Congrats to Dana, who won the copy of My Everything by Julia Rachel Barrett… and congrats to Julia on the release of My Everything today!
Today’s little series of photos has no theme other than that all the pictures were taken with my phone. You’d never guess that I actually have a real camera that has a bunch more megapixels, based on how many pictures I take with my phone and its crappy 2.0 megapixel camera.
We have indeed gone to Winter Parking Restrictions. See the ticket shoved into the snow on the windshield of the car below? Always a lot of ticketing and towing during Snow Emergencies and Winter Parking Restrictions. (If you’ve recently found yourself shoveling a lot of snow, you might want to check to make sure you’re doing it properly.)
Pizza is one of my favorite foods and I make it nearly every week. I start with Rustic Crust Gluten Free Pizza Crust and top it with pizza or spaghetti sauce, Hormel Turkey Pepperoni (which says gluten free right on the label), sliced mushrooms, and low fat mozzarella. Yum! (No, you’re right, I’m not going to quit my day job to become a food photographer any time soon.)
My beloved mp3 player, looking stealthy and mysterious in its black silicone skin.
And for the knitters, especially poor Nicole, who reads “Misadventures in Stock Photography” as “Sock Photography” every time, the Eternal Socks of Eternity!
“Hey, Mayhem, you missed the socks and needles on the floor.” -Chaos
“Big kitty! I think I saw a bird fly by the window. Bird! Bird! Bird!” -Mayhem
“That girl is bird crazy. Let’s see if I can irrevocably tangle this ball of yarn before Mom can rescue it…” -Chaos
*Neither yarn nor birds were harmed during the production of this post.
Love that snow! Just wondering if the tickets are paper that will get wet and slushy or are they somehow waterproofed?
As I do not knit I cannot mock your eternal socks – I’m very impressed!
.-= Patti´s last blog ..Looking for that Special Someone/thing… =-.
You should totally include a random-life-pictures feature pretty regularly. That and more misadventures in stock photography. I am fascinated by it!!
.-= Melanie´s last blog ..In Which I Have a Dreadfully Unfocused Work Day… =-.
We’ve been hooked on pizza, too. Udi has a very nice crust.
You stay on your toes when a sock is on the floor. That Chaos is trouble.
.-= margene´s last blog ..Go for the Gold or No? =-.
*drool* …pizza… I think I’ll be picking up some supplies at the Big Carrot tomorrow…
.-= Brigitte´s last blog ..The Things I Do. =-.
Geeze it looks like Toronto usually looks at this time of year… and doesn’t I heard on the radio this morning it’s something to do with el nino. It is cold here though, vera, vera cold.
Who ever got the ticket can claim it was buried in snow? lol
I want you to come cook at my house.
Lovin the socks and the MP3 player.
Chaos and May – you have fun.
You are so right your phone takes great pictures.
What kind of phone do you use? Those are really good pictures. Dave has an iPhone and he takes very cool pics w/ it – he’s got an app that lets him distort pics and I am always very jealous when he shows me some artsy, creative photo he’s taken WITH HIS PHONE, that takes better pictures than my camera.
Hey, sock progress!
And I love the ticket stuck through the snow.
.-= naomi´s last blog ..random tuesday evening =-.
Mmmm. Pizza. I think that’s what I’ll buy in the cafeteria today for lunch since I was too lazy to make lunch this morning. Full of gluten though, I’m a glutten for gluten.
Your pizza looks awesome.
My camera has a “food” setting. I’m not exactly sure what that means.
.-= Cheryl S.´s last blog ..Saving for Good =-.
Now I’m hungry for pizza…
Those socks are fantastic! Well, okay – one is fantastic, the other is about half fantastic.
Oh wow… all with your phone! Cool!
I will be saving this post to show my mom that recipe!
Bowing down to your knitting abilities… cuz I haz none! LOL!
Birds and yarn… what more can two kitties ask for!!!
Have a great Friday! And of course an awesome weekend!!!!
That’s a lot of snow!
Yum, pizza. Now I’m hungry!
Mmm pizza. I haven’t had pizza in forever.
Misadventures in sock photography. *snort*
Whenever I take photos with my phone, they are blurry cause I can’t seem to hold still. *pout*
.-= wren´s last blog ..A Free Story for Valentine’s Day! =-.
I do agree with you on the phone camera – My family invested and in a Fuji camera for me and I must say I end up using my phone more….
