Misadventures in Stock Photography: Burning Questions

Several of you have wondered if Slouching Guy and Open Black Jacket Guy (OBJG) are the same person.

Hmm. Good question. I can’t quite tell.

What do you think?

I think they both have the same… belt.

And is this the same guy, or just someone else wearing that same jacket (now with bonus cop’s shield)?!


“These are my pink sparklies. Mine. MINE!!! You stay away, you big kitty, you.” -Mayhem

I think it’s safe to say she likes them, Nicole – thank you!

32 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Burning Questions”

  1. Mel: I am a good girl 😛 and I was just pointing out his apparent lift in mood after switching from that slutty chick in underwear to menz.

  2. It looks like the same guy, although I don’t know why they gave him long hair in the top pic…

    @ Carolyn – The jacket looks like something from Janet Jackson’s “Rhythm Nation”, kind of military and fitted (insert obligatory “nipple exposure” joke here).

  3. Same pout, I think it’s the same guy. That hair in the first book still makes me throw up in my mouth a little.

  4. Every now and then I think it’s a different guy but then I look at the slouch. Not everyone can slouch like that. I wish he hadn’t brought that horse with him though. Hmm… twins.

    Hey what girl cat could resist pink sparkles.
    .-= Sydney´s last blog ..Snow Days =-.

  5. I finally had to forward a link to your cover series to my friend at Harlequin. We used to have the funniest discussions (especially of the painted covers as opposed to the digital ones)–the heroine with three hands, or the approved cover with a beach on it for a book that had no beach scene, or the red-headed long-haired cover for the book about a brunette with short hair…

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