We were all stricken with camnesia

Thursday evening I picked up Kristi the Fiber Fool from the airport. We chatted and knitted while Chaos glared balefully and May tried to entice Kristi to open up the MGWT closet. Friday I headed to work for part of the day, while Kristi braved the elements (it was maybe +10F with a bitter wind) and walked to Uptown for some holiday shopping. Eventually I rescued her and we stopped at Needlework Unlimited and The Fiber Studio before heading back to my place.

Friday evening, Kristi, Chaos, Mayhem, and I were joined by Jeanne, Guinifer, Jess, and the Procratinatrix for conversation, snacks, drinks, and knitting. Shockingly, not one single picture was taken to commemorate this event! I’m sure your imaginations will fill in the details, right? (Double-fudge brownies, brie, pecan nut thins, stuffed olives, wine, cats, yarn, needles…)

Kristi and Guinifer brought some fun stuff! To the left is a supercute “catfienated/detcatf” mug from Kristi, along with some sock yarn that she gradient dyed (the socks will shade from black at the toes to purple at the cuffs). Not pictured are a stack of mix cds from Kristi that I’ve been quite enjoying. Thanks, Kristi! To the right is a skein of Lime’n’Violet sock yarn from Guinifer, as well the largest cat toy Chaos and Mayhem have ever received! That puppy (a Four Paws Scratch, Rattle, and Roll Dog) not only has a scratcher on his back – he’s catnippy, too. Thank you, Guinifer! Both Chaos and Mayhem spent a lot of quality time playing with the puppy over the weekend; unfortunately, none of it when I had the camera handy. More imagination required here…

“So many decisions – get my head stuck in the mug? Bite up the yarn? Beat up that puppy?” -Mayhem

Saturday, Kristi and I had planned on hitting four or five yarn stores before Kristi met up with her cousin. The weather, however, had other plans; instead, we traveled slowly out to White Bear Lake, shopped a bit at A Sheepy Yarn Shoppe, and Kristi headed off with her cousin. I had a memorable drive home – fortunately accident-free, but it sure isn’t every Saturday that you’re creeping along I-94 west at a max speed of 25 mph.

Here’s how things were looking when I got home:

So I spent a pleasant rest of the weekend enjoying that cozy, stay-at-home first snow feel.

“Wha…?” -Mayhem

32 thoughts on “We were all stricken with camnesia”

  1. Our storm produced more than any storm we had last winter. It’s so pretty, albeit cold, but so pretty! If you had camnesia it means a good time was had by all.

  2. Oh so not fair. Seriously Chris, I just don’t know if I can visit your blogs w/ all these wonderful cats and snow and not leave in tears. I’m parched for snow!
    Psst, guess what, I think I may be getting a furry four legged friend as an early Christmas present. Keep your eyes on ye ol blog. Shhhhh. I’m telling you, I’m like water on a rock w/ the hubby.

  3. Oh I’ve been coveting the idea of being snowed in! Lots of hot chocolate and knitting, maybe some power-outage candlelight just for a few hours for the excitement. Yeah, and an all out nap like May’s sporting there…. Those are the best kind….

  4. Hey! You haven’t been showing up in my Bloglines for days! Now I find out you’ve actually been posting, and I just haven’t seen it. 🙁

    Looks like our snow storm finally made it out to you.

  5. We got the snow too…and then a nice layer of ice over top. I couldn’t even get my garbage out this morning because the ice is so thick I can’t crunch through it – and it’s slippery! Sheesh – But oh I DO love a snowed-in-with-good-book-knitting-and-tea! (In this case, the good book is “The Secret Life of Bees”.)I’m hoping for LOTS of snow this winter, although I can do without the ice on the road.

  6. I thought of you when I saw the news about the storms this weekend. Sorry you were out in it!

    Your favorite color wouldn’t happen to be purple, would it? ^_^

  7. Ooooh – and I missed it all! But I did enjoy being homebound the rest of the weekend with the snow and a fire and …well you’ll just have to read about it.

  8. I’ve never had the pleasure/hassle of dealing with snow. In some ways, I want to, though – it makes the handknits more appreciated, and facilitates curling up by the fire with tea and a book. Ah well. Guess I’ll live vicariously.

  9. Love the mug! And I’m wistful over your first snow…(sigh)
    Hope we get some this year (real snow, not just a couple of inches…)
    And I am so going to keep that list of goodies on hand for my next knitting night! Yummy!

  10. Thanks for the link to my contest! The new post is up with the details, including prizes.

    Your snow is beautiful — deadly beautiful. Brrrrr!

  11. Snow! Pretty pretty snow!

    Mayhem is so cute. Chaos stared balefully at Kristi? Glad you had a good time but sorry to hear your shop time got cut short.

  12. My best friend just moved to Minneapolis from Boston. She kept telling me that she loves the cold, so it would be ok. Boy, has she been surprised!

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