It the immediate gratification thing…. Here and now…
**Dont hate me – but I hate pizza, just a circle of dough… my kids think i’m odd enough as it is…***
Do those kitties know that claws can rip into a lot of things… like woolbag…
.-= Erotic Horizon´s last blog ..Excerpt Day: Love Means… No Boundaries © Andrew Grey =-.
I love the yarn. Very cool looking.
It’s hard to say whether I agree with Mayhem or Chaos here. Birds are indeed fun to watch… but then again there is yarn. Hard choice.
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..WiP Strategy =-.
Lol, yes that is the only way to take care of snow
.-= blodeuedd´s last blog ..Review: Twenties Girl – Sophie Kinsella =-.
I love pizza! Especially homemade pizza. Yours look pretty tasty to me.
Hm, so when the kitties see the knitting bag do they get excited because they know ball yarn will soon appear? Meaning, playtime? LOL!
.-= Donna-FantasyDreamer´s last blog ..Spotlight & Giveaway: Xombies: Apocalypticon by Walter Greatshell =-.
I didn’t know they made covers for the sansa clip. I’m gonna have to get me one. Cover, I already have the clip.
.-= Rebekah´s last blog ..Look! I’m Knilting =-.
Gameboy noted this morning that it is no longer pitch black dark when we leave for school/work. I do believe May will be seeing more birds very soon!
I’m hungry for pizza now!
Did I really see knitting? Maybe I should go for that free eye test work are offering
.-= mrspao´s last blog ..More UFOs than Roswell? =-.
:: recognizes that mp3 player! ::
Loved the article on snow shoveling. Sheesh, do people really need to be told that stepping on or driving over snow compresses it to an unmoveable icy mass? Or to shovel “upstream”?
.-= trek´s last blog ..Joining =-.
Lots of snow!
Glad no yarn was harmed.
My parent’s cat has apparently been very busy keeping track of the squirrels that come to eat the cracked corn my dad puts out. It is very demanding work–no self-respecting cat can just let the birds and squirrels carry on with their lives unsupervised.
.-= Brenda´s last blog ..Things I’ve Got =-.
I like the idea of “Misadventures in SOCK Photography” as a new category for your blog.
.-= Marsha´s last blog ..Surprise =-.
Brrr! Just looking at that picture makes me shiver!
I have a number of “eternal” projects myself. It took me over a year for 1 pair of socks for my son (small feet, even!) I’d finished other projects in between, but for some reason those went on forever.
I just saw the coolest sock pattern at Knitty. IDK if I’m brave enough to try them, though.
You’ve got pink snow in Minneapolis?
Love the kitty/sock pics!
Thanks for the little insight into your life and neighborhood
Ps looks like your ‘link loving’ below doesn’t pick up my last post but the one before that…
.-= ErotRomReader Janna´s last blog ..Review of This Side of Heaven by Fallon Blake =-.
Heh, re: the pink snow – told you this camera doesn’t take the greatest pictures! There’s a reason that most of the kitty pictures I take with it get converted to B&W!
Alas, the “freshness” of the CommentLuv links is determined by some interaction between CommentLuv and the blogging host.
Yum, homemade pizza! That reminds me, I haven’t made homemade pizza in a long time.
The Winter Parking Restrictions even made it to the Yahoo front page news.
I have my own pair of eternal socks of eternity that I’m (slowly) working on.
.-= Sydney´s last blog ..Surprise! It’s Snow! =-.
I see knitting!!!
OK, I’m sitting here complaining that it’s too hot… After seeing all that snow I will keep quiet!
Am very impressed by the socks…and your sock stalkers
.-= orannia´s last blog ..From Where I Sit =-.
I have mislaid my beloved clip. It is somewhere, I’m sure. Sulking because I took out my old nano to use with my mac for a particular download. Now I have to use it all the time and I’m willing to say I’m sorry if only it will come out of hiding!
.-= mary lou´s last blog ..More uses for flip top mittens =-.
I was wondering the same thing as Patti – do they put the parking tickets in little baggies or do they just let them get wet? And the socks are looking good.
I remember Winter Parking in Uptown verrrry well! I’m amazined at how well I coped with it back in the day….
Beautiful snow….thankfully I don’t have to live with it anymore!!
Yummy pizza! I’m still trying to find the perfect crust!
cool there is a second sock showing!
.-= Teyani´s last blog ..Blue Monday 2 =-.
If I can finish a sweater in two weeks during tax season, surely you can finish those socks!! ;op
.-= JessaLu´s last blog ..It’s that time again… =-.