Friday night festing

Margene is celebrating her fourth blogiversary with a contest! Leave her a comment with a story about a place that brings you peace and joy and you could win a fabulous fibery prize. Contest is open until March 13.

Sydney is also celebrating her fourth blogiversary with a contest! Leave a comment on the blogiversary post (before 5 pm, CST, March 7) and you could win a mysterious yarny gift.

Brigitte’s having a contest, too – vote on which of three project she should knit. Place your vote by midnight, EST, March 8, and you could win yarn and treats.

Scout will be accepting 40-50 sign-ups for her new Scout’s Swag Sock Club starting 6 pm, MT (I think MDT by then?!), March 10.

Friday night I wandered over to Deb’s for dinner, conversation, drinks, knitting, and dessert… not necessarily in that order. Considering how tired I felt, I wasn’t sure I would be very peppy, but the company of Deb, kmkat, and Vicki Knitorious livened me right up!

A meta-blogger moment between Vicki and kmkat…

And of course, Sammy kept us entertained with her play and antics, too.

“You don’t find our play and antics sufficiently entertaining?! You have to seek out other black kitties?! Hmph. I bet I can swat her from here…” -Chaos

“Get her, big kitty!” -Mayhem

28 thoughts on “Friday night festing”

  1. Aw…look at da widdle itty bitty black kitty Sammy belly scritch scritch scri… oh *cough* sorry Chaos, Mayhem…um… *backing away from dagger eyes*…

    Heh. Thanks for the contest shout-out!

  2. Ooh, metablogger indeed!
    Knitblogger taking a picture of knitblogger taking a picture of knitblogger taking a picture of ….

    I think there are mirrors and sleight of hand, or possibly sixth dimensions involved here. I’ll stop now.

  3. Uh oh.. I hope you brought home tuna. Seeing other black kitties, eh? I’d watch.. I think those two might be a wee bit of the jealous sort… hee hee.

  4. Sammy, Chaos & May? That would’ve been a meeting to blog. Sammy’s still so small. would’ve loved to join you guys. Funny how my life gets in the way of my knitting.

  5. *giggle* Chaos is giving a great *hey wait a minute!* look at you. Glad you had a fun night out with friends 🙂 a knitting night at that!

  6. Sounds like a great time! What a cute kitten too. Sammy looks a little longer furred and fluffier than sleek Chaos. No need for him to get his tail out of joint.

  7. I’m so glad you put up pictures. I may have my camera, but the cable is in WI 🙁 Hope you didn’t get maimed by a jealous Chaos and Mayhem…

  8. Uh oh messing around with other black kitties. You could get in trouble that way. Sounds like a fun evening! Thanks for the mention too.

  9. “Get her, big kitty?” They are so bad. Mr. Felix likes other black kitties, but calicos confuse him, and he runs away.

    I need some close knitting neighbors, for motivation.

  10. That looks like it was a great time! Good friends, good food, good drink, knitting, kitties – who could ask for anything more?

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