Ya wanna know the funny part? I didn’t think I’d have enough links to do linkity….


Books & Reading

Learn Stuff

  • ModernCat has some great pictures of a cat table (sort of an outdoor garden/platform for your cats to enjoy on your deck or patio), plus a link to how to make one.
  • Ugh. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to eat bagged salad again…


Teh Cute! It Burns!

Reading Update
My Fair Captain (Sci-Regency, Book 1) by J.L. Langley. ebook. Another book for Kris’ m/m rut challenge. This was a scifi m/m romance, with a Regency flair to it… and I totally loved it. (I’m really glad I totally loved it, because if I hadn’t? I’d be afraid, as this is a very popular book.) I was a little frustrated during the prologue and first few chapters, as I tried to pull the bits and pieces together (that world-building stuff), but after I hit the breakthrough point (where you absorb the background and it doesn’t interfere with the story anymore), I was transfixed. Very steamy, yet very romantic and highly recommended read. (Kris is gloating. I can hear her.)
The Englor Affair (Sci-Regency, Book 2) by J.L. Langley. ebook. Not quite as good as My Fair Captain, but still a very good m/m scifi romance.
Friction by J.P. Bowie, Jenna Byrnes, Jude Mason, Kim Dare, Ashley Ladd, S.L. Majors, & Cassandra Gold. ebook collection. This was an enjoyable m/m romance collection. I thought of all the stories were, at the very least, decent, with one exception. And there were definitely a couple that were excellent.
Running Hot by Stephani Hecht. ebook short. Nicely done short m/m romance about a paramedic and an ER doctor.
GPS by Leigh Ellwood. ebook short. Cute m/m romance about a guy who gets a GPS for his birthday, but what the heck is up with the darn thing?! (Yes, you’re right – that is Candy Cane Guy in the background.)
Sea of Sin (Creatures of Sin, Book 3? Book 2.5?) by India Harper. ebook short. Ok m/m romance short about a police commander who lives a celibate, closeted life except for the one week during which he goes on a gay cruise vacation. Based on the sort of non-ending to this story, I suspect it’s part of the setup for the next book in the series.
629 Miles To Love by Fae Sutherland & Marguerite Labbe. ebook. Ok m/m romance about two former lovers on a drive, talking about what went wrong. (Lost points for lack of condoms and lack of discussion of same.)
Skin Deep by S. W. Vaughn. ebook. Quite good urban fantasy m/m romance that was a bit hard for me to read at points, due to graphic violence in a domestic abuse situation. I am glad I persevered. (No condoms here, either…)
Falling (Hawkins Ranch, Book 2) by Cameron Dane. ebook. Good paranormal m/m romance about two ranchers, one of whom happens to be a demon, which I would’ve enjoyed more if it had had a bit less torture. Those parts were hard for me to read and I definitely skimmed the more graphic violence.
ReneCade (Hawkins Ranch, Book 3) by Cameron Dane. ebook. Another good m/m romance (no paranormal this time) about a deeply closeted sheriff’s deputy who’s attracted to the sheriff’s son, but very afraid of the potential consequences of that attraction. I’m glad that this was less brutal than Falling, but the angst was flowing more freely and there was cheating, so maybe it was a draw.
Do You Believe in Magic by Drew Zachary. ebook short. Very steamy short m/m romance that was a good antidote to the brutality of Skin Deep and Falling.
Slap and Tickle by Drew Zachary. ebook. So-so m/m romance about a possessive cop and the stripper he’s in love with. I found the nicknames (“Big Daddy” and “Candy Pants”) annoying and the sex-to-story ratio was so skewed I skimmed a lot to find the tiny bits of plot scattered amongst the nudity. Plus a plot point that was played up throughout the book wasn’t resolved so much as dropped, which was odd and rather unsatisfying.

“Fine, Mayhem. Be that way. I was only trying to help. Now you will be shunned because your ears are dirty!” -Chaos

“Whatever, big kitty. I think you have OCD issues.” -Mayhem

44 thoughts on “Ya wanna know the funny part? I didn’t think I’d have enough links to do linkity….”

  1. I just love Two Mama Cats! Thanks for sending me that link.

    (Again. Everytime you’ve got the raunchy covers, I’m in the office, and someone is sitting behind me. This time it’s my retired-ex-boss-back-as-a-contractor. Hee hee!)
    .-= Brigitte´s last blog ..This Is What Happens =-.

