosperity and longevity. But wait – what is May up to now?!
*sniff sniff* “Longevity I get. That’s a good thing, because we have to keep you company in your dotage, Mom. But what the heck is prosperity?” -Chaos
*sniff sniff sniff* -Mayhem
“Nom nom nom nom.” -Mayhem
“I think prosperity means that if you get treats, we should get treats.” -Chaos
Please note – no Shaun the Sheep knitting kits or small Egyptian cat statues were harmed in the making of this post, although it was a close thing!
Eeew! How can that kitty try to eat one of its own?
how cute…. and what a Great package!
In response to Marina – my Pepper tries to “eat” Bartholamew on a regular basis. She’s always digging her teeth into his hide (I’d say poor thing but he usually starts it and she finishes it! lol)
Heh.. I thought of you and the kitties when I saw that LOLCat pop up in my bloglines. It just needed another photo of Mayhem and some sock yarn for a “My precious….” captioned one!
I’m with May…nom, nom, nom…;-)
I believe I said it before – “Sphynx, schmynx!”
I never heard of “om nom”. Nom nom, yea verily. Weird.
Picasso says hi Maymay! *poke*
Great package! No yarn? *puzzled frown*
LOVE Shaun. Wallace & Grommit were one of my kids fave videos when they were younger.
I’m thinkin’ that Egyptian cat didn’t taste too yummy to May?
You have to show us some of the pictures in the booklet she sent you!
it’s Shaun the sheep!
he doesn’t miss a trick or ever lose a beat
do we need to break May of the cannibalistic tendencies she’s showing?
life’s a treat with Shaun the sheep
(dammit, now I’m going to have that stuck in my head all day.)
mmmm Bast
Toofy Kitty Bites are a great way to welcome new items into a home! Shaun is cute, but once knitted he had better sleep with one eye open or else he’s bound to end up playing with the kitties (kind of like sleeping with the fishies). Enjoy your Tuesday!
Chris- There’s an Egyptian exhibit at our museum- the ROM- and I don’t know if I should tell you this- but they have a cat mummy.
Jaffa cakes- yummy!
I adore Shaun as well, are you going to make him a sweater to wear once he’s done, as in the movie? Cheeeeeez!
Ya know, I have to say, with all the pics of May’s teeth just about to clamp shut around something, I am always pleased to see your “no harm” disclaimers at the bottom. Yer fast!
Looking forward to seeing Shaun model all the bibs!!! (May paid me to say that).
That LOLcats was made for you.
Now quit blogging and get on that sheep kit already.
You have a very vigourous inspection process for presents at your house! I take it everything passed?
Great gifts, lucky you! I had no idea May had cannibalistic tendencies. : )
A Shaun the Sheep kit! How cool is that! (You’d better keep him away from May, though – apparently she’ll eat just about anything.)
Them is some teethin’ kittehs!
Awe! I love Shaun too! That is waaay too cute.
I have the very same sheep cards. :o)
Eep! Mayhem might need a large cat teething toy.. other than all the rest of the house that is.
>>“Nom nom nom nom.†-Mayhem<<
Mayhem better be careful, lest she provoke the Egyptian cat Gods to take revenge!
I love Shaun the Sheep, too, but when I first saw him in Wallace and Grommit, we thought his name was “Shorn the Sheep” because he’d just been shorn. So I still have trouble with Shaun the Sheep as a name.
Wonderful stuff! I think Tink has a very good point for Mayhem to consider.
Am I the only one who doesn’t know what Jaffa cakes are?
Great LOLcat, but I think I’ll skip the cheezburger from Mordor–might contain Orc meat.
I’m so glad you liked Shaun and everything
I love Shaun the Sheep! (We have a few Shaun magnets on our fridge. Sylvia likes to play with them. She thinks they’re hers.) A knitting kit? SO COOL!
Hopefully Mayhem is now full.
Although, I doubt it.
It looks like the Egyptian cat almost got chomped! Eek!
Whoa it looks like May almost beheaded the Egyptian cat. I think you need to feed her more.
There are Shaun the Sheep knitting kits???? There are Shaun the Sheep knitting kits!!!!!! Oh, you Completely Merciless Evil Knitting Temptress! Where does someone who does not know Mrs. Pao get Shaun the Sheep knitting kits????
Contest over at my place! Come on over!
so sorry to hear about your car.. hope it’s all better soon (and for cheap!)
Love that photo of May eating the eygptian cat
JAFFA CAKES!!!!! *cries* you lucky weasel!!!!
Love the shaun the sheep kit too!