The forecast lied

Guinifer has blogged about our lunch on Friday, too.

Karina has some great tips (and recipes) for getting through the holidays when you’re gluten-free and dairy-free.

If you like alternative music, check out this cool holiday album that you can download for only $7. All proceeds go to Toys for Tots. You can listen to a sample track by the Long Winters at Cable & Tweed.

Reading Update
Don’t Talk Back To Your Vampire by Michele Bardsley. Again with the cheesy titles. 🙂 This wasn’t a bad read, as fluffy paranormal romances go. I take issue with the cover, which features a black SUV and a soccer ball. The main character drove a brightly colored VW bug and there was no soccer whatsoever!
Bookmarked To Die and Catalogue of Death by Jo Dereske. I do enjoy these cozy mysteries about prim librarian Miss Zukas, her cat “Boy Cat Zukas,” and her bohemian friend Ruth.

Life Update
Yesterday, my last day of leave, was supposed to be 66F and mostly sunny. Alas, I don’t think it got past 55F, and I only saw the sun briefly. Oh well, the day before was quite sunny and I took a few pictures while I was out walking.

You’ll probably need to embiggen this picture to read the sign.

This big empty space used to contain the Guthrie Theater.

Here’s the Walker Art Center from the back.

The artificial stream and ponds in Thomas Lowry Park have been drained for the winter.

A very cool moon and sun graced this porch.

I swear, these people have an inflatable decoration for every holiday.

“Who’s the cutest of them all?” -Mayhem

37 thoughts on “The forecast lied”

  1. Baby May’s wee paws look ginormous! Aw, they’re going to miss their Mom while you’re at work today… 🙁

    Those pictures are wonderful!

    Take it easy on your first day back!

  2. I love the GE sign, where did you see it?

    It’s dawning on me how long I’ve been gone from the Twin Cities — it’s unimaginable that the Guthrie is gone, it seemed so permanent. I’m glad to see it has a new home and is still a mainstay in the Mpls./St. Paul arts scene.

  3. Where the hell did the whole inflatable thingamajig thing come from? I have plenty of neighbors that put those out in their yard. I bite my tongue when asked what I think of their new ground hog day snow globe.

  4. I know, on the news last night they claimed it got up to 60 yesterday, but it really didn’t feel that warm with that wind. The real cold is coming now, though. I guess with Thanksgiving coming, it’s about time.

    You took a long walk!! Good luck with work today – it’s hard to get back into the grind again.

  5. I also noticed we were cheated out of several degrees yesterday. I do remember driving in lots of terrible winter weather on Thanksgiving travels, and it looks as if that won’t happen this year. . .

    Love the pinwheel sweater–adorable!

  6. obviously, the vampire decided to put the SUV and soccer ball on the cover. why else the cheesy title?

    sanitary fridges, huh? they don’t make ’em like that any more, do they?

    inflatables generally make me wish I had darts or something similarly pointy with me…

  7. Hee hee – gotta love the inflatable holiday decorations. They’re always worth a laugh, at least, and it does seem that people can’t stop with just one. Are they trying to compete with the shopping malls, or something? I don’t get it. BUT, it’s really quite amusing to see when people have them hooked up to a timer along with the rest of their Christmas lights, and then during the day you can see Santa and Frosty all flopped over on the grass, looking quite dead. 🙂

  8. We can all rest safer knowing that the building is equipped w/ GE refrigerators. LOLz

    I hate those inflatable things, so does my Mom, we are tempted to buy a big fat Santa and put in on her lawn in the middle of the night.

  9. Yeah — I was at the Coast yesterday, thinking it would be cold — 77 freaking degrees. I almost died.

    She is soooooooooooo beyond cute! How CAN you keep from scooping her up and taking big bites? (We call it glomping, here — as in, I need to glomp the kitty).

    Love the sign. Love your skyline, for that matter. Where’d the snow go?

  10. Thanks for the link to the gluten-free recipes; more and more I think Ollie’s difficulties lie with gluten. We saw a naturopath this morning who shares those thoughts…we’re trying a probiotic with him right now and we’re also keeping celiac in mind. But since you told me about it, it never really left my mind…

  11. I guess I missed the memo about the Guthrie being torn down. I did get the one about big inflatable things being better reserved for used car lots, though.

    May, I just want to snorgle you!

  12. yes, but who’s the handsomest? (I hate those inflatable holiday things!) Be sure to take a break for yourself on your first day back… stretch, breathe, walk away for a few minutes…

  13. Nice photos! We have several neighbors that love those inflatable decorations. Our cold weather is coming later tonight after an evening of storms. I hope your first day back to work went well.

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