
Valerie’s having a blogiversary contest – you have until the end of March to post about some of your favorite things around your home and then send Valerie the link to your post. A random winner will be selected on April 2 to receive sock yarn or spinning fiber.

Pam’s having a monkey naming contest. Leave your suggestion by 11:59 pm EDT, March 16, and you could win a $20 WoolGirl gift certificate!

Yikes – Daylight Savings Time (DST) starts this weekend for the US and Canada. Have I mentioned more than 50 times how much I hate springing forward?! Kitty Absolute Time (KAT) does not formally recognize DST as anything other than an attempt to starve and torture kitties.

I never did make it to the Cloud Cult video shoot on Sunday – I was just way too comfy on my couch, reading and knitting with Chaos snuggled up against me… But I did win Jenn’s contest to guess how many WIPs she was going to take with her last weekend!!

Black kitties working in tandem – beware!

Oh oh – do you think I need to have “the talk” with Mayhem?

Check out these great/scary pictures from Saturday’s Polar Bear Plunge on/in Lake Calhoun, which isn’t terribly far from where I live. Please note that I did not participate! Those people are nuts.

Reading Update
You Slay Me, Fire Me Up, and Light My Fire by Katie MacAlister. Books 1-3 of the Aisling Grey, Guardian, series were very light and amusing paranormal romances with nary a vampire in sight.
The Blue Girl by Charles de Lint. This is a Newford novel about a teenage girl who manages to attract the attention of not only the high school bullies, but also a ghost and some malicious faeries.
The Used World by Haven Kimmel. This is the second of Kimmel’s novels I’ve read; the first was The Solace of Leaving Early, which I also enjoyed and need to reread because I remember nothing of it. In The Used World, Kimmel skillfully weaves past and present together to create a powerful story of being an outsider.

Random Photo Update
*makes mental note to not use this elevator without having cell phone in pocket*

I went to the dentist yesterday (just routine x-rays and a cleaning, thanks) and noticed they had a gallon of Listerine in the bathroom. For some reason, I found that extremely amusing… (Dude, that’s some seriously bad breath!)

Yesterday Evanrude wanted to know more about Chaos’s Feline Universal Theory (FUT).

“Well, Evanrude, as you correctly surmised, FUT does indeed include elements of String Theory – I sure do love playing with those strings! It also includes many elements of Chaos Theory, but no elements of Mayhem Theory.”* -Chaos

*Please note that the Mayhem Theory link has sound!

30 thoughts on “Randumbs”

  1. Ah ha! Now I see why it seems like I don’t comment much. I get inter-lost. You have so many cool links, and one goes to another, then another. I clicked on the tandem trouble makers, and spent the last half hour looking around over there. But then I remembered where I was before. Geesh, you can be dangerous for time-sucks!

  2. Brrrr is right! Around here they WALK into the ocean! Not sure which is worse. I also hate daylight savings time… though come high summer I appreciate it a bit, because otherwise the sun would be shining in my bedroom window at about 3:30 am! We’re so far east in the time zone that there has been legislation proposed to move us over to Atlantic time with the Maritimes. THAT didn’t fly though. Did you read The House of the Scorpion? Another kid’s book, but a good one! I think Mayhem’s beyond the talk and just needs to be admitted to a rehab clinic…

  3. I thought of Chaos and May when I saw that lolcat. Do we really want to know what they do when we aren’t home?

    Congrats on the win!

  4. Thanks for the clarification. I will of course be integrating it into my experiments with string theory. This Mayhem theory you have cast off, I have to say, it’s pretty cute even if it doesn’t hold water.
    *sniffs and licks*

  5. DST. Starts. This. Weekend?????

    *runs away screaming*

    *runs back*

    Congrats on your win! And that pic of the blue screen of death with the 2 cats is hysterical, one of the guys at work now has it on his desktop.

    *running away screaming like Homer Simpson again*

  6. I hate the “spring forward” because it’s like I’ve been on a trip halfway around the world. I’m so jetlagged on Monday. Without having had any fun.

  7. I went on an interview a few years ago and they had one of those mouthwash thingies in the bathroom. I decided that the company was filled with a bunch of smelly mouths.

  8. A squirt bottle of Listerine? What are you supposed to do, lean over and squirt it into your mouth? It would much more efficient to have a fountain of it.

  9. The kitties should love the “spring ahead” bit — they get fed earlier, although they also get rousted out of bed an hour earlier than usual. Unlike the rest of us working stiffs, though, they get to go back to sleep as soon as the door closes behind She Who Dishes Out The Food.

    “Fall back” sucks big-time in kittyland, though.

  10. KAT – too funny! I am annoyed at how early we are springing now … and will not comment further, so as not to incite off topic comments …

    My dentist office has one of those jugs o’ Listerine too – but they use something else for the patients to rinse their mouths. So I decided it’s just for ambience …

  11. I have to wonder if you’re past the “talking” stage with May and nearing the intervention stage. Of course, since you are technically her dealer – maybe you’re the one that needs the talk 😉

  12. Crap. Daylight savings time sucks. The kitties don’t get it and want me to feed them at 3am or some insanetime like that. I am exhausted for a week after from not knowing when to go to bed. Yuck.

  13. I am very much NOT looking forward to DST this weekend. Too soon! It will be dark again when I need to get up.

    Glad to see that Chaos isn’t just wasting his day sleeping but is in fact contemplating universal physical theories.

  14. Nor do children recognize the vagaries of the time changes. Their little bodies just keep chugging along on Standard Time and then the children transform from lovely little angels into cranky monsters from the depths when they are required to get up “earlier”. Lasts for days.

  15. Aiieee.. Daylight Savings Time! No, I hate DST. In my house, KAT goes along with BAT bird absolute time). Katie is convinced we need to get up with her and bird watch. The only way I would indulge in the polar bear plunge is if Lake Calhoun was the temperature of bath water. 🙂 I’m glad to see Chaos is still working on his FUT.

  16. That KAT is too funny!! My colleague, whose family owns a dairy farm (yes, the real deal–Swiss cows!) said the cows also hated DST–they were not about to be milked an hour later!

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