Meet Tie Guy (on the right below). His impeccable professional image has been invaluable for him in his
and has contributed to his reputation as a
. Deal closers look a little lonely, don’t they? But wait, he found another headless torso to keep him company! Probably headless torsos can’t get into too much trouble, right?
Apparently I spoke too soon… Um, Tie Guy? What happened to your nice torso friend and why do you have this partial lady tied up?!
And why are you taking off your suit at the garage? Was your credit card declined or something?! (But hey, more complete bodies with every picture! Woot!)
(Okay… I don’t know about you, but this wasn’t the face I was expecting on Tie Guy’s torso.) Look out, Tie Guy – that lady does not look happy. At all. And hey, another guy in a tie! You’ll see him in a future Misadventures post.
Now here’s where things get a bit dicey. I think the guy on the left below is Tie Guy, sans tie (and apparently unwilling to go back to TorsoLand, preferring to, um, hang out with the guys and the partial blond lady).
If you agree that’s Tie Guy, then this is probably Tie Guy, too… right? Pay very close attention to his jawline. There will be a test.
Were you paying attention? Time for that test. Do you think the torso and jaw on the left below belong to a slightly faded Tie Guy? Now scroll back up to that Four Play cover and look at his jaw in that picture. I’ll wait… Got an eyeful? Good. So, guy on the right? I think it’s Tie Guy, too.
And if you agree that the guy on the right above is Tie Guy, then the guy on the right below is also Tie Guy.
Now, scroll back to the Table for Three. Picture it as a mirror image, then add an exuberant redhead, blond hair, and, um, faery wings. Yes?
Oh, Tie Guy, the shame!
So, do you agree or disagree that these are all the same guy? Discuss and feel free to speculate wildly.
“Mom, nothing really matters except that I am starving to death here. I’m pretty sure you forgot to feed me this week. Maybe last week, too. I am willing you to feed me right now.” -Chaos
*With apologies to the Therapy Sisters for shamelessly stealing one of their song titles for part of this post’s title.
He has a face – and a strong chin. Even with the half a head shot, I can see it’s still him..
I like his body….
Good choice this week….
Please feed Chaos before he expires and why are you starving one of the babies or is he up to no good as usual…
To Chaos – Death never looked so good -…
.-= E.H´s last blog ..The Sunday Salon – Time Management, Author Power and Reading =-.
“My Boyfriend’s Boyfriend”?! *shakes head*
Chaos, I’ll feed you if you play nice.
.-= Brigitte´s last blog ..This Is What Happens =-.
Chaos, I have two puppies who claim the same abuse. Are you animals united?
.-= margene´s last blog ..Tasty Tuesday II =-.
Definitely the same guy or his twin brother. Cause that’s just pervy enough to make it all the more delicious. Ahem, not that I’m into that or anything, noooooooooo.
Yep. It’s definitely him.
.-= Jenre´s last blog ..Stating the Bleeding Obvious =-.
I’m going to be totally honest here, Chris. I didn’t really read this post. Too many abis.
Chris- I am a suburban housewife-who leads a very sheltered life. I can’t be looking at this stuff- it’s a whole other universe out there.
.-= Lorraine´s last blog ..2010- The Winter That Wasn’t =-.
Oh my, tie guy does not do blond well! Oh Chaos darlink, my kitties beg the same but you can tell I give into them a lot more… SEE? (She’s bigger than the snow plow behind her!)
.-= Miranda´s last blog ..Bloody Scrawl =-.
no man undoes his shirt first and leaves his tie on like that. even if i had abs like that, i’d never do that. that said, i would also never wear a shirt.
.-= furiousball´s last blog to prevent anyone from peeing in my pool =-.
I think, of all the covers, Tie Guy has less to be ashamed of than some of the authors, graphic artists, and publishers who put those covers & titles together.
Hmmm… I think the guy on the right in Table for 3 has suffered a serious jaw condition — photoshopitis.
.-= Jodi´s last blog ..Olympic progress =-.
Aw, Chaos. I bet if you sit like that, all nice and quiet and pleading eyes, for long enough, your mom will reward you somehow.
.-= Naomi´s last blog ..spoiled cat is spoiled =-.
I think Tie Guy has quite distinct abs, I was staring at those instead of the jawline and came to the conclusion that tieless guy is the same as tie guy. Definitely!
And now go feed your kittens, woman!
.-= ErotRomReader Janna´s last blog ..Mondays Hot Couple & Sexy, Smutty Scene =-.
Yes! He’s tie guy with the tie photoshopped out!! Tha is my vote!!
.-= Carolyn Crane´s last blog ..Weekend Entertainment Roundup =-.
Looks like the same guy and I agree with pervy Tam, could be twins. ;D
Aww, I’m sure Mom’s going to feed you real soon Chaos.
Chaos… Are you part of the Union honey… I could get you a representative! I mean… that Mommie.. she is bad! Tisk Tisk…
Okay… The jawline is very strong… And after some careful and long evaluation, that has to be the same guy… I mean… I have looked and looked and looked…
Hope you are having a great day honey!
