Pictures from the neighborhood

Because really, what neighborhood is complete without a custom chopper shop?

I’m definitely stopping in here before bicycling season starts:

Care to speculate as to the message behind this one?

I’m not sure why Arby’s having wifi amuses me so much…

Head on over to the Uptown Mpls Blog for some completely spectacular pictures of Saturday’s luminary event on Lake of the Isles as part of the City of Lakes Loppet (a cross-country ski race, held annually in Minneapolis).

“Where do you get those pictures, Mom? I can’t see these things from the windows. Other than the evil vet and the hallway, nothing exists if we can’t see it from the windows. We still haven’t figured out why you go sit in the hallway for eight hours a day during the week…” – Chaos

37 thoughts on “Pictures from the neighborhood”

  1. I’m thinking Chaos wants one of those kitty strollers so he can see the rest of the world… 😉

    Taco Bell here has free wifi and it always makes me giggle

  2. Yeah, the guys wonder why I head out and spend the day on my back deck everyday too…

    WiFi at Arby’s?? I, I don’t know. That’s just…funny…in a weird kinda way.

  3. Heh. I know Mel doesn’t think I spend my days in the hallway, ’cause he starts mewing from upstairs as soon as I come in most nights. (While I’m downstairs, picking my mail out from my neighbors’.)

  4. Well damn. I KNEW my neighbourhood was missing something, but I’d never quite been able to put my finger on it before now.

  5. cell phones kill?

    We happen to have a custom motorcycle shop within walking distance of our house – and I’m certain it’s one of the reasons Mr. M like this particular location so much for our home.

  6. I always said that my old cats, Charlotte and Aggie, thought I spent all day everyday at the vet’s, because that was the only other place that existed. Harley and Dolly know better, though…

  7. Well, you could always get Chaos a kitty leash like Jeanne’s kitties and he could see the sights too. I’d even buy a ticket to come over and witness that event!

  8. OK, I know what the third picture is saying, it’s a grass roots movement banning all cell phone use unless you are an undead skeleton. Right? Right?

    Good question Chaos, why does she sit in the hallyway for 8 hours a day?

  9. Oh, Lorraine, me, too! (sigh) I don’t stop often tho’! But I still love that cheesy stuff – once in a rare blue moon!

    But yes, The Meezer knows I leave…they both know the car sounds. She hits the floor the second I shut the front door…Like she’s NOT supposed to be on the bed? Right…
    Um…I agree – hang up and drive….

  10. With Chaos’ aversion to guests in your home (he must think the hallway is a very crowded place), I don’t think he is ready for the big bad world. I think it’s best we allow him to retain this comforting illusion.

  11. I’ve just realized that all this time I’ve been signed up to get follow-up comments from you (remember when you suggested it?). I’ve now stopped that – it was interesting as an experiment, but I think my inbox is full enough without it!

  12. When I was in Sedona, Arizona, I was perplexed that Safeway had wifi. How do you shop for groceries and surf the ‘net at the same time? Talk about multitasking!

  13. I always loved going by that Arby’s sign when we lived at the condo on 8th Street – I was always wishing it was one of the ones like the house I grew up in that had that on one side, and America’s Roast Beef, Yes Sir! on the other!

  14. I was just wondering the other day about Culver’s having wifi – trying to picture why I would be there using my wifi? Heh – maybe wifi has something to do with the little red hats that appear over people’s heads in the Arby’s commercials?

  15. Great signs! I keep saying this spring I’m going to take everyone on a walking tour around downtown St. Louis, your pictures inspire me to do so.

  16. Do Chaos and Mayhem like to take walks in the hallway? Mine do, and I can hear them thinking “huh… I don’t see what’s so great out here that she likes to spend so much time here without us. Maybe there’s food somewhere… I’ll keep looking, just in case.”

  17. Great pics! The local Crystal has had wifi here for a long time. Of all the fast food places, Crystal seems like the least likely to need it. I love the luminary pics.

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