Misadventures in Stock Photography (Part the Thirteenth)

It’s Read an Ebook Week!

Congrats to Northmoon, Beth P, Seanna Lea, Kelly, and Sheryl VV, who all won copies of Crazy Aunt Purl’s new book!

And congrats to Jase and RachelT, who each won an ebook short story bundle from Addison Albright!

I had a lucky weekend myself – thanks to Josh Lanyon and Jessewave for the copy of The Dark Farewell that I won. And thanks to Janey Chapel and Jenre for the copy of Maritime Men that I won!

While I don’t have a clever name for this guy (Weird Facial Hair Guy is all I’ve come up with Thanks to Jeanne’s suggestion, he’s now Caterpillar On Chin Guy – check out some stock photos of him and see if you agree), I do have a sordid tale to share with you today. It’s the story of a woman

with finding

to call ”

“. (Can I get a show of hands from those who are convinced they could make a better cover than the one for My Captive Lover above, even without a working knowledge of PhotoShop? Yeah, me, too.)

Whoops! Looks like that lady’s pretty fickle, huh? Poor Caterpillar On Chin Guy…

(Good thing the designer used capital letters for the title on that cover is all I’m saying…)

In his despair over being so quickly captured and ditched, COCG decided to try

. Silly COCG – I fear that can only end in bloodshed and scarring. Both Jeanne and CJ can tell you that merely entering the Chaos Kitty’s territory (aka my condo) leads to poofing, hissing, growling, and all around general menacing. Mastering? Eeep.*

I have one more cover, the title of which has me simultaneously rolling my eyes and shaking my head.

Time for another show of hands! Anyone out there think the title is actually referring to wintery precipitation? Me, either.

“…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…..” -Chaos

*He looks singularly unworried about being mastered, doesn’t he?

52 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography (Part the Thirteenth)”

  1. I like the name “Soul Man” for his soul patch.

    9 inches of snow? Oh my. At least we know she won’t be disappointed.

  2. Are those AOL inches? 😀

    I saw a book title the other day that was ALMOST that bad. “Hung Like a Dead Man”

    haha! 😀


  3. Holy! There must be a factory somewhere full of dis-enchanted English Majors who crank out romance books by the gross. Perhaps it’s located next door to the studio where the four book cover models are housed. It’s so funny to see the same people featured over and over again. Is it wrong to admit I’m curious about the title of the last one? Kitty scritches to your kids.
    .-= heide´s last blog ..Cookied Out & A Finished Knit! =-.

  4. Chris- Having a son that has done some interesting facial hair looks- I think they call that a “soul patch” but that’s not the usual version.

    Who can keep up with these things?
    .-= Lorraine´s last blog ..Who says…….? =-.

  5. Maybe Mr. 9 Inches has ED issues and he’s had to create one of the infamous Minnesota snow penises. Although if you are going to make one out of snow, why stop at only 9 inches? Go all out. I swear, that cover could keep us going in jokes forever. Shrinkage, etc. The topics are endless. Or I’m just really perverted. Or both. 😀

  6. Oh yeah and now Jase’s title has me with an image in my head I really don’t want. Arrgghh. Perverted, yep.

  7. 9 Inches of Snow – I just….the possibilities are endless….

    Mastering Chaos – that’s just awesome (for Chaos, that is).

    Hate the soul patch.

    Mighty Flynn – something there’s just not right.

  8. KZ: I actually really like your cover! And yeah, it’s much better than the usual Changeling cover.

    *tries to forget the other Changeling covers that come to mind*

  9. Ohgosh…. Yea.. WFHG is a disaster poor thing… Trying to master Chaos – silly man – tricks are for kids!

    Hope you had a great weekend hon!!!

  10. Well, if he wants to master Chaos, I suggest he puts on some heavy clothes, perhaps the kind welders wear to protect them from sparks.

    Chaos keeps emailing me that he is a badass, but he sure doesn’t look like one today.
    .-= Brenda´s last blog ..Week in Photos =-.

  11. Ugh, not a fan of the facial hair of this guy, you’re right it is weird. And his hairdo is too!
    What’s up with the Mighty Flyn cover, that looks kinda unnatural, I first thought the woman was pregnant…
    It’s amazing how good you are in finding all these covers! And how often the same cover models are used, over and over again.
    The kitty pic is adorable 🙂
    .-= ErotRomReader Janna´s last blog ..Monday’s Hot Couple, but no Sexy Smutty Scene =-.

  12. He looks cuddly and snuggly and cute – and that is his trick to lull you into a false sense of security so that he can get you to do his bidding without question – or it may be that is just what he wants you to think (that he has a plan) when he is actually just cuddly and snuggly and cute…

  13. I’m still giggling over caterpillar on chin guy. It’s such an appropriate name.

    Sometimes I wonder if the people designing these covers just grab a bunch of random images and stick them together. But then maybe it wouldn’t seem that way if I read the books.

    Chaos obviously knows it’s silly to even think about mastering a cat.
    .-= Sydney´s last blog ..A Blogiversary, And Suddenly It’s Spring =-.

  14. I like facial hair but this one’s a bit weird.

    I can’t get over that title. Nine inches of Snow? LOL

    Chaos is such a cutie!!

  15. *poke* *poke* Katie says hi to Chaos.

    Cocg doesn’t inspire a lot of imagination with the cover ‘artists’ does he? No tattoos or anything. He just gets flipped to look left and right.

  16. he also has this very strange line down the middle of his body – like a seam or something –
    too much slouching? or did the camera man fold the photo in half?

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