In my world, guys take off their ties and jackets *before* taking off their shirts.
Just sayin’
.-= trek´s last blog ..Another foot or so… =-.
Yes, the same, I agree.
Wait, maybe I should examine those photos again a little more closely…
.-= Cheryl S.´s last blog ..FO: Classic Silk Open Cardi =-.
yup yup. tie guy x 2 in table for three. Did he bring his ego as well?
how can you neglect chaos like that!?! The poor guy looks impoverished!
So tie-guy is messing around with himself? Oh tie-guy, that is one naughty book
.-= blodeuedd´s last blog ..ARC Review: The Highlander’s Sword – Amanda Forester =-.
LOL! These posts always brighten my day.
.-= Kristi aka FiberFool´s last blog ..Big Weekend… =-.
Seriously, Tie Guy? Playing with yourself on a book cover? I expected better of you. Okay, not really. I suspect aberrant behavior from guys that leave their ties on.
I couldn’t tell you if it is the same person, because my computer won’t show the Table for Three and the last photo. I will have to check it out later!
At least none of the Tie Guy shots had him wearing the tie as either a headband or a belt. That would have been even more horrible!
.-= Seanna Lea´s last blog ..losing consciousness =-.
Ah, Tie Guy. I think I preferred him as just a torso… Just sayin’. Then again, I think I prefer most of your Misadventures finds as just torsos…
Poor Chaos. But be careful — if you don’t feed him, he may decide to find food on his own, and you know how *that* turns out.
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..Hiya, March! =-.
Why are the faces never as good as the bodies? And doesn’t it look like he has a receding hairline?
Chaos, you are looking very hale and fit for a kitty that hasn’t been fed in weeks. I think you may be exaggerating.
.-= Brenda´s last blog ..Socks 2010: February: Check! =-.
Nope. That’s not the face I would have put with that torso. At all.
Chaos, put a cat scratch on the calendar marking days feed…then you’ll know for sure how long it’s been since your last meal. But I’m guessing by that shiny coat it isn’t as long ago as you think.
.-= Donna-FantasyDreamer´s last blog ..Review: Shade Fright by Sean Cummings =-.
I think you need to get out more

.-= elspeth´s last blog ..Broken =-.
That’s just hilarious! I’ve seen Tie Guy on maybe two different covers in the past, but I had no idea that he got around to this degree! Don’t writers even care that these images have been run into the ground? (Actually, it’s probably completely out of their hands and in the control of the art department.)
And what a pretty kitty! So serious-looking!
.-= Val Kovalin´s last blog ..Author bio clichés =-.
“But wait, he found another headless torso to keep him company! Probably headless torsos can’t get into too much trouble, right?”
Headless torsos are *all about* getting into trouble.
Sorry – distracted by the cuteness of Chaos!!!
.-= mrspao´s last blog ..mrspao’s Comforting Chicken Casserole =-.
Chaos, my kitties are picketing here for starvation and mistreatment as well. But they’ll gladly mail you cans of the venison they hate in trade for something else!!!
.-= Debby´s last blog ..Happy Birthday — Snowstorm Edition =-.
I’m confusseled, says Tori… Must be the medication I’m on cuz Mom says I’m not feeling well.

Mom also says, she liked tie guy better when he was a headless torso and man that tie got quite a work out.
Chaos, you look so sad… Don’t worry, Mom will feed you soon. BTW your Mom has a great eye for the Stock Photography!
Wow, does that guy have a lo-o-ong torso.
Yep. Same guy.
I can’t load the covers from Book Strand – makes comparison difficult! But you’re right that the face is wrong….
.-= janna´s last blog ..From the Mail Lady =-.
Chaos just can’t feast on those yummy covers? No?
Yep, probably the same guy. In fact if you look at the rib cages in “Table for Three,” the structure of the muscles and bones is exactly the same. Funny though, at first I thought they had done something strange to no-tie-tie-guy’s face and then I realized that was his face.
The woman in “Her Boyfriend’s Boyfriend” is probably upset because that wasn’t the face she was expecting either.
Chaos, I can tell you’re down to skin and bones.
.-= Sydney´s last blog ..Watching Olympics, No Time for Blogs =-.
Yikes, that jaw! What’s he trying to masticate between those molars?
(No, Chaos, it isn’t your chow. Then again…)
.-= K. Z. Snow´s last blog ..Questions =-.
Those guys just look too toned…it’s wrong.
And such a cute puddy tat!
.-= orannia´s last blog ..Books 2010: February Update =-.
apparently, i’d like to advocate for objectifying men’s body parts, b/c i preferred tie guy from neck down.
ps. does either kitty snore when they curl up with their chin up to the ceiling? cosmo/chaos curled up behind me in bed the other day and started snoring (aka breathing through his mouth and making pphhhhhhheeeeeewwwwww noises) so. cute.