Potholes, potholes, everywhere potholes. Potholes, potholes, fill them up, please!

  • We had about eight inches of snow from Sunday night through Tuesday morning.
  • Nothing compared to the East Coast, true (hope you’re all battened down for Round Two out there!).
  • But still… Enough for a Snow Emergency and maybe a switch to Winter Parking Restrictions until April 1.
  • When Winter Parking Restrictions go into effect, you can only park on the odd side of the street because the streets have gotten too narrow for vehicles to pass each other or for emergency vehicles to make it through.
  • The title of this post would be my plea to the City of Minneapolis. O_o
  • I don’t know what happened over the last week (well, beyond the snowfall), but southbound Lyndale Avenue by the Walker Art Center is barely passable now.
  • Five miles per hour is a reasonable speed there, unless you’re trying to break an axle.
  • No clue what’s up with spam blog comments this week. (You never see them because Akismet holds them, then I run Worst Offenders to delete the high volume stuff. I have Worst Offenders set to delete three or more comments from the same IP address, which is why I recommend only leaving one comment at a time until after your first comment has been approved!)
  • Anyway, I’ll have ten or 15 spam comments for hours and hours… and then I’ll have 500. 😮
  • Um, I might’ve won a couple more contests this week. Many thanks to LB and to Smart Bitches!
  • There’s a reason I’m limiting myself to the number of contests I enter these days! 🙂
  • If you get an error message when you try to comment, will you please send me an email about it? I’ve been trying a couple different things to help things run more smoothly around here, but it’s hard to tell if they work without feedback. Thanks!

“You can only dream of being this beautiful. It’s the burden of a Panther Princess.” -Mayhem

38 thoughts on “Potholes, potholes, everywhere potholes. Potholes, potholes, fill them up, please!”

  1. Round Two has begun. School and workplaces called for shutdown last night. I’ve already heard the plows at work and in a moment I will be going to work on the slushy yuck in the driveway. This is essential since the temperature is going to drop and we will get a lot more snow this afternoon and evening.

    PS – I feel your pothole pain. There’s a big one right near our driveway :: shudders :: just opened up a couple of weeks ago… :o(
    .-= trek´s last blog ..In which trek is on ice =-.

  2. Well, we got a few inches over night, but nothing like what they received on the East Coast of the US, or in Minneapolis. *sigh* BUT! They’re predicting more on the weekend and next Monday.

    Mayhem, we mere mortals do not stand a chance against you…
    .-= Brigitte´s last blog ..The Things I Do. =-.

  3. Yikes! That’s a bad stretch for having serious potholes.

    We received about the same amount of snow as you did — time for me to start digging out my Jeep.
    .-= Jodi´s last blog ..hooked =-.

  4. And make sure you spell your own email correctly, lol!!!

    Oh Chris, I watched the weather last night and thought of you and all the other Northern people. They were gathering groceries and things. I told hubby looks like us for a hurricane. You will be in my prayers.

    And May, you are something else. Yes, we bow to the mighty Panther Princess!

  5. “Round Two” for the East Coast is even threatening snow down here on the Gulf Coast. Brr… It’s real nice of you all but really you don’t have to share!

    Mayhem, my trio of princes sympathize with your burden.

  6. Oh yeah, I know that song about the potholes. They’re really bad on certain streets here, too, and the parking lot at the back of the mall is a nightmare.

    I love that pic of May! She looks so sweet. 🙂

  7. That stretch of road by the Art Institute SUCKS! I drive a Jeep and I was worried about falling into one of those potholes and just disappearing. I can’t imagine what people driving reasonably-sized cars feel like.

    You need a kidney belt to commute around here lately.
    .-= Buster´s last blog ..My Greatest Skill is Denial =-.

  8. last night we were driving down a street in the NE that was almost more pothole than street & I mentioned to Gameboy that the cd we were listening to was a testament to how far electronics have come. He looked at me puzzled (lets face it he barely remembers cassette tapes) and I told him about how the players used to skip. Another blank look – Ahh to be young.

  9. If I were SuperUtraMegaProgramming&Yodeling Dude, or SUMPY-D for short, I’d write a program that would locate spammers and cause their toilets to back up violently and repeatedly. Let them know how it feels to get all that excreta.

  10. May, you’d definitely when Ms. Minnesota Kitty should there be a Ms. Minnesota Kitty contest.

    Actually Nick and I were just saying how they should have a rescue dog show like the Westminster Kennel Club. Maybe they should have a non pure-bred kitty show too.
    .-= Rebekah´s last blog ..Look! I’m Knilting =-.

  11. I wish you had time lapse photos of the Eternal Sock of Eternity!

    Panther Princess…so elite!

    So Philadelphia is almost at the 65.5 inches of snow for the year – a record-breaking amount. It’s really coming down now. I watched the cute guy across the street shovel his car off. Nice!
    .-= wren´s last blog .. =-.

  12. Congrats on your wins! I saw your name over at LBs site and am totally jealous that you’re getting that great book.

    And potholes are a big problem here too. It’s like playing a video game trying to dodge them all.

  13. Please keep that stuff in Minnesota, Chris! Our potholes haven’t shown up yet (they will), but the problem right now is heaving roadbeds. My ancient Ford Escort doesn’t like driving over washboards. But at least I don’t have to worry about getting lost; I can always follow my trail of rust chips home.
    .-= K. Z. Snow´s last blog ..Damning with Diluted Praise =-.

  14. All of our snow got washed away with the rain, except for a few snowmen/women. Oh potholes, I hate them! They’re predicting more snow for over the weekend but since they’re predicting it, we probably won’t get any. 🙂

    It’s not easy being a beautiful panther princess, is it May?
    .-= Sydney´s last blog ..Surprise! It’s Snow! =-.

  15. Guy from the county highway department told us in a committee meeting today about a pothole near Amery that had taken out a tire and rim… on two different cars. After the first one the hwy dept fixed the pothole but the patch popped out. Enter car #2. And patch #2. But I suspect our roads are nothing like what you are referring to.

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