  2. I enjoyed My Fair Captain and the Englor Affair but I’m not a raver over them. They were “okay” for me. I kind of reread My Fair Captain last week after something or other at Kris’. Didn’t really change my mind.

    I think I’m definitely going to skip Skin Deep. I think it’s just not going to work for me with the domestic violence angle no matter how well it’s handled. I also found Do You Believe in Magic a bit weird with the biting thing. Was it biting? Something like that. And generally I am a Drew Zachary fan but I’ll skip Mr. Candy Pants. Ugh.

  3. You are the linkety queen!

    Loved the Johnny Weir article (and the vid of him skating to Gaga).

    Also enjoyed the celebrities with cats, altho’ some of those cats were like: Get away from me. I thought Marlon Brando’s cat was great, though.

    So glad you have jumped on the My Fair Captain bandwagon. Because really. Nate. Ungh.
    .-= wren´s last blog ..Handcuffed Hottie in a Hood – part quatre =-.

  4. Thanks for the mention honey!!!!!{{you are such a great pimp}}

    And I am dying rolfmao at the kitties!!!!!!!
    Hope you are having a great day! You sure brighten mine up!!!

  5. I find all of the information about ebooks very interesting. I should wait, but the wait to want ratio is getting more skewed the longer I put it off. I’m hoping to see a few of the products in which I’m interested live over the next month or so.
    .-= Seanna Lea´s last blog ..[insert title here] =-.

  6. All this linkity is just fine and dandy, but I am still waiting for you to post the link to the website where all you have to do is click on a button and then you instantly become fabulously wealthy and have nothing but Good Hair Days for the rest of your life.
    .-= Marsha´s last blog ..Onward! =-.

  7. Thanks for the mention!

    Lots of good links to read today, thanks. LOL on the Ipad cover.

    I loved My Fair Captain and the sequel’s pretty good too. I also enjoyed Running Hot, Falling and ReneCade. Haven’t read the others.

  8. I don’t know if I believe those are all celebrities and *their* cats, but they are definitely celebrities *with* cats. My favorite was Jane Fonda and the one above her. The cats are all cute, though, whether they’re “stunt cats” or not! 🙂
    .-= elspeth´s last blog ..Broken =-.

  9. LOL OCD issues indeed. Maybe Chaos can attend therapy with Tori?? hmmm

    Thanks for all the links Chris, all your hard work is much appreciated.

    One more till Friday!

  10. LOL, thanks for the links! Also, the laughs!

    I’m with Mayhem. Sometimes Chaos does seem OCD. Then again, sometimes I seem OCD too, so I suppose I can’t talk. 😛

    And I too am not clicking the bagged salad link. It’s one of the few ways I can manage to actually eat veggies, and until I figure out a way to make more time for the horrible awful much-hated task to preparing a head of lettuce for salad, I will be eating the bagged stuff.
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Hiya, March! =-.

  11. A microbiologist friend of mine used to cringe every time he saw me putting pepper on food. He had a job for a while checking pepper for contamination. And yes I still put lots of pepper on food.

    Duct tape! It’s good for almost everything. 😉

    I use Windows Live Writer a lot.

    I love that pooling stole!

    Mayhem probably doesn’t need her ears cleaned for a long long time.
    .-= Sydney´s last blog ..Watching Olympics, No Time for Blogs =-.

  12. You are amazing Chris! Those links are…. me —> *speechless*

    Hmmm. If you like JL Langley’s m/m science-fiction books…perhaps…have you tried Josh Lanyon’s Strange Fortune? Not that I’ve read it mind, but I’m trying to tempt you to the fantasy side *evil grin*
    .-= orannia´s last blog ..Books 2010: February Update =-.

  13. Thanks for the mention hon… And as usual another great round up…

    Very good discussion around – thought provoking…

    To the books…

    I agree with you on The Englor Affair -I was amazed at the response to it – I felt it was not as strong as the first book…

    I need to read Cameron Dane – I have heard so much good things about her work…..

    I do have the Vaughn book – I got it because of the Domestic Violence, as you don’t see alot of that in M/M books… I hope it works for me..

    Wonderful reading for you….

    Thanks for your thoughts…

    .-= erotichorizon´s last blog ..A Series To Read – Kinncaid Brothers – Deadly Series © Jaycee Clark =-.

  14. Thanks for the shout-out for Running Hot. As soon as I get out from under deadline hell, I’m going to have to check out some of those links. They look interesting.

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