Let us bow before the Goddess of Girlie Drinks

How many projects will Jenn take to her weekend knitting retreat, out of her 40 WIPs? Email your guess by 4 pm CDT, March 2, and you could win a mysterious prize.

If you live in the Twin Cities, you could be in a Cloud Cult video shoot (beware – link has sound) at Como Park this Sunday! (Thanks to Van for the heads up.) I might be there – I’ll be the one trying to knit while wearing mittens and dork boots.

I am so ready for this week to be done! Work has been busy. While the book scanning project was great fun, it disrupted my regularly scheduled relaxation – I haven’t knit since Sunday night. (Good timing on the Guilt-Free Fiber Dispensation, Trek – thanks.)

I’m behind in my blog reading. I’ve only read one book, and it was one of those “so horrible I have to keep reading to see if it can redeem itself” kind of books. The answer? Not even close. The book? Dancing with Werewolves: Delilah Street, Paranormal Investigator by Carole Nelson Douglas. I really can’t remember the last time I read a book that bad. If there was an editor involved in the project (doubtful), he or she should never be allowed to work again. Gee, Chris, what did you really think of the book?! 😉

I’m enjoying my ASL class and even learning a bit, but it sure leaves my brain tired. (Stop giggling at me, Fraro!)

“I hope your class is also covering the more important KSL,* Mom, because the big kitty and I are getting plenty tired of having to communicate with you via these photo captions!” -Mayhem

Is it the weekend yet?! All hail the Goddess of Girlie Drinks! Worship amongst yourselves as you see fit…

*Kitty Sign Language

33 thoughts on “Let us bow before the Goddess of Girlie Drinks”

  1. I’m afraid our Tolly has worked out that there are only 2 KSL signs worth using. “I want biscuits – no not those ones, FRESH ones” and pointed sulking when she doesn’t get her way.

  2. Thanks for the contest mention. And I totally get the not knitting thing – hubby has been sick and we’ve been busy, so I haven’t knit since Monday. Agh!

  3. Um – should I be out fetching some ingredients for girlie drinks for tonight?? KMKat is bringing her PJs just in case; you’re welcome to do the same – in case the girlie drinks prove too much for you!!

  4. YAY! The weekend is almost here. I’ve made a mental note to avoid that book. I think I’ll be hooking up with a couple margaritas and Guatemalan food tonight rather than the Goddess of Girlie Drinks.

  5. KSL would come in handy. The only stuff I know involves a certain flicking of the tail in a manner much like the one finger salute.

    I need that girly drink poster for the pool room – must have it!

  6. Nah, KSL is easier to learn, due to the lack of opposable thumbs. And there are only a few words in the language – things like “feed me”, “scoop the litter box”, and “no, I do not feel like sitting on your lap right now”.

  7. I live near a deaf and blind school.

    (Ha! Google THAT stalkers.)

    I took three years of ASL and was a volunteer at the school. For awhile I thought I might become an interpreter. I still remember enough to carry on a conversation, albeit a LIMITED one. Like maybe if I were asking where the toilet was and someone was saying, “Yes, over there.” We should practice together. Quick, what am I saying?

  8. I love the Goddess of Girlie Drinks! I seldom get to drink those as M is our bartender and he, being a large man, disdains them.

    Carole Nelson Douglas wrote some interesting mysteries a long time ago with Irene Adler and Sherlock Holmes, but the series got bizarre as it went along and then petered out. I’ll know to give the one you reviewed a miss. Life is too short for bad books! You might give the Maisie Dobbs mysteries by Jacqueline Winspear a try. The first isn’t the best of the series, but still well worth reading. Your local library should have them.

  9. Yeah, I bought that book, too. I’ve liked CND since Probe/Counterprobe. I’ve read most of the Irene Adler and the Midnight Louies. I was kind of stunned that her name was on the cover. Eck.

  10. Chris- There’s a martini bar up here called “Rasputin’s”-
    sounds kinda cool.

    If you come up to Toronto, Brigitte and I will take you to the Drake for a pear Martini or two.

  11. LOL at the poster! As long as a glass of wine fits the criteria of girlie drinks, I’ll be worshipping. 🙂 There’s been no knitting since the weekend for me either. It’s been a wacky week. Mayhem looks plenty irritated at you.

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