Info on my circular knitting needle case

When I posted about my beloved circular knitting needle case earlier in the month, a few people were interested in more information.

At the time, I wasn’t sure where to get the cases, since Happy Bags, Etc, doesn’t have a web page. Jeanne originally found these bags at Knit on Pearl in Jackson, Wyoming, and I called and ordered mine from them, too. However, I got the last one they had and they didn’t have information on how to get more.

In October 2004 I stopped at Village Wools in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and discovered that they carried these knitting needle cases. Recently, the inimitable ScoutJ started to work at Village Wools and was able to confirm that they do still carry these! Apparently the bags are made by a local woman.

Anyway, if you are interested in purchasing one of the bags, you can call Village Wools at 505-883-2919. (I actually just called and ordered a second one in royal blue…) The cases are $35.00 plus shipping and come in a few different colors – I think it was red, purple, teal, and royal blue.

Plus, I got to talk to Scout (aka Jamie if you’re calling the store)!!! How cool was that?

18 thoughts on “Info on my circular knitting needle case”

  1. Hi Chris, Can you take a picture of the case with the needles in it. I can’t tell how they fit in.
    Also thanks for putting the first pin in my frapper map.

  2. I can’t believe that someone still makes these cases! I’ve had one since the 1980’s, made by a company called Mulberry Bush. It’s hands-down my favorite knitting accessory, but it’s stuffed to overflowing. Bless you! I’m going to call right away. Thanks Chris!

    P.S. I’ve really enjoyed reading Chaos’ family history!

  3. I’ve never seen one of those before…but now I want one! I’ve been using a binder with pencil cases in it, but I think I like yours better. I’m going to have to keep an eye out for them.

  4. I’m sure that would be much more portable than my antique secretary stuffed with old check boxes ;o) But that might make me knit at (read instead of) work more… and I already do a lot of that!

    Thanks for the map pin on frappr!

  5. Thanks for pointing me to this, Chris! I love the layout, and I don’t think it would be that tricky to make. I might have to try my hand at making one… unless my sewing skills let me down again and then i’ll just have to buy it 😉

  6. I just found two of these (brand new) at a thrift store in lawrence ks, one cir circs and one for dpn’s
    any info? etc fotos? Mine are purple also!

  7. Wow this is so cool. Being a little short of cash and big on materials laying around the house I think I’ll try to make a version of this. I look forward to finding out if I have the correct needles or need to buy more at a glance. Wish me luck

  8. Oh my goodness! I have one that I am getting ready to list for sale and you are the only other person I have found who even mentions these cases. Thank you for sharing this so many, many years later I could happen upon it.

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