In which a cat is actually discovered on the cat bed

Round one voting for the 2007 Canadian Blog Awards is now open! MamaTulip’s been nominated for Best Family Blog – head on over and vote for her before 11:59 PST, January 21. (Of course, the Yarn Harlot has been nominated for several categories, too, including Best Blog and Best Activities Blog.)

Deb (aka Chappysmom) is having a contest celebrating some blog milestones, including her three-year blogiversary.

Although I’m sure no one remembers, we do actually have a cat bed around here. Here’s a picture of Chaos at six months of age (around March of 2003) actually using the cat bed. If he tried that now, he’d have to be surgically removed from it…

Anyway, I haven’t seen a kitty in the cat bed in forever… until one day when I simply flipped it over, bottoms up.

“What?” -Mayhem

“Really, this isn’t exciting enough to merit paparazzi.” -Mayhem

“Although it does merit some stretching.” -Mayhem

“You’re making mer nervous, Mom. Is there something about this cat bed that I should know? Are you waiting for it to devour me or something?” -Mayhem

39 thoughts on “In which a cat is actually discovered on the cat bed”

  1. Aren’t they silly? I made a kitty pi and Pepper slept in it for a month, maybe. Then they took turns sleeping on it for a while and now, it’s gone away because no one used it.

  2. Cocoa doesn’t really care for the cat bed (she did once, right after I finished it), but Otis has taken to sleeping in it every once in a while. Weirdos.

  3. Mine has a cat bed- it seems to be the same one we humans use- which is why all of my blankets have pulls and runs in them from little biscuit-making feet.

  4. And this is why I’d never make a kitty pi. Silly catchen. I know well enough that the Fortress of Bowlitude is sufficient for Matisse and Picasso will not be satisfied unless he’s on my person.

    But you know? Do I wish they’d use one? That I made? Yeah. But I know I am merely the catstaff.

  5. Thanks for the shout-out! 🙂

    I think Chewy would like a kitty bed, especially one as comfy looking as (the bottom of) Chaos’. Chewy’s a blanket cat; he loves to curl up on blankets, or piles of freshly folded laundry. Or the bath mat, which kinda makes me scratch my head and wonder, WTF?

  6. My guys are too stuck in their furry little ways to ever give a cat bed the time of day. They just like to lie all over whatever it is I’m working on…

  7. der mahem, i am a new kity and ned a bed. so i dont have to slep with mom and dad and the shingles. or the fat kitty who hsssssssssses at me an slepps on the dog bed so the dog cant. love sammy. ps.. i hav to go stele some stuf now. do u stele stuf?

  8. What happens if you wash it? All heck breaks out if I wash the beds, blankies & assorted cat designated areas. There is a lot of work to be done making everything smell like cat again 🙂

    Thank goodness it isn’t traditional marking

  9. Chris- I haven’t considered making KC a bed, as he tries to muscle in on Casey- who sleeps on a giant dogbed- and ends up smelling like a Labrador.

  10. I bought mine one of those kitty heating pads. Absolutely no use of it UNTIL I put it in a long laundry basket. Now it’s used every night. I don’t particularly want a long laundry basket sitting in my bedroom, but who am I to make decisions?

  11. Once they find out it’s a cat bed, they have no use for it. 😉 Mine gets used more for playing than sleeping. The ferrets turn it over and push it around the house.

  12. Maybe if you got it wet so that they would think you were blocking it, they would be all over it!

    A bunch of the comments today made me laugh out loud. It’s been a rough week (and it’s 8:57 on Wednesday), so thanks. I needed both the pics and the comments.

  13. My mom had to do the same flip with the cat bed she knit her cats. Mayhem seems a bit nervous about your intentions during the photo shoot. Perhaps she’s figured out you are knitting more bibs.

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