If I keep my eyes closed, did DST really start?

Debby’s husband Chris will be riding in the Get Your Guts in Gear bike ride again this year to support IBD research. If you donate to support Chris’s ride, you will be entered in a multistage prize drawing for custom-dyed sock yarn and other goodies. Contest closes May 26.

Nikki’s part of a Relay for Life team. If you donate to support her team, you will be entered in a prize drawing. Contest closes April 17.

Thanks to everyone who’s already captioned in the “Caption Me, Baby” Contest! You can caption along until 6 pm CDT, March 11. Speaking of cats and captions, here’s a classic. And here are two particularly good lolcats that made me giggle!

Those of you who feel you’re sufficiently hardened to scenes of toy mouse carnage from reading this blog should venture over to the Knitty Professor’s place.

I gifted the STR Mustang Sally Cable Twist Socks on Saturday and they were happily received by my SIL. She’s definitely getting more socks in the future! 🙂

On Friday, my car wouldn’t start when I was ready to go to work at 6:15 am, so I worked from home. No hardship, since it was a bitterly cold day (-11F, not including windchill, at 6:15 am). I tried some different things during the day on Friday and finally tried jump starting the car Saturday morning – all to no avail. So I had it towed to the shop Saturday afternoon and will find out what’s wrong with it sometime today. Frozen fuel line, clogged fuel filter, dead fuel pump, blown fuse – all are possibilities. However, it’s had a few intermittent symptoms (starting back in September) that suggest the fuel pump may have been in decline. Guess I’ll find out later… Maybe working from home today will make the whole DST thing less painful?!

“Y’know, I thought it would be nice to have Mom around more, like this weekend, but I forgot how tiring it is to keep track of every single thing she’s doing. I’m exhausted! Pale and wan! Send tuna!” -Chaos

28 thoughts on “If I keep my eyes closed, did DST really start?”

  1. Chaos, it is hard work keeping track of our Mom too when she works at home! Phew, just making sure she’s where she’s supposed to be, doing what she’s supposed to be doing, and looking after us is hard work you know. I think you deserve tuna, dude.

    Head butts,


  2. That’s exactly how the dogs feel on Monday when the husband goes back to his “home” in IN./KY. It’s the only day they don’t beg me for breakfast 😉

  3. Chaos
    We feel exactly the same way when our kids are home every weekend! (Except we want snausages – but tuna will do….)

  4. Pale and wan? Nice try Chaos.

    DST, yep, we will all be back to normal by the end of the week…hopefully.

    So glad to hear your SIL enjoyed her socks. I am always pickled tink when I gift knitting and someone is just overjoyed. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

  5. It’s been hard getting started here, too. The kitties helped by letting me sleep in until 7am… Little do they know they could have had breakfast an hour earlier.

  6. So, you guys have a 3-6 ft. rule at your house too. We’re all over this–unless you hear the LEAVING sounds, it’s pretty boring. Give it up and hit a sunbeam.

  7. Okay, who could possibly expect a car to start when it is -11 degrees?! I think that’s what you said. It is too painful to go back and read that again! If I were a car — no way you’d be taking me to work today!

  8. DST is evil.

    Poor Chaos. I suppose his little sister couldn’t help him with the Keeping Track of Mom and it was All Up To Him?

    Hope the car is fixed painlessly and cheaply! And that you get decent weather. Minus anything is wrong.

  9. Remember to check on recalls on your auto. You’ll still have to pay for any diagnostics your mechanic did, and you’ll have to take the car to the dealership. BUT my $800 broken fuel sending unit estimate turned into a $86 diagnostics fee, free towing (insurance paid for it) and $0 repair because it was a recall on my 8.5 year old truck. YMMV – Good luck!

  10. Does he carefully follow you and watch your EVERY move because you obviously need ADULT supervision? That’s what mine do.

  11. It’s so sad when mom can’t drive out to get a kitty more tuna, especially when you have to spend all day keeping track of her. I hope the car repairs are relatively painless.

  12. We had a teacher in service yesterday so Munchkin and I got to sleep through the first morning of DST.. unfortunately it made this morning EVEN worse.
    Thinking good thoughts for your car..

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