Not that you’d know it from all the cat pictures recently

…but really, I am still knitting! (Yes, I’ll pause for y’all to recover from the traditional shock of discovering this is a knitting blog.) The first Cable Twist sock is nearly finished and feline interest in this project remains high.

“Addi addi addi addi addi…” -Chaos

Here’s a macro shot of the cable twist detail. Loves me some twisted stitches, I does! (See Mayhem’s nose sneaking toward that strand of yarn? I fear she doesn’t share my love for and appreciation of twisted stitches.)

“Yarn yarn yarn yarn yarn…” -Mayhem

Do not fear, Gentle Readers – I expend a great deal of effort to keep Mayhem from actually connecting with yarn. Cat carrier love notwithstanding, I don’t want to make that vet visit…

40 thoughts on “Not that you’d know it from all the cat pictures recently”

  1. Hehe 🙂 Now I’m not brave enough to try cabled socks yet. I think she must have been communing with Ophelia because she won’t leave my knitting alone!

  2. I love that color! In fact (looking down at feet) I happen to be wearing socks that are almost that same color. Or maybe they are the same color. It’s hard to tell and I’m not sticking my foot up by my monitor here at the office to try and verify. *grin*

    What yarn are you using? My red is Plymouth Happy Feet color 3 (isn’t that the most imaginative name for a color?!?).

  3. I’m inspired. I’m naming my next kitten Addi. Addi Turbo. (At least, I’ll try to. My next kitten is waaaaaay off in the future.)

    I vote we adopt the following acronym BBK to represent Tink’s term “Blessed By Kitties”. It’ll be the feline version of “I approve this message”.

    Beautiful socks, btw.

  4. Very pretty! Just the thing to beat down the winter doldrums. I didn’t think Chaos went after the Addis! You must keep all your needles hermetically sealed.

  5. Nice socks! I like the color and the pattern. Katie’s interest in yarn is directly related to me knitting. If I’m not knitting, she isn’t interested at all.

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